Chapter 218: Conspiracy

Chapter 218: Conspiracy

Lyon, France.

Dumbledore looked at the parchment in his hand with a stony face.

He frowned tightly and said quietly.

"Have we got our people to corroborate this message?"

McGonagall took a deep breath at the side.

"According to the word from Mr Iniesta, they secretly sent someone to try to contact the first batch of muggle-born wizards who are being reformed in the re-educational camp, and all of them have been completely turned into different people. The Dark Lord had completely and utterly brainwashed the whole lot of them, and each one of them had become a fervent supporter of the bloodline supremacy theory, believing that muggle-born wizards were born to be pureblood slaves, and had almost exposed the people who had contact with them."

Dumbledore looked at the parchment in his hand in silence, listening to the results reported to him by McGonagall, before speaking again after a long delay.

"The ones who were put into that re-educational camp were all adult wizards, who had already formed their own set of solid world-views, and it is simply impossible to achieve such an effect so quickly with simple brainwashing. It is highly likely that these people were controlled by an Imperius Curse, or had their perceptions forcibly altered by a Memory Charm."

"Such means can only have a short-term effect, the willpower of adult wizards is not like that of children, a prolonged Imperius Curse will wear them down, and if the memories and wishes thrown into them by the Memory Charm have great contrasts with their original cognitive ones, then they will regularly fall into self-doubt, deny themselves, and even commit suicide."

McGonagall face paled, she could hear the miserable future of this group of people from Dumbledore's mouth.

"These people have obviously fallen into his hands ... Isn't he going to oppress them? Why he still wants to take their lives!"

Dumbledore let out a long sigh.

"What is the reaction on Iniesta's side?"

"Those French people have long wanted to rescue their compatriots, and now they are even more impatient, when I was here, a number of people gathered around me, saying that we must take a stand as soon as possible, if we delay any longer, then the so-called Equality Front simply does not need to continue to exist, they will not just watch their compatriots turn into humanoid house elves, they will act on their own. "

Dumbledore listened to McGonagall's narrative with a calm face, and then he slowly spoke.

"He had to have another thing happen to get everyone's attention, something that was not only big enough to get the attention of every French wizard but preferably something that would also increase his prestige and unshakable position of dominance in the hearts of the French wizards."

Listening to Dumbledore's narrative, and linking the cause and effect, McGonagall naturally got the answer to her question.

"So he wanted to attract the attention of those French people on this matter, which is why he wanted to lure us to attack the re-educational camp?"

"That's right, now the only organization in all of Europe that is clearly opposed to his rule is us. He needs a big victory to solidify his position in France, or rather to establish his presence in Europe. And to eliminate as much of our living forces as possible, when we are already numerically inferior."

"Is he so confident that he thinks he can certainly defeat us?"

Dumbledore's gaze was very plain.

"I once lost to him, he led the elite wizards in the number of nearly three times more than us, and we have only just recently joined as a group, taking in a lot of wizards who have no experience to fight, and that re-educational camp is still a fortress he built with his own hands. If the gap between the two sides is so big to this extent, if he still doesn't have confidence, then he wouldn't have reached the achievement he has today."

McGonagall's face became extremely stony, and her voice carried a strong sense of frustration.

"Then we, really have no chance at all?"

Dumbledore did not immediately answer this question of hers, he gently tapped the back of his other hand with the index finger of his hand, a moment later as if he was murmuring, he said.

"Whether there is a chance ... still depends on Riddle himself ah."


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