Chapter 177: Arena Champion Battle, Cycle Battle, Grand Melee!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 177: Arena Champion Battle, Cycle Battle, Grand Melee!

The door swung open. The sun blazed brilliantly in the sky. Sunlight danced on the fair skin of the young girl in a white dress, the rosy flush from last night's revelries still coloring her. Her face bloomed with a shade of delicate pink, like a flower kissed by dawn.

The thrill from the night on the divine vessel, coupled with the tenderness of the previous night, left a vivid impression. Of the two, she found the latter more to her taste. So, even as she feigned aloofness, there was an unmistakable twinkle of delight in her eyes.

"Come with me," Chen Xi pouted slightly and turned.

"Where to?" Yun Xiao took two steps, walking beside her.

Bathed in sunlight, they looked like figures straight out of a painting, reminiscent of a celestial couple.

"To meet your two teammates," Chen Xi replied.

"Teammates for the War of Immortals?" Yun Xiao deduced, "This must be for the round robin."

Chen Xi nodded.

Yun Xiao glanced at her with a slight smile. "After our intense cultivation session yesterday, I had a significant breakthrough, advancing four stages. And you?"

"I made quite the progress too!" She huffed in response, playfully resenting his bragging.

"It's peculiar. We both claim victory. So, who lost?" Yun Xiao teased.

"Your Senior Sister Zhao, of course!" Chen Xi chuckled.

Yun Xiao just sighed. Though Chen Xi had lost a third of her magic power, possibly due to her affinity with the Yin Void, he felt that she seemed even stronger than before.

"It seems like the Yin Void cultivation technique she practices is pretty authentic! Who knows? Maybe she really does have a link to the Primordial Immortal Ancestor. While it seems her sacred power has decreased, its purity has grown manyfold, and the Seed of Creation meridians within her, nurtured by you, has grown stronger. So, her combat abilities might not have waned at all," Blue Star mused. Clearly, this detail had taken it by surprise.

"That's reassuring," Yun Xiao responded. He had been concerned about her dwindling combat prowess, especially from the second to the third time.

"If she's benefited this much from Yang Void, what would happen if that Primordial Immortal Ancestor fell under our brother's blade?" Red Moon whispered mischievously.

"How should I know? When that goddess was presented to the Creator, he wouldn't even spare her a glance. Now, she's a Cosmic Immortal primogenitor, leagues beyond him. A match now seems impossible," Blue Star lamented with a touch of regret.

Yun Xiao resisted the urge to scold the two.

"Oh, by the way," Chen Xi looked up seriously, "The War of Immortals in the Heavenly Realm lasts two days. I need a favor from you the evening after. After the war concludes, don't wander off."

"Something important?" Yun Xiao's eyes twinkled mischievously, his lips curling into a smirk. "Don't tell me you, little tigress, are getting greedy again?"

"And what if I am? Aren't I rightfully wedded to you? Is it a crime for a wife to crave her husband's attention?" Chen Xi retorted with a poker face.

"Definitely not."

So, it seemed she had chosen the evening after the War of Immortals for their third session. He wagered that it was the eve of her declaring war on the Demon Continent. The most crucial step was claiming the Yang Void! Yun Xiao discerned the determined glint in her eyes. She was preparing to devour him before going on a conquering rampage. Her confidence was astounding. And the way she eyed Yun Xiao resembled a predator eyeing its prey, a gaze dripping with aggressive intent.

"Just you wait. I'll make you cry," Yun Xiao thought smugly.

Both harboring their own little secrets, they stepped out of the Dawn Pavilion.

"Good day, Young Lady, and good fortune to Young Master!" As they strolled, the guards of the Chen Heavenly Mansion greeted them with evident respect in their eyes. Having defeated Ye Xingchen and executing the Peacock Prince, Yun Xiao had long since won their admiration. From such interactions, one could see just how solid Chen Xi's identity was. The deeper her character's story went, the farther she seemed from the Divine Dawn Empress.

Before long, the duo entered a courtyard.

"Brother Jin, Lil Tang," Chen Xi called into the distance, her face expressionless. "Yun Xiao's here."

A flurry of commotion echoed from within. Soon, two young men emerged, arms draped over each other's shoulders. One was in brown battle armor, with a square face, a broad physique, dark skin, and fiery eyes. On his forehead, the character king faintly marked his identity. Yun Xiao recognized him. It was Chen Jin, Chen Xi's cousin and son of her uncle Chen Zhao. A regular in the training camps of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army, he was being groomed by the Supreme Marshal as his successor. His demeanor and steady gait hinted at a future great general.

The other was a slender, pale-skinned youth in a light blue robe, with delicate features and a remarkably slim waist.

"And who might this be?" Yun Xiao inquired.

"But," he continued, "how are the spoils divided within the squad?"

"Amongst yourselves!" Chen Jin replied.

"And if there are disputes?"

Chen Jin grinned mischievously, "Then, sort it out within your ranks, even if it means stabbing a teammate in the back!"

Yun Xiao's eyes widened in disbelief. "That intense?"

Chen Jin nodded. "The rules of the War of Immortals are incredibly lenient! While you can betray your team, once a squad is registered, no changes or additions can be made. Sure, you can take out a teammate, but afterwards? In the most extreme case, you could be facing a five-on-one situation."

Lose or die, and you were out! Each participant started with just one War of Immortals Jade. Often, as the five-member squads engaged wave after wave of enemies, their numbers would dwindle. Yet, the number of jades each person gathered could vary greatly. Differences led to rankings. And rankings determined winners and losers.

"And what about the Arena Champion Battle?" Yun Xiao inquired.

"The Arena Champion Battle is a lot simpler," Chen Jin began with an instructive tone. "The sixteen Champions will have their War of Immortal jade token upgraded to a golden one. A single golden War of Immortal jade token is worth a hundred white ones. Anyone feeling particularly gutsy can challenge a Champion with their white jade. But you only get one shot. Lose, and you hand over your white jade token and exit the competition. Win, and you snatch the golden jade token, becoming the Champion yourself."

Yun Xiao got the gist. The Champion Arena Battle was about one-on-one duels, while the Cycle Battle was a team event with five participants each. At the heart of both contests was the War of Immortal Jade. Whether in the Arena Champion Battle or Cycle Battle, the victor would always claim the loser's jade. The Cycle Battle, with its many twists, promised quite the spectacle.

"On the first day, each participant can only choose one battleground, whether it's the Cycle Battle or the Arena Champion Battle. By the day's end, many will be eliminated, leaving a preliminary ranking of the remaining fighters," Chen Jin explained.

"But considering how strong all sixteen Champions are, would anyone actually choose to challenge them?" Yun Xiao pondered aloud.

"Oh, they will. And not just a few," Chen Jin replied with a smirk.

"Why?" Yun Xiao pressed.

"The ultimate goal of this War of Immortals in the Heavenly Realm is to crown the top Immortal in the human world. That title is likely to be claimed by one of these sixteen Champions. So, most challengers are either cannon fodder, gaining experience, or just seeking a moment in the limelight. Even if they're certain to lose, many still crave the chance to face off against top-tier talent. Just getting a nod of recognition is worth it for some," Chen Jin paused, a glint in his eye. "Moreover, four of the Champions hail from the six Immortal Empires and are said to be below the Saint Realm. Plenty of demons are itching to take them down a peg or two, just for the sheer pleasure of humiliating them."

"Ah, so given the intense competition, some might employ a war of attrition, using sheer numbers to wear down the other prodigies on behalf of their faction's top talent?" Yun Xiao arched an eyebrow inquisitively.

In a world where differences dictated rankings, excitement was brewing.

"For example, countless demons, each taking their turn to challenge Chen Xi!" Chen Jin paused, mulling over the thought. "Based on past experiences, for every three participants in the Arena Champion Battle, there are seven in the Cycle Battle. But with the addition of the five other Immortal Empires and the Demon Continent this time, who can really say?"

In prior tournaments, the Champions hailed from the top ten on the Dragon Ranking. Yet, this War of Immortals was the grandest in recorded history, and naturally, there were nuances to consider.

"So, the main goal on the first day in both these zones is to thin out the herd and wear down the fighters, with the real action reserved for the second day?" Yun Xiao inquired, eyes narrowing thoughtfully.

Chen Jin nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! On the second day, that's where the real drama unfolds. All participants with their War of Immortals Jades will be thrown into a massive battlefield for an all-out melee. There won't be any Champions, nor teams. Everyone will fight for their jade. By the end, whoever has the most will undeniably stand as humanity's top Immortal."

Yun Xiao turned his gaze to Chen Xi, his thoughts transparent. While she might dominate on day one, she couldn't possibly defeat every top-tier demon. If she planned to make a mark, it would be during the grand melee on day two.

"In past War of Immortals, which was an internal affair of our Divine Dawn Empire, factions stuck together during the melee. But now, with the inclusion of other Immortal Empires and the Demon Continent, I reckon it'll be more like wars between nations, a brawl between humans and demons, right?" Yun Xiao surmised, an eyebrow raised inquisitively.

Chen Jin grinned, "Exactly! It's thrilling. All these prodigies, both human and demon, tossed into one cage, and in a set time, one emerges as the supreme. Every alliance, betrayal, and backstabbing will be there for all to see."

So, the stage was set—

Day one – Arena Champion Battle or Cycle Battle, pick one.

Day two – The Grand Melee.

Who, after two days, would stand atop the heap, holding the greatest number of jades, crowned as the top Immortal? The world watched, breathless in anticipation.

With a mischievous glint, Yun Xiao said, "In that case, any scoundrels or nefarious demons that Chen Xi might miss during the Cycle Battle on day one will be dealt with by yours truly."

The first day, he and Chen Xi would take one battleground each. On the second day, would they stand side by side?

Suddenly, voices echoed from outside. Chen Jin stood up, a bright smile on his face. "Ah, Yun Xiao, our last two teammates have arrived."