Chapter 136: Try

Chapter 136: Try

Hermione didn't even consider it and agreed to Jon's request.

In these rescued students, Jon's reputation is even higher than Dumbledore's.

Because before knowing who Dumbledore is, it was Jon who brought them out of that castle, and among these students, Hermione is the one who is most familiar with Jon.

After all, it was the two of them who devised the whole breakout plan, and it was Jon who rescued Hermione, so the two naturally became friends.

That's why for Jon's request, Hermione didn't even think about refusing.

The next day, after the morning class, Jon and Hermione walked out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom together.

The driver's seat of the wagon is a very good place, only Hagrid is nearby, safe with no other distractions.

"Did your elementary school on the other- muggle side cover the concept of gravity?"

Jon did not go to elementary school in England, and he was not sure if the previous lessons in the orphanage, and the elementary school outside had the same learning content.

Hermione was a little puzzled about why Jon asked such a question, and she tilted her head for a moment to ponder the memories of her previous experience as an ordinary Muggle student, which had become blurred in her mind after these two years.

But she is not a dumb person after all and has not forgotten all the things she learned in elementary school.

"Gravity? We learned that in fifth grade." Hermione said with certainty, "In the last chapter of the fifth-grade science class, the teacher specifically spoke about forces and related knowledge, gravity, friction and the principle of leverage."

Jon was not much surprised by this, the British have always attached great importance to the science curriculum, and there is already a class since first grade, with six school years in total, the knowledge learned must be relatively larger.

"So do you still remember the concept of gravity?"

Hermione nodded hesitantly.

"I haven't forgotten what my teacher said ..." she turned her head to Jon, "but ... does this knowledge still have any role in the magical world? The fact that magic exists means that a lot of all that scientific knowledge and theories will be overturned."

Jon didn't say it outright, nor did he deny Hermione's words, he just said casually.

"You all went to class in the morning, and Gabrielle didn't want to bother you, but it was boring in the wagon."

She sounded quite happy, so she didn't use the word "I" but called out her name.

"And then Hagrid invited Gabrielle to come here to chat with him when he entered the wagon for breakfast."

"This place is really fantastic!" She looked like she had a great time chatting with Hagrid, completely devoid of the nervousness she felt when she first got into the wagon, "Hagrid drove the wagon through a pasture in the morning! There were so many cows there, and when it got close enough, Gabrielle could even touch the cows' horns!"

After looking at Gabrielle showing no signs of being uncomfortable upon arriving at the wagon, Jon couldn't help but smile as well.

Who would not like an innocent little child?

The driver's seat of the wagon is very large, it is more than enough for Hagrid to lie down here, and now even with the additional Jon, and Hermione, as well as Gabrielle, who does not occupy space at all in the ghost state, it still seems very spacious.

Hagrid knew that Jon brought Hermione along to do some experiments, so he did not bother them, instead, he and Gabrielle used the long-handled fishing net transformed using transfiguration in the other half of the driver's seat, trying to get a fish out of the big lake around them at high speed.

"I heard from Neville that you've learned the levitation charm quickly, and have fully been able to use it on your third day in the wagon?" Jon asked.

Hermione pulled out her wand and nodded as she said.

"Casting spells with a wand is not as difficult as casting spells with gestures, besides, the two different ways of casting spells also have a lot of similarities, so I learned it a little more easily. Hanton, Ariel and the rest of them have also learned the levitation charm, and Professor Filius is very satisfied with this progress."

Jon looked at Hermione and asked tentatively.

"So when you were learning the levitation charm, did you ever consider what kind of force this charm actually creates to exert its effect on objects and make them float?"


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