Chapter 178: Four Protecting One?

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 178: Four Protecting One?

Yun Xiao stood up in anticipation. As expected, the first to enter was a youth with deep violet eyes. Stray Dog! Rumor had it that he was the mightiest cultivator within the ninety-nine territories of the Immortal Empire's lower realms, and what's more, he was a rare Martial Cultivator!

Following Stray Dog was a young man in a dark red sword robe.

"Nangong Xu?" Yun Xiao recognized him instantly. He was the nephew of Yun Xiao's maternal aunt, Nangong Xi, and had previously greeted Yun Xiao in the company of Old Man Sun. A sword prodigy from the Heavenly Realm!

"Yun Xiao," Nangong Xu said, a hint of warmth in his gaze, "I hadn't expected to get the chance to fight by your side so soon." The moment Yun Xiao had confronted the demons in front of the Sword Dao Monument, Nangong Xu had already dreamt of joining him in battle.

"Brother Nangong." Yun Xiao nodded in acknowledgment.

And so, the party was complete. Yun Xiao, Chen Jin, Zhao Xiaotang, Stray Dog, and Nangong Xu!

Including Yun Xiao, the group represented the Chen Clan, Spirit Treasure Palace, the prodigies of the lower realms, and the Sword Cultivators of the Heavenly Realm, respectively! This lineup, it could be argued, was the most formidable assembly of talents within the Divine Dawn Empress's forces, second only to the Azure Leaf faction.

"Congratulations to all of you," Chen Xi said with a hint of envy. "Like-minded comrades are hard to find, and you've managed to gather five in no time." They were set to participate in the Cycle Battle, while she would embark solo, defending the honor of the Divine Dawn Immortal Empire.

"That's not entirely accurate," Chen Jin interjected, looking at Chen Xi. "Including you, we number six. You're our linchpin. We, as your older brothers, are honored to fight alongside you!"The roots of this story extend from novell bìn origin.

"Alright, then we'll regroup during the Grand Melee on the second day," Chen Xi nodded in agreement.

"With the five of us guarding you, anyone who approaches will meet their doom! With us around, you're destined to be the top Immortal in the human world." Zhao Xiaotang chuckled.

"Hmph! With someone like you?" Chen Xi shot him a disdainful look.

The group erupted in light-hearted laughter.

Stray Dog, meeting Chen Jin and Nangong Xu for the first time, felt the camaraderie between the young men grow rapidly. With a grin, he asked, "What should we call our team of five?"

Scanning the group, Zhao Xiaotang quickly suggested, "How about 'The Macho Men'? We're all tough guys!"

"Speak for yourself," Chen Xi teased, "You're the exception."

"Seriously?" Zhao Xiaotang struck a dramatic pose, rolling his eyes in jest. "So rude!"

Yun Xiao managed to stifle a chuckle, but Blue Star nearly burst out laughing.

Glancing at the sky, Chen Xi turned to the group. "In that case, Yun Xiao is in your hands. With those five attention-grabbing Sword Rings on his Sword Soul and his insistence on participating, I can't talk him out of it. So, I'll have to rely on you all to keep him safe."

"Don't fret," Chen Jin took a deep breath, "Last night, we consumed a large amount of Wind Fire Tribulation Pills, deliberately invoking the fifth Wind Fire Tribulation. It was risky, but we made it through. Now, with four of us at the Establishment Wind Fire Tribulation Realm, we'll ensure Yun Xiao's safety."

Yun Xiao paused, absorbing this revelation. They were going all out for the War of Immortals. To have summoned the Wind Fire Tribulation on purpose—and all four of them taking that gamble—it must've been a strategic move from the Supreme Marshal! The mere fact that they were standing there was testament to their success.

"Still," Stray Dog interjected, "Factions like Azure Leaf, Violet Sky, and the Demon Continent will likely have Perfect Wind Fire Tribulation Realm contenders make one last push too. So, we mustn't underestimate our adversaries."

"Sounds like this Cycle Battle won't be a walk in the park, huh?" Yun Xiao inquired.

"Absolutely not," Chen Jin's gaze darkened. "And furthermore..."

"What is it?" the group turned to him, curious.

Chen Jin smirked coldly, elaborating, "Our first opponents in the Cycle Battle are handpicked by the Grand Temple. With our team of five being well-known, they'll definitely arrange a formidable adversary for our first match. It's their way of making a statement. As for whether we face the Azure Leaf, Violet Sky, or the Demons from the Demon Continent... that's anyone's guess."

"Don't fret," Chen Xi cast a knowing glance at Yun Xiao, "He won't be our weak link."

"Oh?" The group exchanged puzzled glances.

Yun Xiao was still in the Immortal Meridian Realm, with his most impressive feat being yesterday's defeat of an Early Wind Fire Tribulation opponent. Yet, Chen Xi seemed unusually confident in him.

"We should get going."

Without another word, Chen Xi strode forward, ready to step onto the battlefield.


The Royal Banquet Hall, the most famous establishment in the Heavenly Realm. The son of the Prime Minister, You Qingzhi, sauntered into a lavishly adorned suite at the top floor.

"You Qingzhi, have you got the list?" Two young men in the room stood to greet him. Known respectively as Xia Jing and Ling Chongxiao, they currently held the third and fourth positions on the Dragon Ranking.

"I've got it," You Qingzhi glanced around, inquiring, "Where are Chai Huachi and Mo Xuejin?"

"Heaven Street again? They didn't return after last night's escapade with the Demon Princes," Xia Jing chuckled.

Game-playing debutantes by day, and now fawning over demon royalty? You Qingzhi scoffed. "Such eager lapdogs they've become."

"I understand, but why would you think I'd deceive you?" Moon Fairy whispered.

"Where did you put the Desolate Essence I gave you and the rest that you acquired on your own?" Lady Hua Lian gazed at him, her eyes deep pools of mystery.

Moon Fairy's gaze remained unyielding. "Master," he murmured, "what if I told you... I consumed it all. Would you believe me?"

Lady Hua Lian stared at him, momentarily lost for words. Eventually, she softly confessed, "I had already realized."

"Why didn't you expose me then?" His eyes held a slight chill as he looked at her.

"You're an odd demon," she replied, lifting her head to meet his gaze. "Your thoughts, they're unlike any other of our kind."

"Master," Moon Fairy grasped her hand, "you're as peculiar as me. We're birds of a feather. Only I understand you in this world."

She gently nodded. "Mmm."

"Promise to keep my secret, protect me as I grow. In return, I won't let you down," he whispered in her ear.

They locked eyes for a moment, but then she leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. They continued their journey through the rain, like two foxes traversing a dream.

After a while, Lady Hua Lian suddenly spoke up, "I have some more Saint Stones left. Let's get you some more Desolate Essence."

Moon Fairy's eyes lit up. "Thanks, sugar mama."

"What?" She bit her lip playfully.

"My apologies! I meant to say, thank you, Master."

"You naughty thing," she said with a mix of laughter and tears.

The rain began to intensify, setting the stage for a rain-soaked War of Immortals tonight. The rain would swiftly wash away the blood that would be spilled.

Later, Moon Fairy and Lady Hua Lian emerged from a shop specializing in the sale of Desolate Essence.

An oppressive cold aura surged suddenly before them. Moon Fairy glanced up to find a young woman in black standing amid the curtain of rain. Her long hair cascaded down to her waist, her face pale, and two small canine teeth peeked out from the corners of her lips.

"Lady Hua Lian," the black-clad young woman slightly lifted her gaze, coldly eyeing her.

"Yes." Lady Hua Lian gave a slight bow and turned to Moon Fairy. "This is the younger sister of the Eclipse Demon Emperor, Tian Lu."

Pointing at Moon Fairy, the girl in black inquired, "I've heard this little fox is a Primeval Demon?"

"Yes," Lady Hua Lian nodded.

"I'm holding the fort tonight and need an attendant. He'll do," Tian Lu ordered.

Lady Hua Lian remained silent.

"This Heavenly Realm is chaotic enough, Lady Hua Lian. My brother is quite displeased with your Fox Clan, understand?" Tian Lu remarked coldly.

Stepping forward, Moon Fairy offered, "I'd be honored to serve."

"Follow," Tian Lu commanded, turning and stepping into the downpour. The savage rain wetted her hair, body, and clothing, accentuating her delicate figure.

"Master, I'll return soon," Moon Fairy called back to Flower Enchantress.

"Be careful not to offend her," Lady Hua Lian cautioned.

Moon Fairy nodded, raising his paper umbrella to follow Tian Lu. To his surprise, as the umbrella neared, the rain around the young woman ceased.

Tian Lu paused, shooting Moon Fairy a chilly glance. "There's something odd about you."

"What's odd?"

She smirked, "You don't seem like a demon, rather more like a human."

"How so?"

"Demons look at the opposite gender and first notice the waist and hips. You, however, look at their face first," she remarked.

With a smile, Moon Fairy swished his fox tail. The tail marked him as a demon. No explanation needed. And so, the two of them, a man and a woman, strolled under the umbrella, walking through the curtain of rain. Looking up, they saw that the primary battleground was already bustling with a sea of people.

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