Chapter 5 Responsibilies

Name:I'm the King Of Technology Author:
He knew he would change the way the knights trained, but he had to start gradually.

In this era, they didnt have any form rigorous training like the one’s established on earth.

In fact, when he turned 18 he had served his country for two years before settling before he worked as a mechanical engineer. He knew more than anyone else, the importance of all those military routines.

Since the system would eventually reward him with all knowledge on canons and gunpowder making, its safe to assume that he would be making his very own machine guns soon. Hence, he needed to train the men’s reflexes and physical conditions so they could efficiently work guns or any other military equipment’s.

Although he didnt have any guns presently, it didn’t mean he would neglect the benefits from that kind of training. Those routines helped soldiers build confidence in themselves, their subordinates and their Companions.

It also helped the soldiers improve their leadership skills, develop a sense of belonging, pride, compassion towards others and of course extremely strong body.

What he needed, were soldiers who were loyal to him, the people and the kingdom. And not men who did things for merit or money.

He scanned the soldiers seriously, ensuring that he met almost everyone with his eyes. He gave off the aura of a well accomplished soldier.

"Tomorrow morning before the dawn of day, all knights will assemble at the inner castle for training. This training sessions will involve new routines, as well as your normal sword practices...All those who arrive late will have no breakfast and lunch for the rest of the day. More than 3 Absences without a good reason will result in no food for a day and intense YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!!!"

All the knights immediately yelled back,

"Yes My King"

" divide yourselves into three groups. In can be in any order, but each group must contain at a hundred men." Once he finished speaking, he walked towards his mother and Lucy.

"Mom, we will need enough food to feed all the knights, our workers and ourselves.... How much much do we have?" he asked. His mom thought for a while an answered,

"We brought 3 Wagons filled with wheat, 1 wagon filled with beans, 1 wagon filled with peas, 1 wagon filled barely, rye and oats. And finally a wagon filled with various seeds needed for farming."

"As you wish my King"

Josh moved towards Lucius, gave him a salute saying, "Commander" and walked towards the first group.

When he arrived in front of them, they all shouted


Josh then stood in front of them and faced Landon. Landon then continued on with allocating the other teams to Mark and Gary, repeating the same scenarios.

Once everyone looked satisfied with their various groups, they all faced Landon and yelled, "My Lord".

They felt like they truly belonged here as compared to when they were in the Capital. No one had ever paid so much attention to them as Landon was doing.

"You all will take each other as family, as each others brother. Your will eat together, work together, grow strong together and build this kingdom together. No Knight will ever be left behind."

They were stunned and equallysuprised. no one would be left behind?...this was the first time that they heard such a phrase. In this world the strong rules and the weak perished. That’sjust the way things were. But since most of them were considered as weak in empire, so they were heavily affected and touched by Landon’s words.

"For Now we will do an inspection on the land. Commander Lucius, what do you think?" Landon asked while looking at Lucius.

"My King, it’s an excellent idea. I propose that we all go for the inspection, so to know how to protect Baymard." Lucius answered immediately.

"I agree. Afterall, we need to have a clear understanding of the situation here. Based on the information we gather, we will be able to appropriately allocate duties and responsibilities to everyone.....For now, let’s go look at Baymard". Everyone needed.

As he was about to move out with his men, Lucius stopped him with a smile on his face.

"Little Landon, does your cheeks still hurt?"