Chapter 2962 Legacies and Seeds IV

Chapter 2962 Legacies and Seeds IV

He caused their Dominiums to retreat as he appeared amongst them!

Even as the explosion of the attack caused by The Judge #1 and #2 occurred, an Aletheian Haven of Prana bloomed that absorbed all the destruction with an overabundance of life.

Around him, the Basileus of the Legacy of Al-Abalem erupted with their Dominium Souls as beside Basileus Moraine, multiple others called out Existential Armaments while some directly began expressing their own Dominium Rules.

But for Noah...

|You can try the expression of your authorities...but I ask, are they Quintessential?!|


His words seemed to make the Colorless light come to life as when the Dominium Souls of the Basileus nearby emanated out inches away from them, it began to fade and lose its capabilities to distort existence or anything else!

This caused the gazes of the Basileus to change as Noah didn't give them time to adapt.

His Origin Dominium stretched out multiple Aletheian Havens pulsing with destruction as they became laced with Plot.

Plot with wasn't Existential, and yet it blazed its brilliance in a Dominium of Existential Extremity Authority!

|These attacks have already arrived before you all.|


The Havens around him instantly disappeared- only to reappear before the retracted Dominiums of all Basileus as their figures exploded with power.

Noah's eyes then honed in on Basileus Moraine who moved much faster than all others, her Existential Armaments already having their barrels pointed towards his direction as unlike others, she was using this unique weapon to instantly cause her existential authority to clash with Noah!

Her gaze was cold as a sense of fury rose within them while she spoke.

|Barrage of the Beginning|



|For Hibernating Dikastes to be taken like this...only the authority of an Archon can do so! Just what is...|

His intent was filled with doubt as he managed the operation of Dikastes of Extremity here, with his Dominium Soul spreading out at this moment and suffusing into the still Dikastes.

|And why didn't you all get pulled in?|

A question he asked himself.

No Fruits of Existence were provided to them as they weren't active, but they remained here.

The Basileus of the Legacy of Ignatius did not have any answers, so he had sent his intent towards Archon Basileus Ignatius to let him know of the recent developments like all others while he studied the weavings of the Dikastes of Extremity he managed!

His Dominium Soul spread out and studied the Dikastes closely.

What he didn't know was that as every weaving of his existence flowed across the Dikastes, an unseen cerulean light was latching onto it and ever so slowly infecting and seeding itself into his own authority.

But it didn't feel foreign or harmful as it was only feedback from the Hibernating Dikastes to grasp their weavings!

The more his will flowed out and more weavings of the Dikastes came to him, this unseen light penetrated ever deeper into his Existential Authority.

Into his Existential Dominium.

Moments later, he retracted his Dominium and flew out of this lab while shaking his head, going to meet with the other Basileus to discuss whether they should make their way to the Archaeos Vitalis Pylos to see what changes were occurring.

After this Basileus left.

There was immense silence as the thousands of 'hibernating' Dikastes of Extremity...suddenly had their serpentine eyes become filled with a tremendous amount of endless blue light.

It was a light disorientingly unique and isolated to a single being that had appeared within the Archaeos Vacuous Pylos after a certain cleansing.

It was the blinding blue light of another Seed, the Great Usurper- and it had begun to latch itself onto a Basileus of the Legacy of Ignatius silently!

|Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...which among you will get encroached upon more?|


The thousands of Dikastes formed a callous smile as their intents weaved simultaneously, a single Basileus not being their only target as another being waged a silent war!