Chapter 536: Gift

Chapter 536: Gift

After the green fire was extinguished from the fireplace, Jon and Grindelwald's originally impassive faces simultaneously revealed a smile.

"What do you think the probability of his success is?" Grindelwald asked playfully.

Jon, on the other hand, refocused his attention on his hand, he snapped his fingers, and then a flash of blue fire appeared at his fingertips!

There was no incantation, no spell-casting action, just a snap of the fingers!

The blue flame reflected on Jon's boyish face as he whispered.

"If he's willing to go for it, then there's a good chance of success. If this matter had been personally handled by Voldemort, then, of course, it would be impenetrable, but in this situation, and the kind of state he was in before, surely the dark lord who has died twice in a row wouldn't have the heart to carry it out on his own yet, and who amongst the Death Eaters would he be able to trust?"

"Without Bella, without the Lestrange family, without Wormtail, there's only one other person he can trust around him to accomplish his goal, and after we inform Malfoy of the man's goal, he will succeed."

It was clear that Grindelwald's attention was no longer on Jon's answer at this point.

His eyes were also fixed on the glowing blue flame at Jon's fingertips!

"An amazing feat." He said in a rare, emotional tone.

Jon, however, shook his head.

"I'm just standing on the shoulders of those who have moved forward before me, I don't think I could have accomplished this result in my lifetime without that Mr Adrian Fawkes, without my teachers, without Professor Dumbledore, and without you, Mr Headmaster."

"Don't jump to conclusions, everyone's progress stands on the shoulders of those who have lived before them, and perhaps we have all helped you in notable degrees, but you are the only one who has been able to achieve this feat."

Grindelwald tapped the tabletop and paused for a moment before speaking again.

"How sure are you now?"

With a flick of his hand, Jon extinguished the flame that had been claimed to be strong enough to incinerate the very being who had unleashed it.

"He's not like he was before now, he must be fully prepared for me. In this case, there's about a 20% chance if I put my life on the line to fight."

Grindelwald already had a relieved expression on his face.

"Twenty percent is enough, if Malfoy fulfils his promise to us, then he'll only have one chance, whereas we have an infinite number of twenties percents."

"But we can't just bet on him." Jon remained calm, not half overwhelmed by his newfound power, "One must be equally prepared for the worst."

He looked over to Grindelwald.

Neville looked decisively at Jon.

"There's nothing we can do about defeating Voldemort, but you don't have to worry about anything else, Professor Lupin and the others will lead us through everything."

"Don't say that Neville, I'm counting on all of you to defeat Voldemort."

Neville and the rest just thought that Jon was making some joke, but once they saw the serious expression on Jon's face, they all went wide-eyed.

"You're not joking?"

"Can each of you give me a gift?"

Jon said seriously.

"Something that possesses the characteristics of your magic and can be given to me as a gift."

Neville, Ron, and Justin looked at each other, and they could tell that Jon wasn't saying this as a joke.

So, after hesitating for just a moment, they each went back to their rooms, and then each of them walked out with an item.

The three items were laid out in front of Jon, a glass orb, a broken wand, and a book that was blinking.

Neville handed over the glass orb.

"This is a Remembrall that my grandmother once gave me, I've been using it to store some memories that are very much worth remembering in the future... I don't think it would help you much, but you would like it."

Ron handed over the broken wand.

"It was handed to me by Professor Dumbledore himself when I first entered the wagon. I've never forgotten that its previous owner was Mundungus Fletcher, a hero I once despised but who later committed suicide with this wand after being caught. It was damaged in the war a month ago to this state, and Mr Gregorovitch told me there is no point in it being repaired, but I kept it anyway, and I hope you don't dislike its current state."

Justin pushed over the blinking book.

"A gift from the professors on the first Christmas at the wagon. The Book of Eyes with Eyes. When I was in the library and had always wanted to try and open this strange book, but never had the courage to do so. It was Professor McGonagall who hand-delivered the book to me on Christmas Day and encouraged me to open it. It is not much different, it just records the image that the eye on the cover sees, but for me, it was actually the first thing that officially made me embrace magic."


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