Chapter 219: Building Blocks

Chapter 219: Building Blocks

Northwest France, at the northernmost tip of the Cotentin Peninsula, near the coast near the Strait of La Manche (English Channel).

A pitch-black castle, undetectable by muggles, was built here.

This fortress does not have a long history, and compared to many ancient castles in Europe that have a history of thousands of years, it is not even called a baby as it was only just built and sprung up this year.

But in today's French magical world, no castle is more famous than this one.

But in fact, this castle has never been named since it was built, and it is just a residence for a new establishment, it's just the name of this new establishment is unforgettable to every French wizard.

Re-Educational Camp.

After Voldemort finished collecting the wands of all the French muggle wizards, this re-educational camp was officially established.

All the muggle-born wizards who are over 16 years old and have been deprived of their wands will all be brought here to receive the pureblood supremacy theory discipline and reform.

The new ideology will be imposed on all wizards to give them a new form of thinking. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"Humanoid house elf" - this is the uniform name of the muggle wizards who came out from here.

In fact, for the magical world or wizards, there is no need for these kinds of muggle-born wizard slaves. House elves are generally only kept by pureblood families in captivity, but it doesn't mean that other wizard families can't afford to keep them, they are simply slaves who take care of their lives and clean up after them, which is simply dispensable for them.

The biggest benefit for purebloods and half-bloods is the jobs and social resources that these people who lost their rights as human beings left behind.

These resources will be shared by all the wizards who obey Voldemort's rule, while the biggest purpose of the muggle-born wizards who have become slaves would be to be dispatched to all walks of life as oppressed labour.

As long as they don't die of hunger, there is no other human cost at all, and they can also be squeezed to death.

Thus, the cost of all kinds of magical utensils began to fall, and the most obvious manifestation is the various magical companies that produce flying brooms, floo powder, quill pens, parchment and other such essential items began to develop rapidly.

The cost dropped, and the price remained the same, causing their profits to skyrocket, and the direct beneficiaries of these companies and interests are purebloods and new school purebloods.

The most distasteful thing for Voldemort is personal incompetence and mediocrity, he even specifically added a "crime of incompetence" in the magic law.

Once the crime was determined, even for the slightest mistake, they need to go to Azkaban to squat for six months (generally a person with a weak 'will' will be sucked crazy in three months).

So it is not unusual to find highly educated Aurors like Scabior in the Auror office or Ministry, and there are very few jolts like Macnair who have low ability to still be able to live well.

This is why Lockhart was spotted by Auror and subsequently fell into the net.

But after that he got lucky.

Originally, according to his guilt, the minimum sentence should be three years in Azkaban, but Voldemort recognized his talent in the memory charm, gave him a pardon, and arranged for him to work in the Obliviator Headquarters to pay for his crimes.

After entering the Obliviator Headquarters, the frightened and disorderly Lockhart worked diligently, turning from a dashing criminal into a social animal.

His excellent memory charm has solved many stubborn elements, giving the Order of the Phoenix under Dumbledore a great blow.

After all, there is nothing more painful than becoming fanatical pureblood dogs after being caught struggling for freedom together with their close comrades.

There are also some "mudblood" thorns in Hogwarts Castle, all of them were also handed over to Lockhart to solve, in whose hands the "mudblood" rarely remain disobedient.

It is also because of such a feat, his promotion was like a rocket, only three years after joining the Ministry of Magic, he became the head of the office from the ordinary staff.

Even now he is still not forgotten by Voldemort and was summoned to France, to contribute to the pureblood cause.


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