Chapter 476: Attack!

Chapter 476: Attack!

The night was getting darker and darker.

Moody's artificial eye was spinning even faster than before, like a gyroscope that had been spun, looking at it made people worry whether that artificial eye would spin sparks out of his eye socket.

After midnight, the music in the Manor finally began to stop, and those candles floating in mid-air also dimmed, except for leaving some of the guards specially mobilised from the Auror office, the other pureblood wizards all returned to their own rooms, either to rest or to start another private wild ride of their own.

And just as the Aurors, who had been left to their duties, changed into their posts to begin the night's work, the time agreed upon for the Witching Horizons' mission at the beginning of the night arrived.

Encircling the Carrow family's Manor in all directions, led by each squad leader, they began to cast a Disillusionment Charm on themselves, the blackness that pervaded the fields was the best cover for such a spell that was slightly less effective than a cloak of invisibility, and even though the nearest squad, a squad of Moody's, had approached less than ten metres from the outskirts of the Manor, the Aurors still weren't half as wary as they should have been.

Taking one last look at the time on his pocket watch, Moody waited no longer, he signalled to Tonks beside him and then lashed out his wand at the Auror that was already within his aim, standing on guard by the fence.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"Avada Kedavra!"

A dark green beam of death shot out from the tip of his wand!

This sudden attack simply made it impossible for Auror to dodge, even the Shield Charm was like a layer of meaningless foam in front of the Killing Curse, and could not defend against it in the slightest!

As a meritorious veteran of the Order of the Phoenix, coupled with his experience as a battlefield-tested Auror veteran, Moody's use of the Unforgivable Curse could be said to be exceptional.

Moody, an old man with an eccentric and vigilant character, was the one who opposed the Ministry of Magic's temporary relaxation in its restrictions on the use of the Unforgivable Curses to resist the dark wizards and had persuaded countless Aurors who wanted to use the Unforgivable Curses to fight against the dark wizards to give up such a tactic.

But at the present time, facing this kind of blood feud and absolute class conflict, any benevolence was just empty talk.

If the Witching Horizon had remained unchanged, with the enemy using the Killing Curse with no scruples while they remained restrained using the Stunning Spell and Disarming Charm, there would have been no way to hold out until now, let alone launching a counterattack against Britain.

Of course, because they know the negative impact of the unforgivable curses on the wizard's consciousness, Dumbledore and a group of other top management still control their subordinates on the use of unforgivable curses.

Even if they had to kill their opponent, they would not choose a killing curse if they could use a blasting curse, which seemed to be more brutal in terms of its effect.

Now, the fear within them had been completely stirred up.

The purebloods who were still sharp-witted turned their heads and rushed towards the room that was connected to the Floo Network and housed the Floo Powder, while those who hadn't reacted yet attempted to find the Flying Broom and make a breakout from the sky.

But before those purebloods who had found their flying brooms were ready to mount their brooms and rush out of the window, a dozen or so things that resembled Muggle TV antennas were erected around the manor.

And the flying broom that had already risen into the sky lost all of its flying capabilities under the magic interference of these antennae, turning into an ordinary broom that was disliked for being difficult to use when sweeping up the ground!

At the same time, after the flurry of a bunch of killing curses was over, countless small baseball-sized orbs were thrown into the Manor by the Witching Horizon's wizards using the levitation charm!


A huge rumble rang out, and just under this round of explosions, almost all the walls of the entire Manor were blown down, and those Aurors who were barely able to dodge and survive the barrage of killing curses were forced to retract within the Manor's buildings!

The inventions of the Weasley twins, for the first time, played a great role in the wizard war zone!

With such an opening, Moody took the lead and led all the wizards of the Witching Horizon to launch a charge against the Carrow Manor!

The purebloods in the Manor were plunged into a state of chaos, there was no absolute command here, everyone was in a high position, and even if someone wanted to set up a chain of command, no one would obey anyone.

The vast majority of the purebloods had crowded into the only room from which they could escape together, the Floo Network fireplace!


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