Chapter 6 Inspection - Part 1

Name:I'm the King Of Technology Author:
As they left the castle, Landon quickly checked on the system.

’System, how do I use you to map out the territory?’

’Answering host. Host just needs to look at the map of the empire, stored in the system and highlight the territories that belong to host.’

’Just like that?’, Landon asked almost not believing the system.


’so what happens when I want to expand my territories?’

’If that were to happen host just needs to highlight more regions on the sytem map.’

Landon nodded as he listened to the system.

’This is also very useful, as the system will inform host if any there any enemy attacks or unwanted guests in the Host’s territories.’

’That’s good then’

Landon looked at the map and decided to draw a circle around Baymard. He made sure to add at least 20 meter difference between the city walls and the surroundings.

Once he was done, a pop-up screen appeared.

’Would you like to view your selected Territory on the Monitor?’

He was excited. With a monitor could check every area in Baymard without being there in person. This is extremely useful for times when he might have to leave the territory for urgent matters. He clicked on yes, and viewed the city.

Looking at the monitor, it resembled a regular flat screen T.V.

He could sea people fishing on the sea coast, people farming inside the city, people going out to hunt, the city walls, the castle, and so on.

He was satisfied with this ’mapping’ function in the system.

Baymard was divided into 3 regions; the Upper regions, the Central regions and the Lower regions.

Looking at the roads here, they were not as good as the ones In the upper region. There were patches of mud on the ground and a lot of pot-holes on the roads.

On their way to the lower regions, they saw a group of men carrying bows and arrows hoping to get some meat for their families, women carrying water and children running around and playing.

Once they reached the lower levels, it was all vegation and farmlands.

Landon could see over a three hundred fields, but only about 5 people on them. It was clear to see that even the people believed that their lands were barren.

Looking west from the fields, Landon was surprised to see two giant estates.

He then turned to the east from the fields and only one gigantic estate there. Landon’s interest was piqued. He turned to the Lucius and the group.

"Why would nobles leave the upper region to build their estates here?, dont you find it very strange?"

"indeed my King", Lucius said and everyone else nodded.

"My King, maybe they found something valuable in this lower region and decided to stay here." said a shy knight.

The knight had blond hair and dark brown eyes. If he were on earth he would look like a K-pop artist. He had no muscles and looked incredibly weak, like a twig. Landon was not worried because once he started training them, they gain a lot of muscles.

The knight’s voice showed a hint of shyness and fear. It was clear that he lacked any confidence in himself.

"What’s your name, age, rank and Captain?", Landon asked.

"Billy Vein, age 17, Squire under Captain Mark. My King"

"Billy, that was an excellent suggestion. They might be things there that could help us better the kingdom. EXCELLENT." Landon said while smiling.

Inwardly Landon was shocked that Billy was 17 years old. He really looked like a 14 year old boy.

Billy was extremely excited to be complimented by the king. One had to know that when he spoke he was shaking like a leaf. Seeing his highness in high spirits, he felt more confident in himself.

The other knights also nodded and thought that what Billy said made sense. Afterall, even the villagers didnt stay here. So why would noble’s? It all seemed very sketchy and questionable.

"Lets go West first. I’m curious to know why they needed two estates there, compared to the east."