Here, Thor met a black giant similar to Hulk, hanged it, and then was stunned, and was detained in a place with the black giant. persuade.

In fact, going to visit has already shown the attitude of the Valkyrie.Although she is frightened, she is really unwilling.

Her horror came from the shocking battle between the Valkyries and the **** of death Hela.

In that battle, the Valkyrie received the order of the father of the gods, Odin, to go and fix Hela, but it is a pity that they are not the opponents of the death **** Hela at all, and the whole situation is completely one-sided.

Only her lone seedling survived and fell to Gao Tianzun, becoming a scavenger.

Luo basically didn't want to go, but he was knocked out by the Valkyrie, brought to Sol, and then had to help Sol escape, no matter whether he was forced or not, he had already betrayed Gao Tianzun, and it was impossible to go back.

This guy simply broke the can and did it!! Three people 3 stole Gao Tianzun's most beloved and cutting-edge high-tech battleship, went directly into the black hole space, escaped in Gao Tianzun's heavy pursuit, and came directly Asgard Space.

Sol stared at this beautiful star and sighed slightly.As soon as the dusk of the gods descended, their homes would no longer exist.

Loki lay down and rushed

Thor said: "Brother, it's not about being aspirational to destroy one's prestige. I'm just telling the truth. The previous battles have explained too much. We are united by our opponents of our sister from hell."

"At that time, she hadn't returned to Asgard."

"Think about it, we weren't her opponents at that time, and now she has returned to Asgard, and every second she stays in Asgard, she is so strong that she is so strong now. To what extent"

Rocky held his forehead with his hands, desperately said, "I can't imagine that we are going back to death, are you sure you want to do this?"

Sol affirmed: "Yes."

"Damn it, don't answer so surely, you don't think about it anymore."

Rocky said, ``I know you are the king of Asgard.

Now our dear sister hasn't noticed it, and it's still too late to leave."

Sol solemnly said: "I will not leave, this is my home, I will guard 930 to protect it."

Loki was speechless.

He shook his head and said, "Brother, can you be more sober? It doesn't matter if you want to be a hero. You can be a hero, but the opponent's strength is obviously higher than you, and you don't know how much higher you are. This is all to die."

"Of course, the most important thing is"

As he spoke, Loki's face changed slightly, and he said solemnly: "That...great prophecy is about to come true. The dusk of the gods is about to come. You can't stop it. Even our father can't stop it. It's a destiny. ."

Sol stared suddenly, gritted his teeth and said: "I want to try!! I don't believe it, we can't really do anything about it!!"

Chapter 664: Death sooner or later, all have to die! (For subscription)

Loki shook his head and murmured: ``How do you try, let alone you, even our father can't stop it.

The twilight of the gods, now I am afraid that Thanos will be added... **** bastard, he has taken away the space gem."

Huh!! Sol Tongren suddenly shot out two cold rays, gritted his teeth and said: "When this matter is resolved, I will go to Thanos for revenge!!"

"Here again, please, you are a little self-aware anyway, okay?"

Loki couldn't help shaking his head, and smiled bitterly, "Even our father is no longer his opponent. What ability do you have to find him to avenge our father Odin, that is the father of the gods, you can't be sober"

That's right, Thanos had already visited Asgard half a month ago.

In the original plot, when Thanos got the space gem, Thor and Loki teamed up with the Hulk, and the Valkyrie took the initiative to lead the arrival of the gods at dusk. The entire planet of Asgard was destroyed, the **** of death Hela They died with the fire giant Surtel, and they took the remaining people of Asgard to the earth on an interstellar battleship.

Halfway through, they ran into Thanos' Temple II 2.

The final result: The Hulk was beaten back to Earth, Loki was killed by Thanos, Thor's floating outer space was rescued by the Galaxy Guards of the Star Adventure, and half of the people of Asgard in the Star Warship were killed by Thanos.

The space gem was taken away by Thanos at that time.

But now, because of Li Bufan's intervention, everything has changed tremendously, and Nebula has taken the lead in the bloodbath of Shandal star ahead of the front guard beast army.Without Li Bufan, Shandal star will definitely not be able to escape the bloodbath.

Nebula will definitely get the power gems kept by the New Star Legion.

Thanos took the first step and arrived directly in Asgard. Odin, the father of the gods, was no longer there. Hela contended with him. The last two reached an agreement. Hela gave the space gem to Thanos, but Thanos was not allowed. Killing in Asgard.

Thanos readily agreed.

Killing half of the people wherever he goes, this has always been his goal.It is too slow. Collecting six infinite gems and snapping a finger can make half of the universe disappear.This is high efficiency.

Even if he is not going to kill in Asgard now, when he has collected six infinite gems, and snaps his fingers, the half of Asgard should die or die.

To spare them their lives now is just to allow them more time.

Die early and die late, all have to die, it doesn’t make much difference

Loki obviously didn't want to entangle this question, and shouted: "No, brother, I'll just ask you a question. Do you think you can beat Hella before? Luo basically thought that Sol would be a bully. I can, and then he had another meal: squirting wildly, but he didn't expect Saul to smile, and said: "How could it be possible that I was not Hela's opponent a month ago? Asgard is the source of her supernatural power, just go back to Ah Sgard, her strength will double."

"I was not her opponent at that time, and it is even more impossible now."

Hmm, Loki's eyes lit up and looked at Thor strangely: "Brother, do you know what you are talking about?"

Sol turned his head, looked at Loki, and joked: "My stupid brother, of course I know what I'm saying about promise, but you don't understand."

Rocky: ""

Nima, what the hell!! It's not right!! Loki, what a smart guy, seeing Sol was like this, he quickly reacted, swished and stood up, and said: "I understand! You have asked for a helper, yes No, you must have hired a helper, otherwise how could you be so confident"


"You **** guy, looking at you with thick eyebrows and big eyes, I didn't expect you to learn to be cunning too, and you actually kept it from me!"

Remind you: three things to read

Chapter 665: What has changed, what hasn't changed! (For subscription)

Chapter 666 Alright, no joke, for real! (1 request for subscription)

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Loki's mind, and he murmured in his heart: ``Father, I finally understand now and understand your good intentions.

Saul and I are indeed more suitable to be the king of Asgard than me."

Seeing Loki wandering into the sky, Saul shouted: "What are you thinking about? It's not that I am moved. I want to kneel down and admit that I am the most suitable king of Asgard."


This reckless man, he didn't guess Loki's true thoughts, so he casually made a joke, but the blind cat encountered a dead mouse, and he really made his guess right.

"Humph! Dream about you!"