Chapter 185: Scabior

Chapter 185: Scabior

Scabior was reading a book.

Entertainment is scarce in Azkaban, not to mention having to live with someone you can't even talk to.

That's right, he doesn't like Macnair at all.

Although both of them are half-blood, no one is more noble than anyone else in the British magical community, but he idolizes Severus Snape, who could stand above most pureblood wizards as a half-blood, as an educated, motivated, and talented half-blood, he really despises a mindless half-breed like Macnair.

Even if their birth did not give them much advantage, as long as they are not miserable like the mudbloods, they will always have a chance to advance in the future.

He personally does not have much discrimination against the mudbloods, after all, before Voldemort ruled the entire British magical community, he lived in that "abnormal" magical society for many years, and at that time he also had many mudblood friends.

But even if he did not agree much with the pureblood supremacy theory, so what?

As long as he wants to gain power, wants to climb the hierarchy, it is necessary to embrace this ideology.

Therefore, when suppressing the Order of the Phoenix led by Dumbledore, he did not hold back in the slightest, more than three members of the Order of the Phoenix were directly or indirectly brutally killed by him.

It is because of this outstanding merit, he was able to rapidly advance his position in the Auror office.

Lucius Malfoy, the head of the Auror office, had already hinted to him in private that after the completion of the Azkaban mission, the ministry would very likely transfer him to other key offices in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, giving him a chance to be head of the division.

It was because of this realization that Scabior did not like watching Quidditch, playing wizard's chess, or travelling.

He only liked to read books and constantly enrich himself with knowledge as a way to not miss the opportunity when he needed to take it.

And this time, he felt that he might have come across an extremely crucial opportunity.

Of course, if not handled properly, then this opportunity may also turn out to be a deadly danger.


It was too quiet now.

So quiet that Scabior can only suspect one possibility in the first instance, in the context of the current chaos in the magical world.

Someone else had broken into Azkaban Island, and that fool Macnair had been taken care of!

The next second this thought rose in his mind, he gripped the wand that had been placed on his desk with a flash.

He stood up from the sofa, first went to the door of the study, and reached out to open the door gently with a slit, then his eyes were fixed on the owl cage that had been placed on top of the bookcase.

There was an owl belonging to him in the cage, and it met him at eye level.

After hesitating for less than a second, he went back to the bookcase, opened the owl's cage, and released the owl, which had been with him for less than three years.

He pulled out a piece of parchment from the desk, and with quick strokes, wrote a line of letters on it with a quill pen, then rolled the parchment up and let the owl grasp it in its talons.

Lastly, he took out a locket from his robe coat pocket and hung it around the owl's neck before opening the window opposite the building's door for it.

"This thing will help you fly out of the mists. Go back to the Ministry of Magic, go to Lucius Malfoy, the head of the Auror office, and be sure to deliver this letter to him, and make sure to take off with a lighter motion!"

Every owl that delivers a letter to a wizard is capable of understanding human speech, and it flew out of the room with the pendant, grasping the letter and carefully flapping its wings.

Scabior couldn't be sure what people had landed on Azkaban and how many there are, but he had to make sure the message got out before he was ready to take the chance that was right in front of him.

Otherwise, if he seized the opportunity, it's okay, if not, it's likely that all his previous achievements will not be able to offset this one screw-up.


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