Zhou Chen did not immediately express his opinion, but squatted down and opened a cardboard box beside him. He found three bottles of purified water inside. The reason why he was so sure was because the unopened plastic bottles had words written on them.

Picking up a bottle of purified water and looking at it over and over, and twisted the cap, he tended to think that the bottled purified water was drinkable.

Zhou Chen's discovery immediately reminded the other survivors, and they immediately began to open the cardboard boxes beside them.

Since everyone has one of these cardboard boxes, they did not compete for a while.

"I also have three bottles of purified water here."

"Me too."

"Can this water be drunk..."

"Is there anything I can't drink? These are unopened at first sight. I just happen to be a little thirsty, so I'll have a bottle first."

Amidst the discussion, a young man with very yellow hair took the lead in opening a bottle of pure water and pouring himself a few big mouthfuls.

After drinking half a bottle, he made a refreshing sound from his throat, indicating that the taste of this pure water was very good.

The middle-aged man in short clothes who first spoke also showed a happy expression on his face.

"Everyone, the water in these boxes seems to be a supply for us by the system. With them, it will be much easier for us to spend the next three days. As long as everyone is united, find a safe place to survive these three days. That's it."

The argument of the middle-aged man in short clothes is not unreasonable. In three days, as long as they don't fall into the hands of zombies, they can survive even if they only drink water.

"Rather than wasting your time here, you guys might as well go outside to see the situation! I guess there will be zombies coming here soon."

The tall young man who had previously expressed his intention to do it alone said to the others with a slight disdain, and then took the lead in leaving the messy warehouse with three bottles of pure water.

Zhou Chen was the second to leave after this person, because he had already thought about it and decided to adopt a strategy of going it alone.

Because he has the talent of a passive predator, he must try to hunt some targets to obtain possible passive skills these days. If there is a risk of exposure with others, other accidents are prone to occur. Only by working alone can it be convenient to control the situation. .

Putting three bottles of pure water into the pockets of clothes and pants, Zhou Chen quickly came to the exit of the factory building through the corridor at the entrance of the warehouse.

Near the exit, he saw the back of the young man who left at the beginning. At this time, he was walking out tiptoe with an iron rod, and then Zhou Chen heard several low roars and the sound of something breaking.

Walking quickly to the exit, Zhou Chen looked outside.

I saw a road outside that looked a little shabby. The young man on the road was turning a zombie who was chasing it and headshot with an iron rod. Behind him were three half-decayed and decapitated corpses lying on the ground.

"This person is a bit powerful... He dropped four zombies in seconds... His talent may be agile..."

Zhou Chen immediately made his own conjecture, and then he found a strong wooden stick in the factory building and slipped out.

The reason why he was reluctant to stay in this seemingly safe place was because he found that some zombies were staggering in the distance. This factory building will surely gather more and more zombies as time goes by, and it becomes more and more. Danger.

Thanks to that young man's treatment, Zhou Chen did not encounter a zombie attack this time when he went out. The zombies in the distance seemed to have poor perception and could not find Zhou Chen.

Quickly walked out of this place where zombies were gathering from a distance, Zhou Chen walked lightly along the way, looking for a suitable hiding place, and at the same time looking for a suitable target.

After walking carefully along the road for a while, he turned a corner and approached a building not far from the road.

It was daytime and the light was very good. Zhou Chen could be sure that there were only two zombies around the building, and they were still some distance away from each other.

"They are two good targets... I don't know if hunting them will bring me new passive skills..."

After thinking about it, Zhou Chen's palm suddenly went dark, and with a wipe on the tip of his wooden stick, some unidentified black matter was left on the stick.

He activated his corpse poison ability and added a corpse poison enchantment to the stick.

This kind of gameplay was developed by him a few days ago. He specially found some small animals for testing, and the effect was very good. When those hapless small animals touched the corpse poison on the weapon, they belched quickly.

Step by step, gently approaching from behind the zombie, Zhou Chen's hand with the wooden stick enchanted with corpse poison became tighter and tighter. When he approached the target zombie within three meters, let him be lighter again. With feet, the zombie also sensed the breath of a living person, and suddenly turned his head and attacked him with teeth and claws.

However, the half-rotted claws of the zombie had just been lifted, and Zhou Chen’s wooden stick had already smashed its disgusting head. Zhou Chen deliberately did not use such a great strength to test the poison of the zombie on the zombie. Effect.


The zombie who was hit in the head by Zhou Chen's corpse poison stick and left obvious corrosion dents on the head did not die. It roared and rushed towards Zhou Chen, but it staggered and couldn't touch Zhou Chen, who was agile.

"The damage effect of corpse poison does not seem to be very good for zombies...but the weakening effect is not bad..."

Upon seeing this, Zhou Chen judged that although his corpse poison had not been able to kill the zombie quickly, it had slowed its speed significantly, far not as fast as the zombies he had seen before chasing the young man with iron rods.

After obtaining the information he wanted, he went on to use a big force to break the zombie's neck and kill it, because another zombie not far away had already sensed the movement here and attacked quickly.

At this time, Zhou Chen had not used up the corpse poison on the wooden stick, so he flexibly dodged sideways to avoid the attacking zombies, and at the same time scratched the body of the zombies with the tip of the wooden stick so that it was stained with the corpse. poison.

After the black corpse poison entered its body, it took less than half a second to exert its effect, slowing its speed and making its movements sluggish.

Zhou Chen then exploded its rotten head relatively easily.

After fixing the two zombies, Zhou Chen's face flashed with solemnity, because he found that he had not received any prompts from the system, and had not obtained any passive skills from the two zombies.

"These two zombies are so frustrated? Are there any passive skills? Not all the zombies here look like this..."

Zhou Chen felt that the situation was a bit bad. If the zombies here were all frustrated, although it would be easier for him to spend these three days, the gain would definitely be much lower.