Chapter 135: Index of Mobile Magic Restricted Books

Chapter 135: Index of Mobile Magic Restricted Books

The Invisible Sword: Sectumsempra.

This is a highly well-known dark magic in today's magical world. Follow current novels at

As the right-hand man of Voldemort, Snape invented and created several dark magic as well as potions that have been widely spread among the Death Eaters and the Aurors.

The Invisible Sword is one of them.

It is, in the minds of those Death Eaters who carved destruction into their bones, its status is enough to rank with the exploding charm and blasting curse, as the best offensive magic spell below the three unforgivable curses.

The speed of the spell is very fast, the critical hit rate is very high, the injury can be intense or light according to the mood of the wizard themselves, and the injury caused also comes with a curse effect, but it is not that there is no treatment for the curse at all.

This spell was not hidden by Snape, and Voldemort wouldn't have allowed him to hide such good dark magic, he wrote all the keys to learn this spell in a book, to circulate it widely in the group of Death Eaters.

And it makes sense that this one can also be included in the restricted section of Hogwarts Castle Library.

The book that is now on display in Jon's mind, is such a book written by Snape.

Jon felt excited.

The source of his excitement was not just because he found this book "The Invisible Sword: Sectumsempra", but because the book cover that appeared as a result of absorbing Neville's magic was telling him that the knowledge that was originally stored in Hogwarts library was not just lost due to the magic power was absorbed by the gem!

Magic is the carrier, but not the knowledge itself, as long as the gem is "charged", allowing it to be filled little by little, then Jon will be able to obtain the knowledge of more than 80% of the magic originally hidden in the restricted section of the Hogwarts library.

Hogwarts is the most ancient wizarding school in Europe, and its collection of books is certainly the most comprehensive in the entire European wizarding world, and restricted books are undoubtedly the most profound and dangerous group of knowledge that is stored in the books.

Now more than 80 percent of the knowledge that was in the restricted section is hidden in this gem, which means that Jon has a portable library of restricted magic books.

And the key to opening this library is the magic power of different people!

The more powerful the magic power absorbed, the more magic knowledge he can acquire.

Just like today, the magic of Neville helped to reveal the book cover of the restricted book written by Snape; later on, the more magic he absorbed, the more contents of the books he would be able to obtain!

Jon was a little impatient to put on a jacket over his body, and he looked at Neville, who was still frozen in place and asked.

"Are Ron and the guys still in the common room?"

After the students in the castle came to the wagon, the second-year students finally did not just have Lavender as a girl.

Before she was staying in a dormitory with the third-year girls, but now she can naturally be assigned to live with the second-year girls.

Hermione is her new roommate from the beginning of this year until graduation.

The time was approaching 10 o'clock, and they were packing up their books and parchment, getting up to leave the common room when they happened to meet up with Jon who was pushing the door to meet them.

"Good evening, can you do me a little favour?"

He greeted the two girls.

As long as the spells can be cancelled by counter-spell, then no matter what magic spell, it is all the same to Jon, because the students' magic is still too weak, so he can only use the quantity to make up the quality and try to find a few more people's magic to absorb.

But the magic of the professors are strong, his general counter-spell simply has no way to deter the magic spell used by any of them, which makes it impossible to store the magic on that spell in the gem.

Of course, if he consumes the magic power in the gem to use the general counter-spell on himself, he can improve the power of the counter-spell, but this is putting the cart before the horse, the stored magic power is consumed, what is the use of strengthening the counter-spell?

With the excuse of doing spell experiments, the two girls Lavender and Hermione certainly did not refuse to help to cast a spell on him.

And just after they satisfied Jon's needs and the magic was absorbed by the gem, Jon called Hermione back alone.

"Do you have some time tomorrow at noon? I want to do some research on magic and need some help to see whether my conjecture is true or not, and get some data along with it."



I know these layouts will make people feel a little dry, but these are really necessary info, similar to the first volume, it's not as tense and depressing as the second year, and all the things I've written so far are useful information, not blindly written messy texts, these are all well planned, a few hidden foreshadowing are buried within.

The biggest reason for people to feel like reading dry text is actually due to the lack of updates, don't worry, after tomorrow's holiday I will definitely fill up the volume.


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