Chapter 661 Thor 3 plot, open! (2 requests for subscription)

When Li Bufan, Tony, Little Spider, Johnny and a group of four were relaxing at Sandal Star, Asgard also experienced an unprecedented great change.In fact, this great change has already begun a few months ago.

Six months ago, the Cree invaded the earth under their leader and accuser Ronan.

After participating in this earth-shattering battle, Sol was a little frustrated.

Oh shit.

Thor, the **** of thunder, is the heir to the throne of Odin, the king of the Nordic gods.

What makes him even more frustrated is that in the short two years of his absence, the earth has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Li Bufan.

It's that guy. His progress is simply exaggerated. It is completely inhuman. The accuser Ronan slammed Sol, and the guy slammed the accuser Ronan. Then the problem is, he comes from Aspen. How far is the difference between the **** of Gard and that guy, Saul is ashamed and embarrassed! He is also a **** at any rate, not an ordinary god, but the son of Odin. He didn't expect that even a human on earth could not catch up, and The gap between the two is getting wider and wider, which makes him completely unacceptable.

I can't stay on the earth at all.

In the past, the earth needed him, a **** from Asgard, but now, hehe, of course they also need it.The accuser Luo Nan smashed toward the earth, so he needed his help very much.

But the problem is, he can't help!! This was a **** embarrassment, so after the battle was over, Sol greeted the Avengers and returned to Asgard as quickly as possible. palace.

Do Thor, the **** of thunder, know his shame and be brave, he practiced.

This guy Sol has always been a lively person. It is extremely difficult to get him to practice in retreat. The reason why he can achieve his current achievements is entirely because he is bleeding from the blood of the king of the gods of Odin. In short, it is Pay your laurels.

The potential in his body, even one-tenth of 10% has not been used, such as Thor's Hammer.

For a long time, he thought that his divine power came from Mulnier, but in fact, Mulniil was just a prop for him to concentrate.His real divine power came from himself.

0 But he himself didn't realize this at all! Thor, the **** of thunder, returned to Asgard's fairy palace, and Odin, the father of the gods, was still there. What happened on the trip to the earth.

Of course Saul was embarrassed to say, and only said a few perfunctory words.

Odin, the father of the gods, is a great man who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. How can he not know the trick here, smiled slightly, and no longer asked Sol. As for Sol’s change, he was also happy to see it.

Originally, according to Odin's expectation, if Thor wanted to grow, he had to pass the level of the **** of death Hela, his sister.

Unexpectedly, now that Hela has not come out, Thor will have such a change, which can be said to be a surprise.

Of course, that's all.

Thor's true transformation must come from his sister, Hela, the **** of death. Now this bit of suffering is far from a setback, that is, at this moment, one day Odin suddenly foreseeed something, his own limit is approaching. .

Time to go!! At the same time, he also had a foreboding that the dusk of the gods was about to come.

Chapter 662: The Twilight of the Gods! (1 request for subscription)

Foreseeing that the dusk of the gods is about to come, Odin was furious, trying to find the source of all this, and he really found it.There are two main sources, one is the **** of death, Hela, and the other is the ancient demon god. Surtel.

Surtel, he suppressed the fire giant hundreds of thousands of years ago, but he did not kill it, and this time, Surtel will make a comeback.

If you find the source, you should find a solution.

"Nine Three Zero"

But unfortunately, this time, Odin failed to do so, because he had a foreboding that it was not him who was about to save Asgard, but his two sons, Thor and Loki. The dusk of the gods was bound to come. , No one can stop it.

After understanding all this, his time limit is approaching, and the soul of Odin, the father of the gods, finally rests in peace.


During Sol's retreat, he secretly ordered someone to release Loki, the **** of tricks, and Loki quietly returned to Asgard and brought Odin to Earth. This was Odin's own arrangement. have to go home.

Back to the origin of Norse mythology, there is his final destination.

After Odin disappeared, Asgard went as usual, because Loki used magic to become Odin, exercising the rights of the father of the gods, began his rule, and ordered the construction of a huge Loki in the fairy palace square. Bronze statue.

Manually funny.

Sol, he didn't know all of this, and he was still in retreat, but in the retreat, he began to have nightmares night and night. In his dream, Asgard had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and it was the fire giant who trampled on it. Surtel.

The dusk of the gods is here! Odin has a foreboding.

Saul also had a foreboding that not only was the time limit coming, Asgard's time limit was also coming.

What happened next is easy to understand, Sol left the customs, passed the Rainbow Bridge, and came directly to Sur

In Ter's territory, after a turbulent battle, Sir Ter was dealt with, and the crown returned to Asgard.

In the fairy palace, under Loki's arrangement, as soon as Thor came out, the court drama of the murder was being staged.

The corners of Sol's mouth twitched wildly! Others did not see through Loki's magic, but Sol, who grew up with Loki, saw through Loki's tricks at a glance, went forward to break through, and then forced Loki to join him and pass Rainbow Bridge, arrived on Earth.

When they came to Earth, with the help of Doctor Strange, the two found Odin, who was in self-exile, and wanted to bring this old father back to Asgard.

But it's not bad, their old father didn't mean to go back.

It turned into golden light in the sky and dissipated on the earth.

Also in the conversation with the old father, the brothers learned that they also have a sister named Hela, the suppressed **** of death, but with Odin's death, no one can hold the **** of death. Hella.

Just after Odin's demise, Hela appeared, and easily crushed Thor's Thor's Hammer Mir'nir.

The big escape of the brothers has begun! Rainbow Bridge.

It was still the Rainbow Bridge, but it was a pity that even after entering the Rainbow Bridge, the brothers still failed to escape, because Hela also chased them, and launched a life-threatening pursuit of the two in the time and space shuttle, and the two were 0 in the first place.

8 After one went into exile to a barren land,

The boss there, called Gao Tianzun, came from the ancient Celestial Clan, and was of the same bloodline as the collector Tifeng.

Loki first arrived for two weeks. With his exquisite personality, he quickly became a friend of Gao Tianzun. The Valkyrie caught him and became a gladiator.

Remind you: three things to read

Chapter 663: Twilight of the Gods 2! (2 requests for subscription)

In the arena, slaves from all over the universe staged a fierce battle after another.

The boss of this place is Gao Tianzun.

The arena is also a gadget he made to entertain the public. He himself likes it very much. For Sol, the prince from Asgard, he likes it even more. He calls him a "thunder man."

In the original plot, the Hulk also lived here, and became Gao Tianzun's favorite Gladiator King, but because of Li Bufan's intervention, this kind of thing did not happen.

But it doesn't matter, there is no Hulk, there are also the Black Giant 01.