Chapter 475: Carrow Manor

Chapter 475: Carrow Manor

Regarding finding out how to open the door in the Time Room, Jon actually had a solution that wasn't a solution.

What could keep that door from being opened must be a piece of magical artefact.

And for Jon, as long as it is a magical artefact, he can use the second gem on his ring to destroy the magical effects it has by absorbing the magic power from it.

If it really came to the point where there was really no way out, Jon could only try to absorb all the magic power from all the magical artefacts in the entire Time Room, destroying all of their effects, and thus opening that inconspicuous door.

Of course, this could only be adopted as a solution when there was no other option, until the last resort, no matter whether it was Jon or Slughorn, they did not want to completely destroy the Time Room, which carried the British magical community's research on time magic for thousands of years.

So after Jon got the news about the Time Room from Dandy, the first thing he did was to come to the room full of all kinds of clocks and hourglasses.

If one were to find one of the most suspicious things in this room, it would undoubtedly be those time-turners that had been damaged for no reason.

Jon didn't stop after coming to the Time Room for the second time and went straight to the front of the shelf where all the damaged time-turners were kept.

Those golden-coloured pocket timepieces were all placed in a transparent glass enclosure, unguarded and unlocked, so whoever could open it, could reach it, like nothing would happen even if someone took it straight home.

Jon took out a time-turner from it, he had already tried to turn the dials on these pocket timepieces during his last visit, but they were indeed damaged, and there was no way for them to display any semblance of time magic.

And this time, instead of making any kind of attempt, Jon just picked one of them and used the general counter-spell on his ring to try and see if he could absorb the magic attached to the timepieces.

The result was he succeeded.

The magic on the time-turner wasn't that powerful, and Jon didn't feel any noticeable enhancement in the strength of the magic in the second gem after absorbing it.

But being able to absorb it was a sign that the reason why these time-turners didn't work wasn't because the magic hosted on it had failed, but that there was some other, more elusive problem.

At the same time, Jon had been keeping an eye on the inconspicuous door, after he had absorbed the magic from the time-turner, the door didn't respond even a little bit, Jon tried once and the door was still blocked off and couldn't be opened as a result.

His magical false eye kept on darting around while giving instructions to Tonks beside him, who had temporarily come to act as his assistant due to Lupin's injuries.

"Tell Fidel's squad that there are seven people in the northwest direction, tell him to round up with Arthur's group, the two of them together will have a chance to consume all of these people."

Tonks quickly wrote Moody's instructions on a piece of parchment-like paper, then threw it casually towards the land and the piece of parchment turned into a grey mouse, scurrying across the wheat field at great speed to deliver the message to whoever it was supposed to be delivered to.

"I'm already thinking about what food I should bring back to Remus after this mission tonight," Tonks muttered, saying something that made Moody frown.

"In the old days, if you, if you were an Auror under my command, said something like that before the mission started, I would have kicked you out of the team and had the phrase 'I swear I'll never just mouth off again' copied three hundred times."

Moody whispered a lecture to her, but in the following, he was unable to hold back his gossip.

"How long have you guys been together? How come I don't even know."

Tonks, who was pulling her bubblegum pink hair, rolled her eyes.

"You're not my grandfather, do I need to report everything back to you? Remus has learnt all the bad things from you, and although he's very manly, he's always been a bit insensitive and bothered about his status."

In response, Moody didn't bother to be stubborn with Tonks, instead, he just remained silent for a while before saying.

"It's good that you guys settled the obstacles between yourselves, I don't want to sit in a conference room in the future, and have to suffer the awkwardness and embarrassment caused by the two of you flirting around with each other."


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