A few minutes later, by the fire not far from the small lake, the man in shorts with his naked body covered with water stains was warming the fire, while drinking the lake water in the pure water bottle. Next to him, Zhou Chen and others who were also warming the fire Also drinking the clear lake water in his bottle.

Just now, Zhou Chen and several people cooperated to take water several times, and the bottles of everyone present were filled. Now the problem of water shortage has been basically solved for them.

Zhou Chen originally had some doubts whether the lake water would be a problem, but he was already a little thirsty, and other people drank the lake water and it didn't seem to be abnormal, so he had to follow the crowd.

The five people finished replenishing water and started talking around the fire.

"The monsters I encountered this time around are so strange, either the shadow monster or the water monster, so I haven't killed one yet."

The single ponytail girl who took off her leather jacket and grilled herself spit out.

"It's true... the monsters I encountered before to survive were flesh and blood. I have never seen anything like this before."

The man in shorts, whose water stains had been basically baked, quickly responded.

"Actually, there are more conventional monsters in this forest."

At this time, the young man in a white coat, whose body was no longer trembling from the cold, glanced around the other people.

"I saw big trees moving autonomously in this forest yesterday. I think some of the trees in this forest must also be monsters."

The young man in a white coat shared his findings.

"I also noticed this situation,"

Zhou Chen answered the conversation at this time.

"Actually, I suspect that all the trees in this forest are monsters."

He uttered his guess.

"Yes! Yesterday he randomly found a tree and climbed it up, and the tree swung all its branches and started attacking him. It looked like the legendary dryad."

The single ponytail girl also echoed.

"Is that so? If the trees around here are all monsters, then we are in a bad situation."

The young man in a white coat frowned upon hearing this.

"According to the usual practice of the system, I suspect that in the next few days, these tree monsters will be rage and begin to attack us."

His face said sternly.

"Well...according to the statistical analysis report of survival copies recently issued by the Administration, it is inferred that this is indeed possible, and the possibility is not small."

The young man in the green uniform, who had never spoken much, also spoke at this time.

"Are you from the Dragon Kingdom Survivor Management Bureau?"

The man in shorts immediately became interested when he heard the man in the uniform said this.

"It's a peripheral member...has not yet been officially approved to join."

The man in uniform replied lightly.

"Everyone, I have a proposal,"

At this time, the young man in the white coat stood up. He didn't seem to be surprised that the man in military uniform might be in the administration.

"I propose that we immediately launch an attack on the tree monsters around here, and strive to hit them hard before they go wild."

The young man in a white coat looked at the people warming up, with a look of excitement in his eyes.

"Are you trying to say... Attack with fire? A fire burned all the forest?"

The girl with a ponytail suddenly raised her head and asked him.

"Yes! If we can succeed, we will definitely get a lot of rewards."

The excitement in the eyes of the young man in the white coat became more obvious at this time.

"Do you remember the prompt given by the system, there are special drops for killing monsters in this dungeon! Are you not interested?"

In the eager eyes of the young man in the white coat, the few people warming up were obviously a little moved, but some were full of worries.

"I don't think these tree monsters will stand there obediently and wait for us to burn them. I suspect that as long as we do, we will be besieged by nearby tree monsters."

Zhou Chen expressed his opinion.

"Your idea is very reasonable."

The standing young man in white coat looked at Zhou Chen and nodded.

"But if we want to harvest, we must take risks. As long as we plan an action plan, there is a high probability that we will have a good harvest."

"I agree with this proposal,"

Under the agitation of the young man in a white coat, the man in shorts, who had already dried his body and put on a weed cloak, was moved.

"To survive, you will definitely encounter danger. Instead of waiting for the danger to come, we should take the initiative to attack.

I think we can choose five trees on the same side of the small lake as our targets. If the tree monster launches an attack, we will flee to the lake or to the other side. "

The shorts man's plan is very simple, mainly considering that everyone can kill monsters and retreat.

"Don't be so troublesome! Just try to burn a tree first!"

The single ponytail girl simplified his plan.

"I think this plan is good...Does everyone agree?"

Seeing that the enthusiasm of several people was mobilized, the young man in white coat immediately began to vote.

"I think...you can give it a try."

The young man in green uniform nodded.

"I agree too, a big deal with the tree monster."

Zhou Chen saw that everyone had the idea of ​​fighting the tree monsters, so he stopped singing the opposite. He felt that sometimes he couldn't be too cautious, otherwise it would be easy to miss the opportunity to get rich.

In this way, the five people by the small lake quickly formulated a strategy, preparing to collectively help the shorts men to kill a tree monster and see how things will develop.

As for why the man in shorts should be helped first, it is because he has an axe in his hand, which makes it easier to cut trees.

Ten minutes later, the man in shorts was leading the head with an axe, and the other four were holding fire-burning branches behind. The five walked to a relatively isolated tree not far from the lake.

"Just this tree, I tried to cut it down to see how it reacts."

The man in shorts, holding a sharp ax, approached the tree.

The muscles on his two arms twisted, and the axe with great strength slashed into the trunk of the big tree in front of him, and sank deeply.

Immediately afterwards, there was a whistling sound like a whip penetrating the air from above his head: The big tree he cut down began to fight back with his branches.

The man in shorts had long expected the tree monster's counterattack, so he immediately pulled the axe out of the trunk and swiped it upward to cut off the branches that the tree monster had hit.

The tree monster became even more furious after being cut by him again, and all the branches of the entire tree began to droop and hit the shorts man.

And the man in shorts didn't persuade him at all. He swung the axe in his hand into a barrier and chopped down the branches that the tree monster had hit.

"This thing's fighting power is nothing but that."

The single ponytail girl in the back spit out when she saw it, and then according to her plan, she threw the burning branches in her hand into the snags piled on the ground in front, as did the other three.

The man in shorts retreated after continuing his attack for a while, because he found that the branches of the tree monster he was attacking had been cut almost by him, and the pile of branches on the ground had begun to smoke and was about to catch fire.

"It went well... I just don't know who burned it to death..."

The man in shorts drew back as he thought.

A few seconds later, the first ray of flame rose from the pile of branches, and then almost at the same time, the earth shook, and the surrounding tree monsters rose from the ground.