"Keep on looking... even if you can't find a zombie with passive skills, you have to find a hiding place..."

Although it is important to acquire passive skills, Zhou Chen knows that being able to survive this dungeon is the first one, so in order to successfully survive these three days, he must find a hiding place, otherwise he will wait until it gets dark. If it sloshes outside, the situation may become very bad.

After killing the two zombies, Zhou Chen walked around to the entrance of the building and quietly looked inside.

There were no zombies rushing out of this building when he was fighting just now. It is highly probable that there are no zombies near the entrance, but maybe even deeper, it is likely to encounter an ambush.

"It would be great if I could get an iron rod in my hand... This wooden rod is a bit hard to beat..."

Walking gently into this building slowly, Zhou Chen looked for a weapon in hand while guarding against possible danger.

But his luck was not so good. Apart from some large furniture and dust everywhere, there was nothing suitable for weapons in this building.

Walking slowly to a piece of furniture that resembled a wardrobe, Zhou Chen stretched out his arm and knocked on the door of the cabinet with a stick.

Then he was pleasantly surprised.

I saw a small zombie slammed open the cabinet door and rushed out after he knocked on the cabinet door. With half-rotted fangs and sharp mouths, it flew towards Zhou Chen. The posture seemed to be bigger than it. More than twice Zhou Chen swallowed it alive.

Zhou Chen was not surprised by the zombie that came out suddenly. The reason why he knocked on the cabinet door with a stick was because of what might be hidden inside. So when the little zombie suddenly came out of the cabinet, he was very decisive. The stick hit it on the head.

This stick Zhou Chen used a lot of strength, and the power is sufficient, and the body of the zombie is relatively fragile as he has seen so far, including this little zombie, so this little zombie was immediately killed by him with a headshot. NS.

[Passive Predator Trigger: You have plundered the zombies' passive skill "Agility Strengthening I". Do you want to merge it? 】

The announcement of the system also came soon, telling Zhou Chen that a new passive technique had been released.

Zhou Chen did not make a choice immediately, but first took a look at the introduction of "Agile Strengthening I":

【Agile Strengthening Ⅰ

Type: Bronze preliminary passive skills.

Your body has been strengthened and your agility increased by 0.3 points. 】

"Agility increased by 0.3? Not bad... Fusion!"

Zhou Chen chose to merge as soon as he finished the introduction of this passive technique, and then he soon felt that his body had become lighter and more flexible, and he had a more precise feeling of control over his movements.

"The improvement effect of this passive skill is really immediate..."

Zhou Chen found that he liked this feeling of improving himself, which was even better than 50,000 Dragon National Coins.

"Since there are zombies who have agility and passive skills...there should be physique and spirit types...I must make a good brush in this copy to improve my attributes."

Inadvertently obtained a good harvest, Zhou Chen felt refreshed a lot, and continued to search other places in this building with his stick.

The next time will be more boring. Zhou Chen, whose agility has been improved, is stronger than before, so when he encounters the zombies hidden in this building room, he kills more smoothly, as long as he encounters the zombies at the same time. If the number is not more than two, he can solve it quickly and without injury.

But good luck didn't take care of him anymore, he didn't get any passive skills after killing eight zombies in this building one after another.

"This building can be used as a hiding place... Use these furniture to block the door, it should be safe to spend the night..."

Taking out a bottle of pure water in his pocket and drinking two sips, Zhou Chen thought in his heart, considering whether to use this building as a hiding place for him.

"I'd better go outside and break through... I'm still relatively strong now, and maybe I can gain more from going outside..."

After putting the cap of the pure water bottle back in his pocket, Zhou Chen left the small building where he had cleaned up all the zombies.

When he came outside, he looked around for a while, and finally chose the densely built area in the distance as his next destination.

There should be an urban area with a lot of zombies inside, and now he can see more than two hundred zombies in the distance staggering along the road to this side.

Because there were too many zombies on the road, he chose to take a detour.

Along the way, he searched a few dilapidated buildings and cleaned up some zombies he encountered. Although no passive skills were exploded, the weapon was updated: he found a shovel.

The shovel is much more lethal than the wooden stick, but it's a little bit heavier.

With a shovel, Zhou Chen cautiously chose a route with fewer zombies all the way to the edge of the city.

Soon after, he saw a big supermarket in the city.

"Then I don't know if there is food in the supermarket... I have consumed a lot of energy all the way here, and now I need to replenish some energy."

Zhou Chen is currently feeling a little hungry, although it is not serious, but if it continues, it will affect his own combat effectiveness.

There are dozens of zombies hovering at the entrance of the supermarket, and there are many nearby, and there must be some in the supermarket. Zhou Chen feels that going there is very risky.

"Forget it... be steady... go to another building to find..."

After thinking about it, Zhou Chen gave up mixing into the supermarket and walked to a building closer to him.

There are relatively few zombies around that building, and the risk of breaking in is relatively low.

Soon, Zhou Chen rushed there, while waving a shovel to chop off the heads of several zombies that rushed over.

After killing so many zombies, his movements are much more proficient than at the beginning, and he has a measure of force, knowing how much force is most suitable, which can guarantee the death of the zombies and save energy.

"The zombies in this place look a little scary. The fighting power really doesn't feel very good, especially because they have almost no intelligence. They are easy to kill when they are familiar... They want to threaten me only by relying on their number advantage..."

Zhou Chen now feels that he already knows a lot about zombies, and he is confident that with his current physical fitness, a person can deal with several zombies with a shovel. As long as there are not too many of them, don't surround him.

Waving a shovel and knocking down a zombie rushing out of the gate, Zhou Chen cautiously walked into the building.

He felt that there should be a lot of zombies hidden in this place, so he was not careful.

After walking a few steps in the quiet corridor of the building, Zhou Chen began to search the rooms one by one.

In the first room, he found nothing but some seats and beds. At the door of the second room, he found that the door of this room was locked and it was difficult to open it from the outside.

"Smashing it open may attract a lot of zombies... forget this room..."

To be safe, he decided not to search the room.