Chapter 474: Trouble (2 in 1)

Chapter 474: Trouble (2 in 1)

Slughorn and Dandy were now sitting in just the right position, apparently deliberately arranged by Slughorn.

The bedroom door was located just to his side and back, and only Slughorn himself could see the finger sticking out of the crack in the door gesturing at him, followed by an invisible, shadowless sharpness appearing at the tip of that finger!

Slughorn did not look at the door again, but stared at Dandy, trying to open his mouth to draw his attention further.

Yet the former Auror showed complete resourcefulness, Slughorn's words just now made it bad for him to continue to be affronted to check that bedroom, but he still turned back every so often to look at the only dead end he couldn't observe, the only one that could possibly be a problem.

Maybe a lot of people in Pureblood had forgotten, but Dandy had always remembered that not only Slughorn was Voldemort's former Head of House, but he was also a professor under Dumbledore for two or three years before he joined them in Britain.

And Dandy was one of the very few of the purebloods who retained a wary eye on Slughorn, if not suspicion, to say the least!

It was also the moment he turned his head that Slughorn's pupils clenched, and his entire body began to fall backwards!


A subtle vibrating sound rang out in this office, after seeing that wand sticking out openly from the doorway, Dandy reacted extremely quickly slipping his body down from the chair like a loach, and almost in the next second, he hid behind the back of the chair!

But just when his mind was tense, and he had almost concluded that this was a sneak attack against him by Slughorn together with the outsiders who were most likely from Witching Horizon, and drew out his wand, ready to start counterattacking, a bright green light suddenly shot past him!

The aura of death sent chills down Dandy's spine!

Then there was a muffled thud, accompanied by the sound of a chair falling to the ground and a human body rolling to the floor!

Then Dandy, who was sprawled on the floor, saw Slughorn falling on his side, with his eyes wide open to death!

This attack wasn't aimed at him?

It was trying to finish off Slughorn!

In an instant, Dandy had made a split-second decision in his mind.

Without stopping, he turned directly to use the Blasting Curse in the direction of the bedroom room door where the wand was sticking out, it was clear that his wand waving, and silent casting was not half-hearted, however, there was not a single explosion occurring, as if some force had wiped out his magic spell!

Dandy quickly retrieved all the information available on the Witching Horizon, and there was only one person among those led by Dumbledore who could directly erase magic!

"Jon Green!"

He snapped.

And Jon, who was hiding behind the door, no longer hid himself; his face was calm as he kicked the door open while swinging his wand!

No incantation sounded, but the green glow full of death caused Dandy's entire body to make a donkey's roll on the floor while raising his wand to strike back at Jon!

Jon dodged his return killing curse by merely inclining his head in response to it, and without reciting a spell or swinging his wand, an invisible, shadowless blade erupted from his fingertips immediately after he saw Dandy roll out of the cover of his chair!

He deliberately restrained the power of this invisible sword curse, and Dandy was simply unable to avoid it, originally Snape invented this kind of spell to cast spells extremely fast, there is not much space for people to dodge, Jon is now casting without a wand and without a word, which makes it even more difficult for people to react!


A solid, as if glass breaking sound rang out, the shield charm that had been maintained on Dandy's body even within the Department of Mysteries shattered!

Jon cursed in his mind for him being a sicko, he had guessed that this person would most likely have the habit of maintaining the Shield Charm to protect his body at all times, and now he was indeed not wrong.

By this time Dandy had no thought of surviving, just a few rounds of spells exchanged was enough for him to see the gap between himself and Jon.

Slughorn had already been killed, and it was probably hard for him to escape death as well, how on earth Jon managed to sneak into the Department of Mysteries without a sound he didn't know, but what Dandy did know was that he had to make a big commotion, big enough for the rest of the Department of Mysteries to be able to hear it so that Jon couldn't continue to stay hiding here or else he would be a great danger to the entire Ministry of Magic!

And so, after the shield charm had shattered, Dandy raised his wand, the tip of which was not aimed at Jon himself, but turned towards the door to the Head of Department's office!

With the distance between Jon and him now, there was no time to stop him from casting the spell!


But just as he was halfway through the incantation, a red light struck his body!

Dandy stared in disbelief, and before his body went completely stiff and petrified, he saw Slughorn, who had fallen to the ground where he clearly should have been dead, grunting and panting as he rose from the ground with his wand raised.

"Where is that Unspeakable now!"

"I I was afraid that my lord's secret would leak out, so I took a private mission . . to kill him."

Slughorn couldn't help but clench his fists, this man was too loyal and too cautious when it came to Voldemort.

Jon, however, took a deep breath and didn't give up yet.

"And what did you learn from him?"

"I... that's all I know... my lord's secrets I shouldn't learn too much as a servant..."

Silence fell over the office.

Neither Jon nor Slughorn knew what to say anymore, but soon Jon reacted anew, tugging Dandy's body up and pulling him back to his feet.

"Anyway, teacher, this is better than nothing, at least we know that the problem is behind that door and the way to open it is in the Time Room. Now examine this guy, make sure there's nothing left of him, and then help him put the Shield charm on again, and modify his memory."

Slughorn also knew that every second they dragged their feet a little further back, the danger of being found out was greater, and who knew if this wizard called Dandy had made any arrangements with the other purebloods who were out there and if anyone would want to come in and check on the situation once they realised that he had been in the Head of Department's office for a long period of time without coming out.

So Slughorn used the Imperius Curse directly on Dandy, controlling him and allowing him to use a shot of the Shield Charm on himself, then cancelled the Imperius Curse on him, and used the Memory Charm to reweave the memories of today's conversation in his mind.

Jon then went back into hiding in his bedroom while Slughorn continued to sit in the back of his office, and by this time Dandy was slowly regaining his senses.

He looked across at Slughorn, who was looking at him with a strange expression on his face, blinked and asked.

"What did you just say, Sir?"

"I said, Crimson, did you not rest well last night? I've only just spoken, and I can see that you look like you're thinking about something and your complexion is drifting off somewhere?"

Hearing him say that, Dandy's heart first tightened, and then he quickly made a quick inspection of his body, but found no problems, even the Shield Charm had been maintained, and the method of release was clearly his own work.

After completing such an examination, his heart relaxed slightly, but he still felt that he was a bit off today, so he stared into Slughorn's eyes, wanting to end this conversation with him quickly.

"So what exactly do you think? Sir."

"You're making me feel a sense of disrespect." Slughorn waved him off coldly, "I had been somewhat inclined to do so, but I'd rather communicate with Parkinson and the others on these matters."

Dandy thought that it was his performance just now that had upset Slughorn, and although he was not amused in his mind, he still apologised.

"I'm really sorry, Sir, I'll make amends to you when I have the chance later."

Slughorn said with a wave of his hand as if he had lost the idea of communicating with him.

"Come on, let's go, shouldn't you have something else to do."

Dandy didn't linger any longer, he got up and apologised again before pushing his way out of the Head of Department's office.

Only after he had left and Slughorn had made sure that the door was unlocked from the inside did Jon step back out.

Slughorn's face wasn't faking it, it was still hard to look at, even after Dandy had left.

"We only have two days at the most, and while I don't know exactly what Dumbledore wanted to do that day if we don't find out..."

Jon interrupted with a shake of his head.

"It won't Professor, at least now we know the way to open the door is within the Time Room, and if it doesn't work out in the end, the big thing is that we can use a little rougher method."

At that, Jon paused.

"Let me try something inside the Time Room first, but it's too conspicuous to be in there bright and early, and you'll need to hold their attention for me, teacher."


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