Chapter 440: The Damned Bloodline (2 in 1)

Chapter 440: The Damned Bloodline (2 in 1)

In this conflict over bloodlines, the most vivid relations are naturally between the side with bloodlines and the side without bloodlines.

But in fact, from beginning to end, there was also conflict within the bloodline side, and it was not a small conflict at all.

But many people were fooled by the appearance of peace in Britain, and those who saw the glaring problems were too afraid to do anything about it, and were unable to do anything about it because of Voldemort's personal prestige.

But now in France, it is different. This is not Voldemort's territory, nor is it the domain of the purebloods, and with no Death Eaters or Aurors to back up the noble blood, the issue between the purebloods and the half-bloods can be completely stirred up.

It would not only make those half-bloods who covered their ears and blindfolded themselves, pretending that they could hear nothing and see nothing, see the reality once and for all, but it would also aggravate the oppression that they usually put up with at Hogwarts Castle, which they consoled themselves that they deserved it.

And so it did.

The former students of the castle's Half-Blood House were aware of what had happened to Assia, but they all assumed that Floyd, the "main culprit", had been "punished", and many of them, while lamenting the loss of such a beautiful person, were relieved that they were, after all, not a mudblood, and even if a pureblood has done something wrong against them, there is still a price to pay, isn't there?

But now this trial is a severe slap in the face of those who thought so in the first place.

The source of this school violence was Flint, a pureblood student from a stronger family and a purer bloodline, who was not only not punished, but he was not even included in the briefing on the internal disciplinary process at Hogwarts Castle.

This made those half-blood students who still had empathy for the purebloods who had been pushed up to the high platform to be judged, unable to accept it anymore.

We thought we were all on the same side, but it turned out that you never treated us like human beings!

Such a thing made these half-bloods, whose three views had only been formed for a short time, all look at Flint, who was standing in the middle of the high platform, in shock and inexplicably, and they didn't know what kind of expression they should be showing right now.

Should they be angry?

The half-bloods in the castle had received an influential education, but they were not really bad, and of course, they would feel angry when they heard such a god-awful thing.

But should such anger be expressed?

It's not. How could half-bloods express resentment and discontent against purebloods who are much more noble than they are?

Just as there was a clamour for Flint to be punished severely by the students of the wagon and the former Hogwarts castle students were all still a little overwhelmed, Professor McGonagall regained control of the scene.

"Let the next witness take the stage."

So with all eyes on her, there was a girl with long pale blonde hair, slender and timid, being pulled by Hermione's hand to the front of the stage.

At the sight of the girl's face, a gasp rang out from all the former castle students, and Flint stared at her with daggers in his eyes!

"Impossible! She's obviously dead! You must have had someone pretend to be her! You must have had someone pretend to be her!"

Flint shouted, causing Flitwick to frown and gesture at the Weasley twins, who were acting as guards, on the sidelines.

Then George took the hint and instantly held out his wand at Flint and the next second a rag was gagged over his constantly screaming mouth, and at the same time his hands and feet were bound in place, both behind his back, tied up by the rope that had suddenly appeared.

"Introduce yourself, young lady." Professor McGonagall said as she looked at the girl beside Hermione.

The girl looked nervous as she turned her head to look at Hermione, who gave her an affirmative look in response.

"I... My name is Assia Konrad, and I'm a student of Hogwarts Castle Half-Blood House."

Hearing her introduce herself, it was at this time that it finally dawned on the group of Hogwarts wagon students why the students of the castle had erupted in shock and Flint had said what he had said.

The victim of this incident was actually not dead! Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"Can you tell us how you survived that incident?"

"Fortunately for me, Floyd, she's not proficient in dark magic, and her Cruciatus Curse will only make me experience some pain for a day or two at most; it won't cause any more pain if I endure through it."

Her tone was full of thankfulness, from the bottom of her heart, but the people listening to her story below were not able to share her thankfulness.

"But when the academic year was about to end last year, Flint, noticed me because of Floyd. He found me privately and said he liked me and wanted me to be his girlfriend"

As she recounted this, Assia couldn't help but shiver, and none of the wagon students could understand why a simple word about him wanting her to be his girlfriend would make her feel so scared at first, but the students of the castle knew all about it.

The hierarchy of bloodlines and the separation of boundaries let different bloodlines not think about the possibility of something happening between them.

Except for a few half-bloods who had the whimsy to think that there might be a pureblood lord who would risk his life for them, sensible half-bloods never presumed to gain the favour of any pureblood, not to mention that Floyd, who had been tormenting and bullying Assia, was Flint's fiance!

If she were to learn of this, then Assia's fate could be imagined.

"I, I mustered up the courage to refuse him at that time, saying that it was not allowed by Sir Headmaster, and, besides, he had a fiance. But he said that I had no right to refuse him, that my mum and dad worked for the magic company under his family, and that if I didn't agree to him, he would make my family become tramps, and that he would continue to let Floyd torture me until she half-killed me, and then go to the professor and turn me in, saying that I had seduced him"

At this point, everyone offstage looked at Flint with an increasingly unkind eye, and the more they listened, the more they could feel that this man was a scum among scum!

"All I could do was beg him to give me a little more time, I couldn't accept such a thing in a short time. He was impatient but agreed, but somehow Floyd heard about it the next day. She started torturing me even more violently than before until just before Christmas when she started planning to turn me into a monster using a blood curse and make me endure such a curse for all eternity, and then after that, then after that was when Hermione, she, she rescued me."

As Assia finished her story, there was a brief silence below the raised platform, then all the wagon students rose from their chairs in anger as they rushed at Flint raising their wands high in anger and demanding that he be put to death on the spot!

It was a good thing that there were still some new faculty members around who recruited after they arrived in France, to keep order, otherwise, the students would probably have cast a spell on Flint on the spot!

And the castle's half-blood students, many of them had sad expressions on their faces.

It was in sympathy for what had happened to Assia, resentment at the purebloods for daring to say something like that, and anger at their own former self-delusion and stupidity.

Their emotions were so mixed that it felt like a fire was burning in their hearts, it was so strong that it was in their throats, but they didn't know how to vent it.

At that moment, a figure among the half-blood students suddenly picked up a piece of mud from the ground and threw it towards Flint on the platform!

The mud was thrown with perfect timing, hitting him right on the head, and all the castle's half-blood students saw who the mud-thrower was.

It was one of them, Cedric Diggory, one of the good old boys!

His face was red, and he was panting heavily with rage as if the fire in his heart could not dissipate even after throwing the mud!

"For what reason should there be such superiority or inferiority!" He shouted, "Why should people be bullied to the point of being treated as lesser human beings!"

"Damn the Bloodline!"

Those words were like the ignition of a fuse that created a massive explosion in the minds of all the castle's half-blood students present!

They finally knew exactly how to vent their unbearable inner flames, and exactly why and at whom they were going to explode!

Like Cedric, they picked up the mud on the ground and threw it like maniacs towards Flint on the high platform, shouting at the same time.

"It's all because of this damned bloodline!"


#Mihael Medved, Thanks for all your love and support.

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