Chapter 441: The New Gallows (2 in 1)

Chapter 441: The New Gallows (2 in 1)

There was mud all over the high platform.

And Flint, who was restrained in the middle, looked like a mud man.

The mud that had always been under his feet before, that he had never cared about and never paid attention to, was running down the top of his head and across his face, and it humiliated him to the core.

Even after being captured and brought to France, at first Flint and many other purebloods were not worried about their fate.

Their Sir Headmaster had not lost the war, their parents were major pillars in the British Ministry of Magic and even among the Death Eaters, and abusing or killing them would not do any benefit at all to Dumbledore and the others. The smartest move would have been to keep them under house arrest in France as a way of keeping the British purebloods at bay for the rest of the war so that even if they lost the war later, they could be used as a bargain.

Add to this, the irony is that, although the half-bloods and muggle-born students don't know much about Dumbledore other than him being a dark wizard, Dumbledore has always had a high reputation in pureblood circles.

It was a very strange phenomenon, but indeed a reality, just as Lucius would have trusted Dumbledore's promise to protect Draco more than that of his fellow Death Eaters.

As such the pureblood students who considered the heir to their family knew that Dumbledore was in fact not some notorious dark wizard at all, as advertised in the Daily Prophet, but instead a good old man with a saint's heart.

But now that Flint had been treated like this, it had shaken his entire being.

Listening to the shouts of the half-breed bastards below, he was unable to move his body, unable to wipe the mud off his face, and could only stare with resentment at Assia, who was still standing on the stage.

It was all because of this bitch!

And these bastards off the stage!

Did they really think that this would mean victory and liberation for them?

Sir Headmaster hasn't lost yet, and neither the purebloods did!

Sooner or later they'll have to pay for what they are doing today. The purebloods are too lenient with the half-bloods in the end, they deserve to be squeezed as hard as slaves like the mudbloods! They should all be treated like slaves!

Slaves worthy only of serving the noble blood for the rest of their lives!

What Flint was thinking, of course, was unknown to the audience, and if it had been, the anger of the half-blood students would have been multiplied tenfold.

This emotional outburst went on for some time before it was stopped by the faculty who were around to keep order, and then the mud that littered the raised platform was cleaned up with just one cleaning spell from Lupin.

Flint looked a mess, but McGonagall's face didn't show any semblance of pity as she looked over at him.

These students off the stage were just learning about all the things he had done to Assia, but McGonagall and the others had actually known for a long time that neither Flint on stage nor the pureblood students on stage who were awaiting trial were worthy of pity.

At first, when Jon's solution was proposed, McGonagall along with Flitwick and the rest of them were not really in favour of it.

They felt that it would be too radical and insulting to the dignity of the purebloods, who were just a bunch of kids who hadn't even graduated from school, who couldn't be as bad as their parents, right?

Jon didn't say anything about it but suggested that they could finish the individual interrogations of the purebloods first and then decide whether to hold a public trial for them.

Whether there was a public trial or not, the purebloods would still be subjected to a rigorous interrogation, especially as a large proportion of the senior students were already involved in their families' operations, and each of them knew a lot of secret information about the British purebloods, which would be of great value to the Witching Horizons' later operations against Britain.

To ensure the accuracy of the information they received, the Truth Potion was not used sparingly in this private interrogation, and it was after this interrogation that McGonagall and the others were silenced and no longer had any qualms about the public trial that followed.

They even took the initiative to determine the minimum sentences for each of the purebloods participating in the next public trial, and they were all surprisingly consistent.

After bringing the order back to the place, McGonagall picked up another piece of parchment in her hand and read it out in a cold voice in front of everyone in the audience.

But this is a public trial (Show trial).

Perhaps even now, hardly any wizard in the wizarding world knew what a public trial (Show trial) meant.

The moment he was brought to this high platform, the only people who could really decide whether he lived or died were those students off the stage!

"Garnos Flint, to be hanged!"

McGonagall made her final verdict!

There was a tsunami of cheers and applause as if they had done a great feat at this moment!

Flint's face turned deathly pale as he heard the verdict, his legs trembled, and he fell to the ground, his crotch became wet and smelled fishy at some point.

When the execution by hanging was delivered, there was no delay, no postponement of the execution, no private execution avoiding the others, but in front of everyone, right here on this high platform, McGonagall used a Transfiguration to build up the gallows!

Flitwick added the ropes to this gallows.

Lupin ordered both George and Fred to work together to raise Flint from the ground.

The cheers from all the students off-stage grew louder and louder, and even those muggle students from the castle couldn't help but look inexplicably shocked by the atmosphere and stood up from their seats.

Were they really going to be hung? Is it true that they were going to hang the innately noble purebloods?

Even Slughorn, who was sitting in front of them, turned his head to look at Dumbledore with a shocked expression.

After hearing about Flint's crime, he was not surprised by the crime of the pureblood student; Flint was not a child anymore, he was a seventh-year student in the castle and would have graduated this year, which meant he is actually 18 years old and deserved to pay the price for what he had done.

What he didn't expect was that Dumbledore would actually dare to let such a group of children, the vast majority of whom were not yet adults, watch their enemies hang in front of a crowd of students, the youngest of whom had only just enrolled last year and were not even 12 years old, and the oldest of whom was barely 18!

"Wouldn't this be too cruel for the students?"

Dumbledore just looked calmly at the raised platform as George and Fred jostled and gritted their teeth as they came to put a rope around the neck of Flint, who was already limp as mush.

"Look around you, my old friend, do you see any semblance of intolerance or pity for this man on the stage in the eyes of all these young ones?"

Slughorn didn't bother to look, for he knew full well that if they could kill Flint with their own hands, these students would be scrambling to do it, and right now the Weasley twins who were hooking the rope on the stage were doing the job that everyone envied the most and wanted to do instead, and they were all dying for the scum-beast to die right now!

"I know they all hated and wanted to get rid of that scum on the stage right now, but Albus, I don't think these students need to be involved in this, it's important to cut off the violence and cruelty in this generation right now, isn't that what you and I want most, that these children don't have to step into that bloody battlefield and watch lives die after they graduate from Hogwarts? So why bring such death to school now? Letting the verdict of this public trial be known by the end of the trial is enough, and the procedure for execution can be done entirely in private."

"I was thinking the same thing as you before." Dumbledore said softly, "But that night Jon specifically approached me and stressed to me with immense seriousness that if there would be a public trial (show trial), then, by all means, let the students see this scene, this scene of the enemy being hanged by our own hands."

"Only then, even in ten, twenty, thirty or even a hundred years from now, the students sitting here will not forget this day when they recall this episode. It will make them remember that our battles will never cost only the blood of our own people, but also the necks of our enemies!"

"They themselves will learn, and they will teach their next generation to understand, that if any further injustice happens in the future, then even a street lamp by the road can become the new gallows!"


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