Chapter 66: Hogwarts Castle

Chapter 66: Hogwarts Castle

"A bunch of mudbloods dared to form a gang in Hogwarts castle, in the end, this matter has reached the Headmaster, and to my surprise, they all haven't been executed yet."

Draco looked regretful like he felt sorry for not seeing the drama he was expecting.

Lucius took his arm, with no intention of finding trouble with Jon whatsoever, for people like them, it felt insulting to have a conversation with a mudblood, let alone take the initiative to lower themselves to pick a fight.

In the magical community, the one who likes to torment the "mudbloods" are mostly from the half-blood group.

Originally all of them were common people of the same level, but under the rule of Voldemort, their status was not reduced, while originally their equal muggle wizards were turned into slaves.

This made them feel the taste of privilege even while being under the oppression of pureblood bias; these people would frequently try to find a sense of superiority through the "mudbloods ", and this also made them stand in support of Voldemort's rule.

"I told you not to make any comments about that gentleman, especially when outside."

Lucius led Draco away, while Jon scrubbed the window and squinted his eyes as he fell into deep thought.

This duo of father and son had actually revealed quite a bit of information to Jon in their conversation just now.

Before he came, Dumbledore explained to him, the "notice of acceptance" signed by the Muggle students who were tricked into joining Hogwarts castle is actually a kind of binding, it is not a contract that will instantly change your mind 180 degrees as long as you sign your name on it.

This is just a contract created to control the personal freedom and magic talent of the Muggle students, not as scary as Jon had imagined at the beginning, such as signing the contract would directly change people's minds subconsciously.

This means that those "mudblood" students in Hogwarts Castle still have their own individual will and have not been domesticated to the point of obedience, like the house elves.

If there is oppression, then there will be resistance, the other Hogwarts wagon led by Dumbledore is a kind of resistance, and the Muggle students in the Hogwarts castle obviously also know they should resist.

It's just that the strength gap is so big that people can hardly catch their breath in the castle, so their resistance will hardly have some kind of result.

"Sir, please evaluate the performance of the mudblood who has been boarding in your store during this holiday."

Elmo, without much surprise, gave Jon the best "O" rating, and then the house elf put the parchment away, bowed to Elmo, and then walked to Jon's side, grasping Jon's arm without any communication or reminder.

The next second, a sense of distortion identical to that of the apparition with Dumbledore spread throughout Jon's body, and when he felt his feet on solid ground again, he had arrived at a completely new environment.

This should be a certain building's basement, all tightly enclosed, except for a lone closed door; under the swaying lights, he saw dozens of children around him, all wearing sackcloth robes, both young and older.

They all sat separately on the floor, each keeping a sufficient distance between each other as if no one dared to sit next to each other, and none of them opened their mouths to talk.

The house elf, after dropping Jon off here, immediately disappeared from the room again, as if it was going to pick up the next child.

After seeing these children, Jon had already figured out where he is now.

The only place where so many "mudbloods" gather is Hogwarts Castle!

And just when he has identified the place he came to, another sound unique to the apparition was heard, like a whip lashing in the air.

A girl with messy chestnut-coloured shoulder-length hair, wearing the same worn grey linen robe was brought in.


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