Chapter 194: Start again from the beginning

Chapter 194: Start again from the beginning

[...Different. I am different. I am me. Not like him. Not an idiot. Let me be me. Let me do it]

These few words make people feel a little unsure, like a crazy person talking with his mouth full of nonsense.

Jon turned to the next page, the words on this were actually a lot clearer than the previous ones as if a different person had started writing.

[Step one. First get me back, from where I started to lose, from there to get it back]

[Completing the missing pieces, so that I know that I am still me. It's not too late, everything has changed, and good changes have already begun]

The diary was getting shorter and shorter, and when Jon turned to the last page, all he saw was a mass of lines drawn haphazardly on the page.

It was as if the person recording the thoughts had gone crazy to the extreme, and all the previous sanity was gone.

Finally, he turned over this last page, in the back of the last book cover of the diary, he saw a symbol like this.


"What does this mean?"

Not only Jon was reading, but Fred also finished reading the last few pages of the diary, but although he knew all the letters in it, he did not understand what the person who wrote the diary was actually saying.

Jon turned the diary back to the back page of the one where the basilisk was released, and read the next page again completely.

"This part is most likely what Tom Riddle, the dark lord, wrote when he came to Azkaban Island nine years ago."

"He came here and all to continue to write the diary?" Fred asked unbelievably.

Jon shook his head.

"It's not a diary, it's more like he's talking to himself in an unconscious state. But this self-talk is going to give us more information than those first few inner thoughts he wrote."

"Looking at what he said at the beginning - [Horcrux are not the perfect answer to immortality....], he must have realized something and perceived the huge side effects of Horcrux." Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"To make such a thing, one must kill to meet the pre-condition, no matter what time of the year, the brutal killing of one's own kind must be the most emotionally volatile, and at that time one's negative emotions are bound to overflow. And the Horcrux is made by relying on such emotions to cut the soul, which undoubtedly weakens the person's own subjective thoughts even more, leaving that negative emotion of killing someone to linger on."

"That's why the dark lord became more and more insane, terrifying and incomprehensible the further he advanced. It is in such a state that he never notices the changes in himself."

"Not quite right, the remnant soul split from this diary belongs to the Dark Lord's student days, the boy named Tom Riddle, cocky and proud with ambition but good at disguise. He was indeed very gifted, yet he did not have the same mentality and experience as his later self, it is not like the Tom in the diary could write those words."

Jon then flipped back and turned to the last page which had roughly the same handwriting as the first page of the new record and was written in a much smoother language.

"Look at this sentence, [Step one. First get me back, from where I started to lose, from there to get it back], we can basically conclude that this diary is the beginning of the next journey of the dark lord collecting his Horcruxes back together. Now he intends to start again with a new beginning from this, [Completing the missing pieces so that I know that I am still me. It's not too late, everything has changed, and good changes have already begun], it is also at this time that he intends to recall all the residual souls in all Horcruxes."

"This means that when writing these words, it is possible that he has not yet reclaimed that remnant soul from the diary, even if that soul in the diary could talk to him, the words spoken would not be retained."

Jon rubbed his chin with a pensive look.

"This is like himself, yet a little different."

There was silence in this underground chamber, and Jon's words caused goose bumps to rise all over Fred's body.

He said cautiously.

"You think, the dark lord, he was split into two consciousness of himself, one is affected by the Horcrux, becoming even more crazy, and one is suddenly enlightened, want to find himself?"

Jon did not answer Fred's question, he was staring unblinkingly at the most difficult-to-identify page, which has the most confusing line of words in terms of meaning.

[...Different. I am different. I am me. Not like him. Not an idiot. Let me be me. Let me do it]

What was Voldemort trying to do when he wrote these words?

Absorbing the soul in the diary?

Or something else?

And who is stopping him from doing so?


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