Chapter 1540: Spotted Sail Lizard

"What if it's true?" Leiden asked.

Yang Cheng smiled, "Really? Then find a way to cut off the order, why does Qatar have so many typhoons? It's better to go to F-35 if you have money."

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Cheng recalled what she said. How could she have a tone to encourage her friends to buy Magotan?

"You don't suffer a loss if you buy a Magotan, you can't be fooled by buying a Magotan~"

Leiden chuckled, let alone, putting aside the initial prejudice, Yang Cheng's style was quite appetizing to him.

"Understood, I'll inquire about the situation first."

"Hmm~Be careful~"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng had no appetite to eat. After sitting there for a long time, she felt that it was necessary to tell Demien about it.

People come and go in the restaurant, not a place to talk. They walked out the door with their mobile phones and walked along the white sandy beach.

It should be night in the United States, and Demien quickly connected the phone.

"Jason? Is there an emergency?"

Don't bother her if you are not in a hurry!

It's been a long time since no one talked to him like this, Yang Cheng was still a little uncomfortable, touched her nose, and said directly, "I have something, but it's not urgent, but it can make money. Can you listen?"

Demien smiled, "You have 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, I have a meeting to start."

"Enough~ I received news that Qatar is going to buy another batch of fighters, but the intended model is a typhoon. Do you think this news is true or false?"

Demien said solemnly, "I can't judge. It stands to reason that after receiving the F-15, they should be enough to equip their air force. There is no need to add another batch of typhoons."

Yang Cheng said, "I think so too, but the bait is so tempting, I have to ask you."

"In this way, I'll call to ask. If we are sure that the news is true, we will ask for this list. In my opinion, it is better to buy an F-35 if you have the money to buy a typhoon~"

Wait, why is this tone and tone so familiar?

"OK, waiting for your news~"

When Yang Cheng was about to hang up, Demien suddenly stopped, "Wait, Jason, if the news is false, we can make it real."

"Hey, you thought of going with me, Iota should be hooked?"

The two smiled at the same time, and said little.

Yang Cheng asked again, "But I didn't figure it out. If the news is false, who released the news on purpose? I don't think someone is bragging and spreading rumors. The other party must have ulterior motives."

"Of course, it's just that I have too little information to judge. I will call you after I find out."

"No problem~"

Walking all the way back to the room, I found a lizard crawling in the shade in front of the main entrance. I was not afraid to see Yang Cheng coming back. I just stared at Yang Cheng with its snake-like eyes, spitting out from time to time. The core is the same as the mascot of the gatekeeper.

Yang Cheng found it interesting, so she was about to stop and say hello to this little guy. Although she didn't know what kind it was and looked fierce, she was very introverted.

Unlike ordinary lizards, it has a large sail-like protrusion on the front edge of its tail. Such a tail, if it has a pair of wings, is like a western "dragon".

It is nearly two meters long, dotted with blue spots, shining brightly in the sun.

At this time, his personal butler came over with a plate of fresh tropical fruits and freshly squeezed juices, and saw Yang Cheng standing in the doorway.

Then he saw the lizard and smiled and said, "Boss, this is a wild sail lizard, a species unique to the Philippines, and there are also a few branches in Indonesia."

Yang Cheng was also slightly stunned, "Wild? I thought it was raised in a hotel, the zebra lizard? It seems to be the first time I heard about it. It looks terrible, but it seems to be very docile."

"Yes, the boss, we found it in the rainforest, but we didn't want to disturb its life, just don't know what's going on, this little guy often ran to the hotel to eat with people.

Some guests were afraid and wanted to drive it away.

But we are not good at taking tough measures, so we have to let it go, and give it something to eat every time we see it. When it is full, it will return to the rain forest and come out again when it is hungry. "

Yang Orange laughed, this guy was fine.

"What does it eat? Bring me some and I will feed it myself."

The housekeeper quickly spread the basic knowledge of the spotted sail lizard to Yang Cheng, "Wild spotted sail lizards have a lot of food. They mainly feed on frogs, snakes, birds, eggs of various animals, rats and insects. They are most often distributed nearby. The forest by the water often climbs trees to prey or avoid danger. It is a semi-arboreal lizard. It has a certain swimming ability and can stay in the water for more than 1 minute. When in danger, it will swim and escape. "

Yang Cheng was embarrassed, "So you usually feed it insects?"

The butler smiled, "Of course not, this guy likes to eat fruit."

Yang Cheng directly reached out and took the cut mango, "just right~"

At the first contact, Yang Cheng did not dare to feed it directly by hand, but placed the mango half a meter in front of the lizard, and then stepped back.

This guy is more cheeky than he thought. Yang Cheng didn't wait to retreat, he rushed over, his tongue rolled, a piece of mango under his belly, and then he looked at Yang Cheng with a look of contempt. , No, to be precise, it was the fruit plate held by the butler next to him. It seemed to say: Your uncle is too stingy, right? Just give that? Not enough to stuff your teeth.

Yang Cheng looked at it dumbfounded, and motioned to the housekeeper to put the fruit plate on the ground, "Give it to it, just send it back later."

Watching this guy eat for a while, Yang Cheng turned to ask, "Has the seaplane already received VIPs?"

The butler raised his hand and looked at the watch, "I will arrive in about 20 minutes."

When the prince arrived, Yang Cheng still wanted to show some face and went to the dock to pick him up.

He didn't enter the house at all, "Let's go, go to the pier~"

On the way, I chatted with the housekeeper a few words, mainly concerned about their life on the island, whether they would feel boring.

Unexpectedly, the butler didn’t mean to be boring at all. “Boss, I chose this job to stay away from the world and make money. Many of my classmates yearn for it. Unfortunately, Amman’s entry requirements are too high. After systematic training, many people can't stick to it."

Yang Cheng asked again, "Don't you want to be home?"

The butler pinned the hanging hair behind his ears, “The hotel will give us a month’s holiday every year, which can be gathered or separated, which is very humane.”

Yang Cheng nodded slightly when he heard the words. He didn't know if the butler deliberately said something nice to make him happy because of his identity, but at least every employee he has seen since he came to the island has a comfortable face. Smile, that's good enough.

He doesn't want his employees to be depressed because they are in a range for a long time. That would be too troublesome.


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