Chapter 184: Veritaserum

Chapter 184: Veritaserum

Jon, however, did not have any intention of having half-hearted communication with him.

There are many ways to learn absolutely true information from a person in the magical world, but most of them are not something that he and Fred can master at this stage.

However, although the professors had separated from them, there were still many useful things left in their offices.

Especially in Lily's office.

She installed many cabinets on the wall to store potions, which were filled to the brim, and each cabinet door was specially marked, indicating what potions were stored in it, and what kind of effect it had.

Many of them are daily healing potions, apparently, she deliberately left behind to prevent students who sail alone from getting sick without the ability to brew potions and take care of themselves.

And in which there are also some potions with special functions, which even include potions that the Ministry of Magic expressly forbids private production and sale.

Jon this time brought out a very useful vial of banned potion from the ship - Truth Serum.

It only takes three drops to make the person who drank it speak everything, it is generally used when dealing with criminals of extremely bad nature, the Aurors will use this potion for interrogation.

Now such interrogation is going to fall on their own.

Fred assisted by grabbing Macnair's jaw and forcibly opening his mouth.

A great panic rose in the heart of this simple-minded temporary Auror, and he resisted fiercely and kept shouting.

"You can't do this! I am a half-blood! I am protected by the bloodline law! Even if I am guilty, I can only be judged by the Wizengamot! You can't lynch me!"

But his resistance was meaningless as Jon took a small vial and raised it above Macnair's mouth, then carefully tilted the vial and dropped three drops of the Truth Serum into his mouth.

This potion is very valuable, and the quantity itself is not much, so Jon used it frugally.

Macnair clearly felt that he was being fed something, but he simply did not have any ability to resist, even if he kept coughing he could not spit out the Truth Serum that had slipped into his esophagus.

Soon the effect of the poison took effect.

Macnair stopped resisting, his mouth was slightly opened, gasping for breath, looking like a student waiting to answer the question.

Jon and Fred looked at each other, then Jon raised his wand against his throat and asked in a voice that didn't belong to him, and seemed much older and huskier.

"What's your name?"

"Walden Macnair."

Macnair's voice was calm, but the tone of his speech was a bit slurred as if he was asleep and talking in his sleep, almost as if he had been shouting for a long time.

"How can you prove your identity?" Jon continued to ask with narrowed eyes.

"There is my Auror identity nameplate inside my pocket."

Fred reached out and fumbled around, and sure enough, he found a metal token in the inside pocket of his robe, inscribed with not only Macnair's name but also with his status in the Auror Office- "Temporary Enlisted Auror".

"What is his strength?"

"I don't know."

"Why don't you know anything?"

"He doesn't trust me."

"How long does it usually take for you to come and check?"

"Five minutes."

Jon ended his inquiry as he stood up from the ground, his gaze filled with thoughts.

"The key lies in this wizard named Nott." He said to Fred, "This Auror named Macnair is just a temp, which is probably why it was so easy for us to sneak up on him; he hadn't gone through much professional Auror training in the first place. The other guy is the main person in charge of this prison now."

Fred nodded.

"Nick is still watching him, shall we go back first?"

"Let's return now, we've almost been held up for more than five minutes, if we delay any longer, we might alert him."

"What about this guy?"

Jon looked to Macnair and raised his wand.


Macnair's head lolled, and the man completely lost consciousness.

"You also give him another fill of stunning spell, let's leave him here for now until we finish all our purposes on this island."

Then Fred also cast a stunning spell as a way to ensure that he would sleep long enough, and then the two of them put the cloak of invisibility back on and began to return the way they came.

As they approached the building, they had seen Nick, hiding at the edge of the wall.

Nick also saw them and drifted over without a sound.

"How is it on your side?"

"It has been solved, but the Auror who is staying in the house now is the main priority."


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