Uncle Liu and Zhou Chen talked about the martial arts hall for a while, then gave Zhou Chen a set of the martial arts hall key, and then went back to the door to heal himself.

He told Zhou Chen that he would not come to the martial arts hall frequently recently, and that Zhou Chen needed to take care of everything in the martial arts hall.

"Don't worry, I will make a plan in the past few days, and then I will start to act."

Zhou Chen, the new official, still has a few fires in his heart, although he is just a polished rod at the moment, and he feels full of motivation.

After Uncle Liu left, Zhou Chen did not immediately begin to study how to develop the martial arts gym, but first started personal training in the martial arts gym, such as punching sandbags and practicing spears.

After training, he felt a little tired from his body, so he took out his mobile phone and began to search for information on all aspects of the martial arts industry to learn how to develop a martial arts gym.

"First of all, it is known that the Weijiang Martial Arts Museum is a serious registered Xiaowu Museum in Yangcheng. Although it belongs to that kind of obscurity, it is not right now, it should be a bit notorious now, but it is also a serious martial arts center. There is no problem with the legality."

"In order for the martial arts gym to develop and attract students, in addition to basic supporting facilities and advertising, it must also have results, mainly the student's competition results...or the coach's results..."

"The martial arts industry seems to be just a small industry in Long Country... But recently various reports say that the development trend of the martial arts industry is good... I don't know if capital is flicking... No, the survival system has been affecting society more and more recently. The bigger, the survivors have the need to improve their combat effectiveness. This trend may be true..."

Zhou Chen learned about all aspects of the martial arts industry on the Internet, and conceived his own martial arts development plan.

When he is a little confused or his physical condition is completely restored, he will continue his training again.

The day passed without surprise. Zhou Chen trained in the martial arts for a long time, and learned a lot of industry information on the Internet. At noon, he went to find a hapless cafeteria outside and swept around. , He closed the gate of the martial arts hall at five o'clock in the afternoon, left there, and walked to his rental house.

He can actually choose to live in the martial arts hall, but in that case some of his things may be exposed in the long term, so he still chooses to live outside.

He walked into the door of his rental house and entered the stairs. He saw a huge middle-aged woman coming down from the stairs, that is, his landlord, Aunt Wang.

He just wanted to ask Aunt Wang about the rental house when he heard a young male voice suddenly heard behind Aunt Wang.

"Aunt Wang, I...I don't want to work hard anymore!"

The voice sounded a little hesitant, but in the end it was full of determination, which seemed to contain the will to regard death as home.

Zhou Chen, who was still some distance away under the stairs, was taken aback when he heard it, and he wondered if he had heard it wrong.

But Aunt Wang above the stairs quickly turned her huge body to some angles, revealing a short-haired young man behind her, looking at him proudly.

"You don't want to work hard anymore?! Haha, it's too late! My old lady is not rare for this one of yours now."

When Aunt Wang finished speaking, she turned around and continued down the stairs.

Zhou Chen at the bottom of the stairs felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and he was a little hesitant to ask Aunt Wang about the house now.

Aunt Wang went downstairs step by step, and when she brought more obvious vibrations to the stairs, she also noticed Zhou Chen standing at the entrance of the stairs below.

"What's wrong? Zhou Chen."

She looked at Zhou Chen below and smiled.

"Looking at you like this, you don't want to work hard anymore?"


Zhou Chen was immediately startled by Aunt Wang’s words.

"I just want to withdraw the rent at the end of this month."

Zhou Chen originally wanted to change a better room in this rental building, but now he is a little bit embarrassed, afraid of being missed.

"Okay, you move everything before the end of the month, and do some sanitation. I will give you a deposit when I come to check and accept it."

Aunt Wang was not surprised by Zhou Chen's answer. A landlord like her would often encounter people who suddenly wanted to withdraw their rent.

After the huge Aunt Wang got out of the stairs, Zhou Chen went up the stairs and passed the short-haired young man above.

The short-haired youth did not look annoyed by rejection at this time, but frowned, looking a little worried.

When Zhou Chen's eyes crossed with him, he looked calm, as if he was not ashamed of his previous behavior.

"This person is a bit cruel..."

Zhou Chen felt that this was a strange person and should not be taken lightly.

After this strange episode, Zhou Chen quickly went upstairs and returned to his single-room rental house, which he had to leave in a few days.

"Let’s find a house outside tomorrow to move... It’s okay if it’s a little bit more expensive, we have a job now..."

Zhou Chen feels that the requirements for finding a house today are a little too high. He wants to live in a spacious and comfortable house but also wants to be cheap. His thinking is limited by the embarrassing graduation period of his previous life. In fact, he has a good income and can live in a better house.

The night passed quickly and plainly. On the next day, Zhou Chen went outside to find a house early in the morning.

With the experience of looking for a house yesterday, he already knew the general distribution of nearby rental houses, and he increased his rent budget, and soon found a satisfactory rental house in a place not too far from the Weijiang Martial Arts Museum.

It was a hard-covered rental house with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, with an area of ​​90 square meters, equipped with various furniture and household appliances, and a balcony. The light was bright and the neighborhood was not as noisy as many places in Yangcheng. It fits his mind very well.

Soon, Zhou Chen signed a rental agreement with the new landlord here, a middle-aged man, and paid the rent deposit.

"Two thousand five national dragon coins a month...a bit expensive...but I don't want to look for it anymore..."

After finding a house, he hurriedly arrived at the Weijiang Martial Arts Hall before nine o'clock in the morning, and began training and development planning inside.

After leaving the martial arts hall at five o'clock in the afternoon, he returned to the small single-room rental house after eating a large meal, and began to transfer all his belongings to the new rental house.

Since the original owner is relatively poor and he hasn't bought any large items recently, he called a small moving truck and completed the transfer of the property in one go.

After moving into the new spacious rental house, Zhou Chen felt in a good mood. He looked at the kitchen and large refrigerator in the new rental house and felt that he could cook and eat by himself in the future.

"The things outside are not reassuring after all. I will buy more meat and vegetables to cook for myself in the future."

Thinking about these trivial matters in his mind, Zhou Chen remembered the business affairs again.

"Tomorrow will start the next survival, I don't know what will be gained this time..."