Chapter 1947 First Batch Arrives

Name:I'm the King Of Technology Author:
Chapter 1947 First Batch Arrives

Today, Holtan stared at his parents with a serious face. "Remember, when you get there, be obedient and study hard. Do you all understand? This is a rare opportunity to see the outside opportunity to learn with the pale, blue and black tone people." The green toned Holten nodded deeply, listening to his parents with a heavy face. This... this was the first time that the 9 year old Holtan was leaving his home for so long, talk less of leaving the beloved Mirv continent. He held onto his 7 year old sister, never leaving her hand for a second. He swore that unless they were at their private quarters once in Baymard, he would always hold her hand. (Even to the toilet?) (>w>)


A while later, Holtan found himself, his sister and several others selected, now gathered on several open fields within the city. Their parents were at the opposite end and 3 seniors they were very familiar with were now doing roll calls from them all. At the same time, those called were escorted by several men in cool uniforms into the giant flying carriages before then. Wow! It was mighty huge. All their major luggage was already packed away last night. And now, they were told to only take at most a backpack and another luggage to fit above and underneath their seats. All children also wore fanny packs and kept their money inside. It was amazing that their parents had already gone to the popular place called the Foreign Exchange building to exchange their coins for paper BAYS which were rolled up and kept in their fanny packs. Their fanny packs had key combinations, so no one could open and reach for any items inside without their authorization. As for their school fees, it had long been paid for and given to the ambassador's office to pay on their behalf. Sure enough, just 2 months ago, the ambassador's side in Baymard had sent an envelope from the school which stood as proof of their admission, their housing and everything else. In his case, his parents had done their best and preferred to outright pay for them to stay in school. Some people would have to go to Baymard and figure out their housing situation.

Wow! Everyone just couldn't get enough for what they saw. While aboard the cruise lines, they were told to explore their rooms and prepare for dinner. Holten found he and his sister now shared a space with 2 others their age, a bit and a girl too. The boys chose to stay on one bed and the girls on the other. In truth, they felt the massive beds could take up to 3 people per bed at once. So 2 per bed was indeed quite spacious. "Ahhh! The water flows hot just as I've seen in the movies!" Incredible. Just what was the theory behind all this? (?_?)

Holten had to admit that the days spent cruising back to Baymard was like a vacation he didn't even know he needed. Ah yes, it was quite blissful. But little did he know that Baymard itself was the true gem awaiting to be touched. Let's just say that when Holten and everyone else arrived, they had to wonder if they entered a different world altogether.

November 27th. They arrived on December 2nd, barely a few days before Christmas. Everything in Baymard was just so grand, the people were nice, the food was exquisite and everyone was incredibly welcoming. The most amazing thing was that he and his sister already made good friends of their own. "Hey, Holt, buddy... we're going to the mall to get new cell phones. Want to come?" "Ahh! Of course I would!" Thanks to Mirvanna being a UN empire, he could get cellphones unlike other Non-treaty empires. Like that, several more weeks passed in a flash and before Holten could blink, it was already January 5th of the new year. School had officially begun 1 week ago, and now, Holten and his sister Vivian, had completely adjusted to life here. Sigh...

Holten looked to the skies through the school window, finding that the ancient books about foreigners out of Mirvanna, were quite vague on facts about them. Only when coming to Baymard, do you know just how tall and gigantic Giants truly were. Only after coming here, does one know what blue, black and pale tone people look like. Only after getting a part-time job in the school grounds, earning money, studying and living a life with technology all around, does one truly understand how backward his beloved Mirvanna used to be. Fortunately, they joined the UN! . Just like Holten and his sister, many Mirvs began thinking deeply about Mirvanna's future. However, no matter their thoughts, one thing was very clear. The first batch of Mirvanna students had successfully adjusted to Baymard's always. Such was the report Landon received.