Chapter 2963 Eons of Brilliance Decimated! I

Chapter 2963 Eons of Brilliance Decimated! I

The Archaeos Vitalis Pylos had a Dominium Rule pressing on it that wasn't broken yet, so no information was able to squeeze past it.

But the Archaeos Vacuous Pylos was different as they sent their intents describing what they were seeing to Archon Basileus Ignatius!

Outside of the Records and Existence of Vacuous and Vitalis, Archon Basileus Ignatius had a cloudy gaze as he sorted through all of this information while gazing at the first contest of strength that was about to begin.

The visage of Archon Basileus Al-Abalem blazed with flames as his Dominium Soul was striking- a hue of gold covering it that denoted he was far from the Neonate Stage of the Existential Dominium Realm.

As an Archon who regularly devoured and assimilated Fruits of Existence, how could he not progress to such a height?

Meanwhile, opposite him was none other than Archon Basileus Lethith as the glow of gold around his Dominium wasn't as blindingly bright, showing that there was a distinct difference between them!

It meant the results of all this would truly be determined by the second and third contests to come.

Arriving at this thought, Archon Basileus Ignatius didn't confer with Archon Basileus Al-Abalem regarding the news he had received within the Archaeos Vacuous Pylos, with him expecting that Al-Abalem must have received similar information from his side as for now...he allowed him to put his full focus on the first contest to ensure that even this wasn't lost.


Thus, no line of communication was established to understand just what was happening in the lands far below them at this moment.

It meant one particular being could continue to use this time to go utterly wild.

And wild it was as the Weaver of Extremity slowly understood the utilization of Dominiums while he used multiple Basileus as the test subjects!

This wasn't to mention the massive amalgamation of the Dikastes of Extremity that his Existential Body Dominium had just clashed with.


The serpentine eyes of this massive Existential Vitalis and Vacuous Potpourri radiated tendrils of Existential Authority as around them, reality was being distorted and reformed constantly!

This was because Vitalis and Vacuous sought to change existence how they wished, but the effects of Quintessence still pervaded the surroundings as they denied anything that wasn't Quintessential from expressing its effects.

This was the most terrifying move on the battlefield yet as unless this Dominium Rule was erased, it would be hard for Noah's enemies to express their authorities outwardly.

They should have never allowed him to set it up in the first place.

But still, the Potpourri was the final product of the Codex of Extremity that was having its authority encroached upon.

It moved with purpose and malice as since it couldn't distort and bend existence to its will around it...

His gaze went to his Havens and Extremity Vein.

To the thick blood coursing through them.

His Existential Omniversal Emperor Lineage.

The creed that held many Extremes!

He probed it for its power!

{An Omniversal Lineage is one that is not clearly understood, but the weight of existence it holds far surpasses others.}

{It is possible to actively utilize this sense of oppression over those around you, or focus it on a single target for an even more profound effect.}


{The Extremity of Cheats taps the shoulders of Skill Trees and Tyranny as they begin to weave an Existential Lineage Ability.}

{The Authority of your Dominiums course through them as a Dominium Rule unfolds the potential of your own Lineage.}

{The Omniversal Emperor's Haki is being formed!}

Noah felt its design and coming closely as his illusory face atop the Infinity symbol smiled.

He slowly knew what level of oppression a lineage such as his could have.

And his...was of extreme purity as he was growing it himself!

He could express its wonders through Haki.

He could show its oppression over others through this Existential Lineage Ability known as Omniversal Emperor's Haki!

He understood it instinctively.

He could spread this unique Haki of oppression over a wide area with effect being slightly less, or focus it on a single target as at that time...


His eyes blazed with brilliance.

He gazed around and sought for a suitable target!