Chapter 192: Diary

Chapter 192: Diary

Jon did not answer further to its words, the lie has now been exposed, so there is no need to explain.

They simply do not know what kind of layout Voldemort left here, and just made a false statement.

Fred tried, stretched out a finger to touch the chain, but there was no obstruction, it simply passed through it.

This is obviously a blockade specifically designed to guard against dementors, after the flap door was opened, the entire cellar has become a no-go area for dementors, even if they originally entered here, they will be thrown out directly.

"Isn't this equivalent to the dark lord giving us a layer of insurance!" Fred said with surprise.

Jon's face, however, did not reveal a semblance of joy but rather frowned more and more tightly.

"Don't be too happy soon, the dementors can't get in, but how are we going to get out after this?"

Fred then noticed that outside the cellar, there was no longer only one Dementor that had just brought them in.

More and more Dementors were coming from all parts of the prison as if they had been summoned, and the temperature around them was dropping, soon blocking the already small entrance.

"Liar. You are not his men!"

The dementor that had brought them in was clearly enraged to the extreme by the sound of its voice.

Of course, anyone who had been deceived in this way wouldn't quite be able to maintain a calm mind.

Fred said in a relaxed mood, shrugging his shoulders.

"Since we are blocked here, let's go down and see, maybe we can find some way out in the lower level."

Jon also helplessly nodded, the situation in front of him is already the worst situation.

Even if their lies were exposed at the beginning, it is better than now, at that time, after all, they still faced only one dementor, while they are not gathered, Jon would rely on his own unformed Patronus charm, to put up a fight to have a small chance to escape with Fred.

Now the situation is different, it is estimated that the entire castle's dementors are blocked at the door, and unformed Patronus Charm simply can not scare away the dementors gathered together.

They did not bother with the dementor blocking the door that was making angry accusations and returned to the movable panel door.

Jon grabbed the edge of the door, and after a puff of dust, the door was easily opened.

Beneath the movable panel door was a dark space, and Fred used the Wand-Lighting Charm and stuck his wand into the basement. By the faint fluorescence, they could see the uneven stone walls around them, and the ground about three meters away.

After ensuring that there is no danger down there, Fred took the lead with his hands on the edge of the movable door and slowly lowered his body to jump into the chamber, followed by Jon who flew in with the help of the levitation charm.

He began to reach into the inner pocket of his robe to search up, and soon, he pulled out a grey cloth bag.

The bag's opening turned down, and a large venomous fang fell out from inside.

Looking at the fang, Jon breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It's a good thing it is always with me."

Fred, on the other hand, asked in surprise.

"What kind of creature's fang is this?"

"Dug out from the mouth of the Basilisk, let's stop quizzing about this for now, it's something that can potentially help us." Jon handed the fang to Fred, "You take it, I'll open this diary, if there is any accident, when I tell you to stab down, be sure to stab hard without hesitation."

Looking at Jon's extremely serious expression, Fred did not ask any more questions, he took the fang from Jon's hand with a solemn face, and then Jon reached out to get the diary.

The black cover in addition to a date, there are no other words, without too much hesitation, he opened to the first page.

On the old, yellowed pages, there was only one name written in dark green ink -

Tom Riddle.

After seeing this name, Jon's pupils shrank slightly.

His guess was right, the diary that was thrown here is the first Horcrux that Voldemort made when he was a student in the original story!

This is not the first time that Jon saw a Horcrux, in the Headmaster's Office in Hogwarts Castle, four relics were placed on the table, three of which were made into Horcruxes by him.

But among all the Horcruxes, only this diary is the most special.

Because, the others, whether it is the Slytherin locket, or Gaunt's resurrection stone ring, although it should nominally be inherited by Voldemort, he coaxed or robbed it from the hands of others.

Only this diary, it's originally his own, belonged to him from the beginning to the end!


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