Zhou Chen casually looked at the title of the post in the forum, and clicked on the one who talked about talent.

In this post, the poster summarized the various talents he collected, some of which were revealed by the talents, and some were speculated by others.

According to him, more than 90% of the talents of survivors are attributed, and most of the effects are relatively average.

For example, the talent of "smart person" adds 0.2 agility, the talent of "wise person" adds 0.2 spirit, and the talent of "strong person" adds 0.2 physique.

There are also special talents in these attributes, such as the "strong man" talent plus 0.4 physique, the "macho" talent plus 1.0 physique, and the "wisdom" talent plus 1.0 spirit.

In addition to these talents that occupy most of the attributes, there are also many talents with peculiar effects.

For example, there is a big survivor named Astral Wizard in Eagle Country. He seems to have a talent for prophecy, and he can always avoid danger and make good luck in survival.

For example, Li Guoqiang, who is currently recognized as the strongest survivor in Longguo District, is the director of the Administration Bureau. He has a talent called "Harvest Harvest", and the effect is that the reward is doubled.

There is also a big survivor in Xiong Country who has an unknown talent, and the effect is said to be resurrection.

Zhou Chen quickly finished reading this post and couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart.

"These people's talents are really outrageous, and there are even resurrection... But this kind of resurrection should be limited... My passive predator is not bad, as long as I develop well, I hope to keep up with their footsteps in the future... …"

Zhou Chen knew that he was a very mediocre person, without outstanding brains and abilities, but he was lucky to have obtained a powerful talent, and his future was not much inferior to those big bosses.

After looking at the forum for a while and learning some miscellaneous information, Zhou Chen fell asleep on the small bed of his rental house.

He actually slept a while ago, but now he needs to adjust his biological clock again.

A few hours later, early in the morning, Zhou Chen woke up from his sleep.

Once he woke up, he turned on the system again and looked at it, and soon found that there were several stacks of red banknotes in his backpack.

"My things are sold? Let me see which ones..."

Since he has set up a buy-it-price model in the trading area, he does not need to communicate with the buyer to sell those items, and the other party can complete the payment with the assistance of the system.

From the number of banknotes in the backpack space, he can see that not all of his sales items have been sold. This situation is normal and has no particularity, but he still wants to see which items are the most popular.

"It turns out that the iron rods and daggers were sold out...Unexpectedly, the two most expensive items were sold first, but the cheap ones were not cared about..."

Soon, he found that the iron rods and daggers he placed in the trading area indicated that the transaction was completed, while the remaining hammers, whips, cactus sticks, and bottles remained intact.

"It seems that traditional metal weapons are more popular... It's a pity that I have a hammer. If its long handle doesn't have those deep nicks, it will definitely sell for a good price..."

After closing the trading area, Zhou Chen did not take out the Dragon Country Coins from the backpack space, because he planned to save another, see if it could exceed 200,000, and when he reached 200,000, he went to the Yangcheng Orphanage to pay for the maintenance loan.

"I feel that the money from the survivors is fairly fast, and the loan money is estimated to be available this week..."

Zhou Chen liked the feeling of more and more money, and then he thought of other uses of money.

"Why don't you change to a rental house first... This place is really small..."

After thinking about it, Zhou Chen planned to look around first to find out where there are cheap and comfortable rooms.

After putting on his clothes and washing up, he walked out of the room and went downstairs to the noodle shop. First, he ordered three bowls of beef noodles for breakfast.

He can actually eat more, but that would seem a little abnormal, so he chose to converge a little.

After eating the noodles, he started wandering around looking for rental information. After spending some time, but could not find a suitable rental house, he walked to the Weijiang Martial Arts Museum because it was time for him to train.

Coming to the door of Weijiang Martial Arts Hall, Zhou Chen found that the gate of the Martial Arts Hall was open. Uncle Liu, who was still bruised and swollen, was sitting on an armchair in the gate. When he saw Zhou Chen coming over, he moved from the armchair. Get up.

"Xiao Zhou, why don't you come early today? I've been waiting for you for a while."

Uncle Liu said to Zhou Chen.

"Sorry, Uncle Liu, I have something else just now... Looking at your posture, do you still want me to be the deputy director?"

Zhou Chen smiled and walked into Weijiang Martial Arts Hall.


Uncle Liu nodded.

"You kid, I look pleasing to the eye. I am more at ease when I am the deputy head of the museum. You see, I have even prepared an employment agreement for you."

The uncle spoke and picked up a stack of documents from the front desk of the martial arts hall.

"Master, your efficiency is high enough."

Zhou Chen took the document and looked at it, and found that Uncle Liu is here for real. This is a set of authentic martial arts deputy chief inauguration agreement, on which the seal of Weijiang Martial Arts Museum and Uncle Liu have been affixed. Signature.

"Uncle Liu, if you think so much of me, then I can't let you down anymore. You, the deputy master of the martial arts hall, I am now."

Uncle Liu was unambiguous, and Zhou Chen did not grind, and soon picked up the pen on the front desk and signed his name.

"I forgot to bring the portrait photo. I'll take it and post it later."


Time passed quickly, and Zhou Chen spent some time with Uncle Liu to settle the employment matters, and chose a salary package of 10,000 yuan without food, lodging and salary.

In this way, Zhou Chen became the deputy director of the Weijiang Martial Arts Museum, responsible for responding to the people who came to the martial arts museum for a relatively long period of time, and gradually developing the martial arts museum.

According to Uncle Liu himself, this period of time was mainly used to heal his wounds and perform deeper moves of Hell Wujiquan.

"Xiao Zhou, my martial arts gym has been open for several years, but I haven't received any serious students... I have to recuperate and study my martial arts during this time, and the martial arts gym will be handed over to you. I hope you can develop at least 20 martial arts students."

Uncle Liu made expectations for Zhou Chen's work.

"Twenty students...According to the size and configuration of this martial arts gym, there is more than enough space... OK, at most three months, I will let the martial arts gym meet your requirements."

Zhou Chen thought for a while, and felt that this matter was quite challenging, but it was not impossible to complete.

"Well, if you want to recruit people or add something to the martial arts hall, you can discuss with me, and I will give you enough support."

Uncle Liu nodded.

The two then talked about more detailed matters, such as how to collect tuition for students, what to teach specifically, and how to advertise the martial arts gym.

After some conversation, Zhou Chen found that Uncle Liu's thinking was normal, except that he wanted the students to learn his **** punches, other thoughts were not outrageous.