Chapter 537: Gift from the Order of the Phoenix

Chapter 537: Gift from the Order of the Phoenix

Jon collected the things they sent.

Whether it was a Remembrall, a Broken Wand, or a Magic Book it was actually a common enough magical item.

But that was all Jon needed.

"Thanks guys, I'll put these things to good use."

Jon made a promise, and after chatting with Neville and the others for some more time, he walked out of the dormitory where the three of them were and came into the main office of this quarter.

Most of the others had already rested, but that place was still brightly lit.

Under the bright lights, Lupin, Kingsley, Moody, and Sirius were frowning tightly around a map, analysing the current layout of the Witching Horizon.Read latest chapters at Only

"The north can't be left unguarded, there's no way for any of us to guarantee that Britain won't let someone come around to our backs through the North Sea. The coastline may be long, but we must divide up our manpower there as well."

"Where are the men to be divided out of? The battle line in Germany is already stretched out long enough, our men have been killed and wounded here, and the most we can do in the north is to get the help of those local magical governments in that area to look after the situation, we can't divide our men out!"

"The attitude of those magical governments has probably turned into a two-way struggle now, they don't dare to fall on their feet because of Durmstrang's headmaster, but they won't deliver help to us in the critical situation either, counting on them to help us hold the coastline, you might as well pin your hopes on the slugs to kill Voldemort!"

The sound of their heated discussion stopped when Jon walked into the office.

The current Order of the Phoenix could be described as a leaderless group, with McGonagall running the usual affairs for the time being, but in reality, Jon was already vaguely on the cusp of replacing Dumbledore, not only amongst Neville and the rest of the new generation but also amongst Kingsley and the others here as well.

After all, there was no one else within the entire Order of the Phoenix like Jon, who had performed all sorts of normally unimaginable feats as a student, had killed Voldemort, and had now inherited Dumbledore's Elder Wand.

"Regarding the North Sea coastline perhaps I can help to figure out a solution."

Jon spoke up once he entered, however, Lupin shook his head.

"These are jobs that belong to us, Jon. You've taken on enough of a burden, if we even need you to help with these things then we're a little too incompetent."

"This eye was destroyed on the battlefield five days ago by a bastard's blasting curse, along with one of my arms. Iniesta helped replace it with a new one for me afterwards, along with a new hand. Damn! No matter how well he describes the new eye I'm still in love with this one!"

Sirius, on the other hand, pulled an old picture out of his pocket.

"Other than my wand, I rarely carry any alchemical items with magical powers on me, and if I did, it would only be this one."

It was a magical photograph of two handsome young men standing together in a group photo, one of them was obviously Sirius in his youth, while the other one was wearing glasses and looked eight or nine percent similar to Harry, and combining such a resemblance with Sirius's interpersonal skills, it was easy to guess that the man in the photo was Harry's biological father, Lily's husband, James Potter.

When this photo was taken out by Sirius, there was no need for him to say anything more, anyone who was in the Order of the Phoenix knew exactly what this old photo represented to him.

And now only a single sentence from Jon had made him pull it out so willingly, and what it represented.

Jon took a deep breath, and although he had already said before asking that it didn't have to be much of a significance, he didn't open his mouth to refuse them in the end but took them all solemnly.

"Thank you all, I will make good use of these things you have given me."

"What can these be used for? I don't think throwing my eyeballs out is going to kill anyone."

Moody muttered, but the others didn't ask many questions, and they all adopted the same habit that they had when facing Dumbledore to Jon.

That was that whenever Jon went and did something like that, no matter how strange, it would naturally be justified by him in the future, and there was no need for others such as themselves to know anything about it.

"About the North Sea coastline, I can go by tomorrow and see if I can find someone to help, and I'll write then, whether it works or not."


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