Chapter 193: Three Pages of a New Diary

Chapter 193: Three Pages of a New Diary

Turning over the page with the name, on the one behind it, the alphabet letters are written all over.

The owner of this diary obviously has good handwriting.

[That old guy is a fool!]

[I just probingly asked him about the details of the Unforgivable Curse, and he looked suspicious as if he thought that if I knew about such powerful magic, I would blow up the Ministry of Magic in the next second].

[That Moron from Gryffindor, whose name is Hagrid is even more stupid, actually raised a bunch of Flobberworm in the dormitory in private. When I found them, he begged me not to hurt them, how disgusting those damn bugs are, does he even know? When I burned them to death with the Fire-Making Spell I thought it soiled my wand!]

[The people in Gryffindor are a bunch of hopelessly stupid people, more like pigs than lions.]

[But it's because there are so many stupid people that they can show how smart we are, right?]

[The greatest wizard of the future will always need a little ink to record his journey, but how can those mediocre people deserve to know and evaluate my life so early?]

[Well, so, from today on, I'll record it myself.]

Fred held up the fang and also looked at the contents of the diary from the side, and he skimmed his lips.

"If this is really the diary of the dark lord, then it is very funny, the level of stink is beyond that of Percy."

Jon looked at this first page of the diary, his gaze filled with thought.

"In some ways, Voldemort is indeed proud and arrogant, but he also does have the capital to be proud. Don't think he called everyone stupid in his diary like this, since it's his diary, what's written here are mental words that can't be seen by others."

"As far as I know, the dark lord as a student was always liked by many professors and classmates, and people described Tom Riddle as a gentleman of high moral character, friendly to others with excellent grades."

"So few people now actually know what the real name of the present-day Dark Lord is, and no one would associate him with the brilliant Head boy, more than fifty years ago."

Fred said with contempt.

"It proves he's a good actor, hypocritical and pretentious. I heard Bill say that there used to be a lot of people like that in Slytherin House before Hogwarts Castle fell."

Jon shrugged.

"You see, just like Tom Riddle thinks Gryffindors are all stupid, you're all prejudiced against Slytherin even without ever participating in the sorting. But actually, if the Dark Lord hadn't taken over the wizarding world yet, and we would still have to sort, there would certainly be many of our fellow students being sorted into Slytherin right now, do you ever think they're being hypocritical and pretentious?"

It was only after killing the first innocent that Tom's cleansing plan had to be forced to stop.

Because of the seriousness of the situation at the time, it became necessary to close the school, and the orphan Tom without the shelter of Hogwarts, had to go back to that orphanage.

For this reason, he decided to dump the pot on Hagrid and re-blocked the secret chamber that was opened and has not opened anymore.

There were a few more pages in the diary, and Jon continued to turn further back.

But on the next page, he clearly discerned that something was wrong.

From this page, the handwriting became much scribbled, and the colour of the ink and traces do not look like it has existed for a very long time.

Jon frowned and carefully went to read the messy handwriting.

[Ignorant fools!]

[I'll become such an ignorant fool too!]

[One should control magic, rather than be controlled by it!]

[Horcrux are not the perfect answer to immortality ...]

[I want to take it back ... take it all back ...!]

Jon held his breath and turned to the next page, the handwriting on this page was even messier, making it even harder to discern what letters the jumbled strokes were writing out one after another, and it took him a lot of effort to identify them word by word.

[I want to start over ... Don't be stupid again! Don't be stupid again ... I'm better ... I'm the real ...]

[I will become stronger ... Magic is born out of soul ... My strength is my own ...]


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