Chapter 1946 Payne's POV

Name:I'm the King Of Technology Author:
Chapter 1946 Payne's POV

Progress was everywhere one looked in the city.

Payne had to hand it to Baymard for knowing how to conduct business. Baymard had a Spice subscription package for business people like themselves where for 15 Bays a month, they got a briefcase style load of spice samples sent to them no matter where they were. So every month, they had the advantage of getting newly developed spices from Baymard. It's because of this that they knew what spices they liked and those they didn't. I'd also because of this that they succeeded in developing their unique sauces too. So after knowing what spices they liked and didn't like, they could then order wholesale rates, completely sure of their purchases. Payne had to admit that in just 1 year, the economy has improved so much that it made his eyeballs pop out when assessing it all. The death rate was drastically dropping, the amount of starved people on the streets also dropped considerably. And in Payne's eyes a good chunk of people were no longer in the Extreme Poor class, but also became moving to Middle class too. ...

As Payne passed the rows of uniquely designed homes, he noted the thatched roofs and exposed wooden beams, a testament to their heritage. Yet, many houses now sported glass windows that gleamed in the sunlight, and he could see the faint glow of magical lighting crystals through some of the open doors.

It was amazing how beautiful the new windows were. All the windows here were 2 later windows. The first layer exposed to the outside, was a barred criss-cross metal layer, and the 2nd layer behind it was the glass window layer many admired. The barred metal frame in front of the window protected the glass from the weather elements. And during times when the tornadoes and whatnot were not flaring about, people open the barred layer, exposing just the beautiful glass later for all to see. A woman sweeping the streets curtsied as Payne passed. "Good day, Lord Payne. How fares your inspection?"

"Splendidly," he replied warmly. "The city grows more beautiful each day, thanks to the hard work of its people, especially you and the sanitation team."

Payne truly loved his weekly 'inspection.' Fiind updated novels on no/v/elbin(.)co/m

"And we have to thank you and his Majesty Artemis for bringing these ideas to us," A woman added, her voice thick with emotion.

Lord Payne sighed, completely understanding their emotions. "Alright, I don't want you all crying on such a hot day. Your dedication and skill bring these ideas to life. Together, we're building a brighter future for all!"

"Yeah!!!" Several people agreed, willing their teary eyes. (:T0T:)


Soon, Payne left the scene, continuing on with his inspection. After strolling about some more, Payne's heart swelled with pride and hope after seeing how much his city had improved. Traffic officers on the streets, sanitation workers keeping the place tidy, school children chanting rhymes, soldiers training and jogging across the place, some patrolling and some exercising. Payne stared at the bustling city with a warm smile. His beloved city was a shining example of how tradition and progress could coexist, creating a community that honored its past while embracing the future. With each step, Payne felt grateful for the trust his people placed in him and excited for the innovations yet to come. Such was the progress in Omania, as several UN empires began seeing progress in their lands.

Like that, days turned to weeks and weeks to months. November arrived, ushering in Landon's birthday, as well as the final examination period for the the first semester of Fall. But this wasn't all it came with.

It came with the promise that war was closing in, unbeknownst to the happy Baymardians. But while they were clueless to the impending war, Landon was indeed aware of the coming of special visitors top his home.