Chapter 4084: Confide in

The fourth thousand and eighty-fourth chapter confession

Since the ancient times, Su Yan has experienced the fall of too many emperors! After seeing the white-haired woman, there was no reaction or expression.

Jin Shiya once said that today there are five great emperors in Chaos Esoteric Buddhism.

If this sleeping white-haired woman is one of the five great emperors, it means that there are only four great emperors left in the esoteric chaos!

The number of chaotic beasts was more than three times that of the previous **** battle. This time, the situation of esotericism would be even more difficult.

At this time Lin Zijiu finally spoke, and said to Su Yan: "Do you know who she is?"

Su Yan said, "I have only joined Esoteric Buddhism for a very short time, so there are many powerful people who don't know about it, so please ask Lin Shuai for advice."

Lin Zijiu said: "She is my master and the person who built this chaos fortress. The space in which the chaos fortress is located is equal to the fairyland she opened up. If she falls completely... the chaos fortress will collapse along with it!"

The news surprised Su Yan.

This woman is equivalent to the fate of the entire doomsday fortress. As long as you kill her, the entire doom fortress will collapse in infinite chaos!

The existence of the emperor level can open up an immortal space, and in this immortal space, it can manipulate the law and change wantonly to form a unique world.

This unique world, as well as the eternal space itself, has a deep connection with the emperor.

If the emperor falls, the immortal space and the world will all be shattered!

Perhaps this was the reason why this white-haired woman could not really die even though her spirit had been severely wounded, and her body was constantly erupting from death.

If she falls completely, then the Doomsday Fortress will no longer exist!

At this juncture, if the doomsday fortress is gone, then the holy city will directly face the impact of those chaotic beasts!

The complete destruction of Esoteric Buddhism is just around the corner!

The importance of this white-haired woman is evident!

But why did Lin Zijiu summon Su Yan alone and tell him about it?

He didn't have a reason to do this, unless he had something to ask Su Yan, so he needed to confide such a huge secret to Su Yan.

Sure enough, Lin Zijiu said: "Did you know? I have only one wish for thousands of years, which is to cut down this tree in the heart of the lake."

Lin Zijiu's tone of speech was very calm, and the state of the whole person didn't seem to be excited at all.

This shows that he really thinks so, and this idea may have been brewing for a long time!

He is clearly the commander of the doomsday fortress, how could he have such an outrageous idea?

If the woman sleeping on the tree really dies, then the doomsday fortress will inevitably fall apart!

"This tree is not an ordinary tree, but the essence of the condensed part of the patriarch's mana and supernatural powers, which can freeze and solidify the surrounding time."

After Lin Zijiu's reminder, Su Yan really found that the woman's breath was very strange!

The way this tree freezes time is not to freeze time at a certain moment, but to freeze forever at the last quarter of an hour when the woman is about to die.

She will forever wander between life and death, and at the moment she is about to die, she will return to the original point and start a new process of serious injury and death.

Such a cycle does not know how many rounds have been carried out!

In this endless cycle of life and death, she couldn't do anything, she could only repeat the dying pain over and over again.

Just thinking about it makes me feel extremely cruel!

Lin Zijiu said: "Without this tree, my master could really die, instead of being frozen for time like this, being preserved in the state before death, suffering from this endless life and death. Living like this may be more cruel than dying."

But if the doomsday fortress does not have the blessing of this woman, it may fall apart at any time!

As the supreme officer of the doomsday fortress, Lin Zijiu, from his standpoint, has to keep this white-haired woman in a deep sleeping posture forever without being disturbed!

Especially on the eve of the invasion of chaotic beasts.

The rise and fall of Esoteric Buddhism can be said to be in his hands.

Lin Zijiu attracted Su Yan here, and after knowing such an astonishing secret of the Doomsday Fortress, Su Yan was also taken aback.

What is the reason for Lin Zijiu to reveal such secrets to him?

Su Yan has never doubted Lin Zijiu's loyalty to Esoteric Buddhism. He is the only commander of the Doomsday Fortress in ten thousand years!

He has eight million Dao soldiers under his control, but a very terrifying force!

If it weren't for the upper echelons of Esoteric Buddhism who had absolute trust in him, how could such an important force and such a doomsday fortress be handed over to him?

Lin Zijiu said, "Actually, you don't want to join Esoteric Buddhism at all, right?"

Su Yan looked at Lin Zijiu silently, using silence as his answer.

"As long as you enter this chaos, and after you come into contact with Tantric Buddhism, you have only two options. The first is to join Tantric Buddhism and obey the code of Tantric Buddhism. The second is to be obliterated by Tantric Buddhism as a traitor. Tantric Buddhism does not allow the outside world to know that you are in chaos. Existence in it." Lin Zijiu said, "Actually, you are not the only one who was forced to be helpless, I was forced to be helpless when I joined Esoteric Buddhism."

Lin Zijiu said: "But after I joined Esoteric Buddhism, I met my master. She not only taught me the power of Chaos, but also many principles. The person I admire most in my life is my master. Since she fell into this sleeping hell, I I don’t want to destroy the doomsday fortress all the time! Even if I pull out the entire Esoteric Buddhism to be buried with my master, do you know why I haven’t done anything?”

Su Yan said, "Because you can't do it?"

Lin Zijiu said: "Indeed, once I get close to the center of the lake, even my own time will freeze with it. With my current cultivation base, there is no way to get close to that tree..."

Su Yan suddenly became a little confused, because he couldn't understand the meaning of what Lin Zijiu said to him.

This sudden truth link really made Su Yan a little bit unpredictable.

Lin Zijiu said suddenly: "From the first moment you appeared in the Doomsday Fortress, I have been paying attention to you. It's hard not to notice you? After all, you are the man whom Jin Shiya's protector found from outside. "

Lin Zijiu's words seemed to have a meaning, Su Yan said: "It was indeed Jin Shiya who saved my life and brought me back into the chaos..."

But Lin Zijiu actually thought about it at this time, and smiled very openly. It seemed that he had mastered a certain secret of Su Yan. He said: "Jin Shiya has only been doing one thing after such a long era, and that is looking for The whereabouts of Su Baxian. Many people in Esoteric Buddhism think that she is a lunatic, because the fallen emperor has never been able to resurrect from the dead, not to mention the fall of Su Baxian for so many years..."