Chapter 1539: The local tyrant wants to buy a plane again

In the end, Yang Cheng woke up alone in the great morning light.

Last night, he was about to spill the hormones on his body to the entire South China Sea. However, the people he liked did not agree, and he did not like it.

It's better to be a good man.

It happens to be paid tomorrow, which can save a little.

With a faint sigh, looking out from the curtains that were blown by the wind, the blue and calm sea indicated that today is a good weather, and the guests should be able to reach the island smoothly.

Luo Yue and the others should not have flown to Hawaii at this time. Yang Cheng invited the butler and asked her to arrange the pick-up personally, and then left the hill villa and went to the restaurant to simply eat something.

While eating, the phone rang like a reminder.

"Jason, where are you?"

When he heard William's excited voice, Yang Orange almost couldn't help but laughed, and his mood instantly became refreshed. Anyway, there is someone who can share the joys and sorrows.

People are like this. If you endure hardships with you, you can do anything. I'm afraid that one of them will suddenly eat meat, but I can only look at it and my heart is bound to be unbalanced.

Holding a smile, he tried his best to keep calm and said, "Me? Where are you at the hotel?"

"Already at the hotel? It's not interesting enough, I just got off the plane without waiting for me."

Yang Cheng smiled even more, "Hurry up and find someone in the hotel, and then come over by seaplane."

"Huh? I remember Ammanpulo seems to have an airport?"

"Yes, originally there was, but when I heard that you were coming, I was frightened. You can only arrange for you to be a seaplane or a yacht. You can choose by yourself."

William helplessly, "I'll take the plane, at least faster, damn, I can't wait, where are the beauties? Are they here yet?"

"Puff chuff~" Yang Cheng couldn't help but laughed.

William laughed inexplicably, "What's wrong? What I said is so funny?"

Yang Cheng hurriedly concealed, "No, no, I just saw a turtle wrestling, um~ it's funny.

Okay, come here quickly, the beauties are probably coming soon. "

"OK, wait for me, I will be there soon~"

The moment Yang Cheng hung up the phone, Yang Cheng couldn't hold back anymore. He laughed at the restaurant alone, and the more he laughed, the more he laughed. The waiters not far away were blinded. What happened to the boss?

Is it the same as a clown? Sick of laughter?

Yang Cheng couldn't care about his own image at this moment, and smiled respectfully.

Had it not been for a phone call from Leiden, he would have laughed for another five minutes, and he didn't know what was ridiculous.

"Hello, it's me~" He laughed out of breath, and his voice was a little hoarse.

Leiden heard it naturally, "Uh~ Boss, are you sick?"

Yang Cheng took a few deep breaths, barely suppressed the smile, and asked directly, "No, what's the matter?"

Leiden didn't dare to ask more, and said, "That's right, I have received news that Qatar is going to buy another batch of Typhoon fighters."

This time, Yang Cheng had no smile at all. It was mainly frightened. He is indeed a local tyrant in the Middle East. He just received 36 F-15s from the United States and turned around to buy a Typhoon fighter plane. Oh my god, do you really use fighter jets as toys? ?

"What's the matter? Qataris have printed US dollars recently?"

Leiden gave a wry smile, "Boss, you don’t know anything about it. The countries in the Middle East seem to be peaceful on the surface, but there are constant struggles in private. The simplest thing is an arms race. I have what you have, and I have what you don’t have. ."

In this way, Yang Cheng understands that after entering the 21st century, the most popular fighter jet in the world should be the American F-35. Now it has been equipped with many countries in the world. Australia, RB, Israel and South Korea in the Asia-Pacific region have one after another. Join the purchasing army.

In addition to the F-35 fighter, another fighter that is comparable in sales should be the Typhoon fighter.

Typhoon is a dual-engine, canard and delta wing multi-role fighter developed by four European countries.

Currently, it is mainly equipped with four producing countries: Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Due to its excellent performance, it is much more advanced than the basic models of the same generation of F-15 and F-16, and its strength is recognized by many countries.

Of course, it is mainly the Middle East, which is also the place with the most typhoon fighters in addition to the R&D of the four countries.

Leiden added, "The first to purchase Typhoon fighters was the Royal Saudi Air Force. At that time, Saudi Arabia ordered a total of 72 Typhoon fighters, second only to the producer Spain.

It should have been delivered by now.

The other is the Royal Oman Air Force, which has ordered a total of 12 Typhoon fighter jets, including 9 single-seaters and 3 two-seaters. The 9th and 10th of the latest 12 have just arrived.

I remember that if I was right, Oman announced its decision to purchase 12 Typhoon fighter jets in 2012.

In the past, the Royal Oman Air Force had already equipped dozens of American-made F-16C fighters. Now, instead of purchasing improved F-16 models, it chooses European Typhoon fighter jets, abandoning the ZZ factor, and following Typhoon’s advanced combat performance and neighboring powers. Typhoon fighters are closely related to each other.

In addition, in the first half of this year, the Kuwait Air Force also announced that it has confirmed the purchase of 28 new types of Typhoon fighter jets including 22 single-seater and 6 two-seater typhoons. This batch of typhoons will be launched in Caselle, Italy. Assembling, the total contract value is nearly 8 billion euros, and these aircraft are the latest 3+ Typhoon fighters, and they are also the first Typhoon fighters to be replaced with Captor-E active phased array radar.

Delivery of the aircraft is expected to begin next year.

With the Royal Saudi Air Force, the Royal Oman Air Force, and the Kuwait Air Force buying typhoon fighter jets, Qatar in the middle can't help it, so I am not surprised that they have this idea.

It's just that the news came out suddenly, which made me a little puzzled. "

Yang Cheng also felt that it was not right. It stands to reason that this kind of military procurement plan should be strictly confidential. How could it be heard by Leiden, who has not yet gone to a regular arms dealer?

"Tell me what you think?" Yang Cheng asked.

Leiden hesitated, "There are two possibilities, one is that the news is true, but Qatar is going to use the gray channel to get a batch of fighters and equipment at the fastest speed;

The other is that someone who has the intention to set up a bureau deliberately throws a bait to set up arms dealers, including us, but I really can't think of the purpose. "

Yang Cheng thought about Leiden’s analysis in his mind, and said for a long while, “Well, you should first check and see the source of the news. If it is really from the Qatar military high-level, then the news should be certain. Reliability."

Suddenly, Demien's request came to mind, as if this was a good opportunity to complete the task.

So he analyzed Leiden, "Let me keep an eye on IOTA, I want to keep abreast of their latest developments.

In addition, Qatar has to stare to death. If this news is false, I should make good use of it. "


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