Chapter 65: Malfoy

Chapter 65: Malfoy

After a week of living in Diagon Alley, although the work here is hard, Jon temporarily did not suffer the difficulties he originally guessed he might encounter.

Every day the potion store received a lot of customers, but the vast majority of half-bloods and purebloods would not even look at him, completely treating him as air, and in the case where a few people showed disgust on their faces after entering the door, Elmo would take the initiative to open his mouth and let him go back to the cellar.

After all, Elmo is a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and Jon could feel his sympathy for the situation of the "mudblood", but he could not give "Smith" normal treatment and respect in the open, because this is a busy wizard street of Diagon Alley.

For example, Jon could at least sleep on a bed with blankets, and the food he normally ate was exactly the same as Elmo's. When he noticed that the wizard with obvious malice against the "mudblood" entered the store, Elmo would help him out implicitly.

In fact, there were times when Jon thought of going out of the potion store and visiting the other stores in Diagon Alley, but after much deliberation, he chose to give up.

After the end of July, there was only one month left before the new school year began, and the number of visitors in Diagon Alley was increasing every day, with many parents bringing their children to buy textbooks and learning aids for the new school year.

It is simply not possible for him to walk openly in the streets of Diagon Alley unless he steals the hair of another wizard and becomes an adult wizard with a wand.

But the risk of doing so is somewhat too great; he can't be sure of the identity of the wizard he has turned into, and if he meets anyone who knows the wizard, it will be easily revealed.

In the end, Jon did not try to take the risk, his intention of going out was just to explore the surrounding stores, to see if there were any "mudbloods" like him, who were sent here for forced labour over the summer, and he has no other pressing matters.

Today, as usual, Jon opened the door of Elmo's store and continued to repeat the daily cleaning of the windows, when a pair of well-dressed father and son with light blond hair walked towards the potion store.

They didn't seem to notice Jon, and the sound of conversation between the two didn't even slow down.

"...Not only did he accept the offer at the Ministry of Magic to become the innkeeper of the Leaky Cauldron, but his antique shop in Knockturn Alley is still collecting things. This old guy was really lucky, the previous innkeeper of the Leaky Cauldron was Tom, who moved to France with his family five years ago, I heard that he could not accept the changes in the magical community and also did not dare to resist. Eventually, the position was won over by Borgin, who seems to be quite well-connected with the gentleman."

"But he still has to bow his head when he sees you, Dad!" Follow current novels at

"We are the noblest even among the purebloods, Draco, so what if he has connections, he's just a half-breed."

Elmo's attitude towards them is very warm, even if half-bloods are also citizens, it is still a far cry from the special status of the privileged "nobles".

The young Draco also imitated the arrogant posture of his father, and when he glanced over the potions on the shelves, his distaste was evident in his gaze.

They didn't stay in the store for that long, and simply stated their needs to Elmo, then bought away two vials of potions that looked like boosters, and walked out of the store in less than two minutes.

This time Jon was not as lucky as he was earlier, as soon as Draco stepped out of the store, he turned around and noticed Jon who was cleaning with a rag, and an expression of disgust immediately appeared on his face that otherwise pulled up in the air.

"I can't believe I ran into a mudblood."

Lucius who heard his words, also turned his gaze to Jon, his brow visibly furrowed.

"The same year as you entered the castle?"

"Yeah, I kind of remember this little stinker, I've seen him in the castle a few times. He cried on the spot when Professor Crouch was disciplining one of those ballsy mudbloods"

Jon's face didn't change at the unpleasant slur that came out of their mouths; he remained silent as he wiped the windows and listened extra carefully to what Draco was saying.

"The Headmaster is still too kind to these mudbloods, we actually found these stinkers doing gatherings and forming groups in the castle last term."


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