Chapter 507: The Reappearance of Lu Yao

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 507: The Reappearance of Lu Yao

When Arbiter Liu spoke those words, the Immortals of Sky Soaring City stiffened, their faces dramatically changing.

The atmosphere plunged into a dead silence!

"I must have heard wrong! I must have heard wrong!"

"It can't be possible..."

Thousands of Immortals, struck as if by lightning, shook their heads in denial, unwilling to accept this truth.

"Arbiter Liu, there must be some mistake, right?"

"Divine Dawn is in her prime, like the sun at high noon, unmatched across the Great Dao Celestial Realm—how could she suddenly be gone?"

People crowded around Arbiter Liu, their faces etched with grief, desperately hoping to hear her declare it a false rumor...

It was clear, the people of Sky Soaring City held Divine Dawn in the highest esteem.

Arbiter Liu looked into their red-rimmed eyes, shook her head sadly, and continued to proclaim, "By imperial decree, starting today, for one month, all festivities and entertainment are banned throughout the Celestial Realm. Each day at dawn, all Immortals must line the streets to commemorate the historical contributions of Princess Shen Xi, who sorted chaos and alleviated suffering!"

She dared not fabricate an imperial edict! With those words spoken, everything was set in stone, and the surrounding people were heartbroken.

Some even collapsed on the ground, weeping loudly.

"The heavens envy the talented!"


Others clenched their fists, their anger barely contained, asking, "Arbiter Liu, Divine Dawn had reached the heights of the Celestial Court—it's impossible for her to fall without cause. Has the cause of her death been disclosed?"

"Arbiter Liu, what is the real truth?"

A person took the lead, and soon, a crowd encircled Arbiter Liu, their gazes intense.

"Everyone, please calm down a bit," Arbiter Liu said, her expression puzzled, straightforwardly informing them, "While the cause of death has not been disclosed, there is indeed a bounty for her assassin."

"A bounty for murder? That means... it was murder?"

"Who! Who could it be?"

The people's eyes blazed with a fiery demand for an answer from Arbiter Liu.

When Arbiter Liu's voice rose to quell the tumult, the Immortals fell silent, eagerly awaiting the details of the bounty.

"By decree of the Celestial Court," Arbiter Liu announced, "anyone who provides tangible information regarding the demise of Divine Dawn will be enlisted into the Golden Immortal Rank, appointed as a Rank 5 Heavenly Officer, rewarded with a cartload of treasures, and blessed for ten generations!"

The crowd buzzed with renewed fervor at her declaration.

"Merely for providing clues, one can gain so much?"

"It's clear the Emperor is deeply grieved by the passing of his seventh princess..."

"The Emperor has six sons and one daughter; Divine Dawn was his favorite. Alas, to lose a beloved child..."

Sighs and shaking heads rippled through the crowd as they awaited further announcements from Arbiter Liu.

She spoke again, "The Celestial Court also decrees that the one who slays the true culprit will be elevated to a Rank 2 Stellar Margrave, granted a domain of stars, blessed for 100 generations!"

Suddenly, Yun Xiao pointed at her and declared, "Her name is Liu Mumu, she’s the direct superior of Arbiter Lu, and also the master of his brother, Lu Yao."

"How do you know that?" Lian Xi asked, surprised.

"I have the divine sight that knows all things," Yun Xiao said solemnly.

"Nonsense! You’re just teasing me again. You must have read Lu Yao’s diary," Lian Xi pouted.

"Cough." Yun Xiao let out an awkward laugh.

Indeed, he had. Originally, Yun Xiao had borrowed the item from Arbiter Lu to marvel at the grand depictions of the Celestial Court in Lu Yao’s drawings. The paintings of that vast world had amazed him.

Little did he expect that he would so soon find himself within the very scenes from those paintings.

As for the latter part of the diary, Yun Xiao hadn’t intended to read it. But now, with Arbiter Lu gone and no place to return the paintings, he sought clues in the diary, hoping to find any information about potential enemies of Arbiter Lu.

And so, in a short span, he had read through the diary of a hot-blooded young Immortal of the Great Dao Celestial Realm, filled with ideals.

The entries stopped on the day of the Arbiter assessment.

Lu Yao had been prepared, his heart brimming with excitement, on the verge of realizing his dreams, when he vanished. Today, these two brothers had completely disappeared from the world. Without a trace. Without causing a ripple. Who would remember them now?

Yun Xiao put away the diary and watched Arbiter Liu, dimming quietly among the crowd, her figure fading away as a surge of light grew in his eyes.

"Let's go." Yun Xiao grasped Lian Xi's hand and chased after Arbiter Liu, who turned into a less crowded street, then suddenly whirled around, her cold eyes fixing on Yun Xiao. She frowned and demanded, "Who are you, boy, to dare follow an Arbiter?"

Yun Xiao's clenched eyes slowly relaxed, revealing a tumult of emotions. He swallowed hard, then finally managed a single word. "Master..."

"What did you call me?" Liu Mumu paused briefly, then transformed into a fragrant breeze, appearing abruptly before Yun Xiao, her beautiful eyes scrutinizing him.

Yun Xiao's eyes trembled slightly as he spoke, "Master, the bitter flower tea is still best from Mount Sulfur. When I become an Arbiter, I can be stationed there and bring back a whole cart for you, alright?"

Hearing this, Liu Mumu's beautiful eyes seemed to freeze.

She stared at Yun Xiao, her voice quivering, "Lu Yao?"

Yun Xiao's eyes reddened, but a smile squeezed through, "It's been ten years, Master, and you still carry that heroic grace. Just one look and it's clear you haven’t taken a celestial spouse."

"You..." Liu Mumu reached out and gripped his shoulders tightly. She examined Yun Xiao for a long time, murmuring, "Child, how did you get so handsome? Did you have surgery?"

"Master, I just grew up," Yun Xiao replied.

"Bullshit you grew up, you look even younger than ten years ago..." Liu Mumu began, her voice breaking as tears welled up. Her grip on Yun Xiao's arm turned into a patting, and as she patted, she said, "Good, it’s good you’re back. Your brother can finally be at peace, and your mother won’t have to cry every day."

At this, Yun Xiao was fairly certain she believed him.

Lu Yao was a meticulous man; he liked to jot down daily details, which was how Yun Xiao knew about Liu Mumu's love for bitter flower tea and more.

In terms of appearance, he and Lu Yao were merely similar. But ten years changed many things—faces, personalities... it was common.

"Lu Yao, where have you been all these years?" Liu Mumu asked, her tone turning serious.

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