The fourth thousand and eighty-fifth chapter conspiracy

Lin Zijiu looked at Su Yan and said, "But you know what? I have never thought that Jin Shiya is a madman, because she and I are the same person. As long as a touch of obsession is still in my heart, then even after thousands of years I will never give up."

Su Yan still did not speak, and Lin Zijiu said again: "Jin Shiya has the privilege to come and go freely in the chaos and immortal world. This is the promise made by the patriarch back then, even the council has no right to interfere. Jin Shiya suddenly came from outside. Bringing a man back... the council is really confused, and they just let this matter go, and didn't investigate in depth, do they really think you are just Jin Shiya's servant? This group of fools! "

After Jin Shiya has gone through such a long era and brought back a man from the outside world, then this man can only be Su Baxian!

Some people would say that Su Yanhui was a substitute for Su Baxian back then. The council might believe this, but Lin Zijiu would never believe it.

From seeing the first side of Su Yan, he had already determined that this man must be the legendary Emperor Xianwu Su Baxian.

No matter how inconsistent this matter is with the so-called common sense, Lin Zijiu never doubted it.

Maybe it should be Lin Zijiu who knows Jin Shiya very well, because he is also the same person as Jin Shiya, because something that is almost delusional has lasted ten thousand years in this doomsday fortress.

It turned out that Lin Zijiu had already seen through Su Yan's identity, and he had to say that his level of intelligence was beyond Su Yan's imagination.

I just don't know why, the Great Emperor Xianwu Su Baxian seemed to have lost the power to dominate the heavens and changed his name to Su Yan.

Why didn't Lin Zijiu know what Su Yan's purpose was, or why Su Yan hid his identity in esoteric religion.

But there is one thing he can be sure of, if Su Baxian's words, he might be able to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

Now that his identity had been discovered, Su Yan didn't need to continue to pretend to be the servant Xiao Su who didn't understand anything.

Su Yan said, "What do you want me to do to bring this white-haired woman back to life for you?"

Lin Zijiu said: "I know that even the power of the emperor has its limits. It is impossible to resurrect her. I want you to help me figure out a way to get her free from this tree. It doesn't take forever. Suffering from life and death. Although her expression looks very calm, I know that she should have been in fierce suffering all the time. If possible, I would even be willing to replace her to endure this eternal suffering!"

Su Yan said, "Although I am Su Baxian, I am not a wish-making machine. You make a wish and I can do it right away. If the time that freezes her is allowed to flow, then she will definitely die, and the Doomsday Fortress will definitely do it too. Collapse. Can you bear the result?"

Lin Zijiu said: "The life and death of Esotericism has never been within my consideration, but since the Doomsday Fortress is the coagulation of her efforts, if it is not a last resort, I still hope that the Doomsday Fortress can be preserved."

Su Yan said: "Then what you mean is to kill an immortal emperor, and then keep the immortal realm created by the immortal emperor intact, right? I ask you, from ancient times to the present, who has done this Is something outrageous?"

Lin Zijiu said: "This kind of thing may be very outrageous for others, but for you, it may not be impossible, because you are Su Baxian! The strongest among the heavenly emperors! Even the ancestors are I don't feel as strong as you!"

Su Yan said: "You don't have to compliment me too much. You have to know that the fall of the first emperor caused the collapse of the fairyland. This matter is causal. To prevent the collapse of the fairyland, you need to break the cause and effect. Do you know that from ancient times to the present, this world Those who want to play with cause and effect will not have any good ends, whether it is the ancient emperor or another immortal emperor!"

Lin Zijiu said: "With my ability, there is naturally no way to play with cause and effect, but if it is you, maybe it can be done. You are Su Baxian! You are the strongest man in history, how can there be you in this world? What happened?"

Su Yan said: "If I can really do omnipotence, I won't be lost. I advise you to cut off this unrealistic idea."

Lin Zijiu's eyes had turned red unconsciously.

Su Yan could also see that he had a deep affection for the woman in white, but it was not necessarily the love of men and women.

Sometimes pure affection does not involve love between men and women.

"But... there is another way, it can also help her get rid of it." Su Yan said.

"any solution?"

Su Yan said: "The way is the moment you enter the realm of the emperor, swallow her with a different kind of mind. In this way, her body and soul will become a part of you, as well as the immortal realm transformed by divine power. Become a part of you. But if you do this, you have to enter the magic way... You know that once you enter the magic way, there is no turning back. Even me, after using the power of the magic way, I will be troubled by the power of the heart demon. , And Spirit Slash is extremely dangerous on the way!"

But Lin Zijiu said: "If you can free her from this near-eternal suffering, why not fall into the magical way? If you can help me with this, I am willing to repay you with anything! I know you I don’t want to stay in the esoteric religion for long. I can send you and the guardian Jin to leave the esoteric religion safely! If the council dares to stop you, I will use eight million soldiers to fight against the council. As long as I can do it The matter, the liver and the brain are also gracious!"

People like Lin Zijiu will definitely make promises. These things he said were definitely not because of emotional excitement.

Su Yan didn't doubt this.

If Lin Zijiu can be subdued, then it would be equivalent to taking the eight million soldiers of Esoteric Buddhism as his own!

Su Yan had witnessed the quality of these eight million Taoist soldiers in Esoteric Buddhism.

Compared with the personal soldiers who followed him to fight in the heavens, it is not much different. If you take the current immortal world, it must be a strong army that is invincible.

Su Yan has seen the so-called celestial soldiers and generals in the Heavenly Court. Compared with the eight million Taoist soldiers of the Esoteric Buddhism, the quality is really not flattering!

After all, the doomsday fortress is on the portal of the holy city, and it is possible to go to war with those chaotic beasts at any time.

These eight million Dao soldiers are equal to the fronts that have been tempered day and night. Of course, the sharpness is not comparable to those of the Dao soldiers in the Immortal Realm.

Su Yan said, "What if I want all of your eight million Taoist soldiers to submit to me?"

Lin Zijiu said: "As long as you can help me do this, help my master free from the eternal hell, eight million Taoist soldiers and me, what can't you do for you? After all, you are the best of the heavens. The strongest man in the world!"