Chapter 47: Light energy conversion Ⅰ

"Run away!"

Seeing the tree monsters rising from the ground one by one, Zhou Chen and others immediately fled to the small lake behind.

Each of these tree monsters is several stories high, with thick trunks and numerous branches, and their roots protruding from the ground are like thick tentacles. Faced with their collective attack, none of the five survivors present thought about it. Turning back to face off.

Among them, Zhou Chen ran in the forefront. On the one hand, it was because of his faster speed. On the other hand, it was because he had just been paying attention to the surrounding situation and ran away whenever there was a turmoil.

"Ah! Get out of me!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of panic and fear behind him. Zhou Chen turned his head and saw that the young man in a white coat running at the back had his legs entangled with a root, and fell to the ground. He went on again soon after. He was wrapped in branches by a large tree approaching, and he couldn't escape no matter how he attacked with the dagger in his hand. Instead, his whole body was gradually submerged in the branches, and he could only hear his horrified shouts.

But at this time, no one would look back to save him. Even if they did, it would be difficult to save him. On the contrary, it would be easy to get another one in.

Zhou Chen ran for several tens of meters. He heard the screams behind him turned into dull screams, and then disappeared quickly, leaving only the rumbling sound of big trees moving on the ground.

The small lake in front is getting closer and closer, but the noise behind him has not diminished with the death of the young man in the white coat, but has become more and more violent.

"I can only escape into the forest on the opposite side."

Zhou Chen was escaping quickly while observing the situation in the forest ahead, judging that the big trees there hadn't changed anything yet.

A few minutes later, the four of them rushed into the depths of the forest in front of them, and the big tree chasing behind quickly became calm after approaching the forest here, and slowly leaned on the roots to move back to the original path.

[Passive Predator Trigger: You have looted the passive skill "Light Energy Transformation I" of the Silent Dryad. Do you want to merge it? 】

Zhou Chen, who had a heavy breath because of high-strength running, was a little surprised at this time. He really didn't expect that he could still obtain a passive skill like this. He can only speculate that the tree that was first felled was burned to death at this time. Gave him a share of credit.

He didn't choose to merge this passive skill right away, he walked up to a big tree and secretly looked at its explanation.

【Light Energy Conversion Ⅰ

Type: Bronze preliminary passive skills.

When your skin receives light, it can convert the energy in the light into its own nutrients. When you bathe your whole body in sunlight for 20 hours, it can convert the nutrients needed to maintain normal body functions throughout the day. 】

"It's like photosynthesis..."

As soon as Zhou Chen read the introduction of passive skills, he complained in his heart.


He immediately accepted this passive technique and integrated it into his body.

When the fusion was completed, he looked at his arms and palms, took out a scimitar and used its bright blade to illuminate his face, and found that his appearance had not changed, and it had not become a kind of freshness. s color.

"There was no fire... Those tree monsters threw a ball of fire into the lake, and then it fought with something in the lake."

The man in shorts walked back from the edge of the forest at this time, and he finished observing the situation in the small lake area just now.

"Did you explode anything?"

At this time, the single ponytail girl turned off the topic,

"I just burst out a seed... Is this kind of seed the so-called special drop of the system?"

She looked at the other three men, curiously.

"I didn't get anything just now."

The young man in green uniform shook his head.

"I didn't explode does this system count? I should have played the most in terms of damage, right?"

The man in shorts immediately became a little unhappy with the system.

The single ponytail girl smiled at him when she saw it, and then looked at Zhou Chen, who was standing behind a big tree a few meters away.

"I didn't explode anything."

Zhou Chen answered immediately.

His answer is not a lie, he did not explode any objects, just exploded a passive skill.

"Hey...If only the old man ran faster just now..."

After talking about the reward, the young man in green uniform mentioned the young man in the white coat who had been killed by the tree monster just now. The atmosphere that was supposed to be relaxed suddenly became a little heavy, and the silence spread in the air.

After a few minutes, the shorts man spoke first.

"This should be the risk he said... Who knows that he can't run through those tree monsters... This system of survival is like this, if one can't keep up, it will be finished."

"Don't talk about one...I don't think you have experienced this kind of thing for the first time."

The girl with a single ponytail had a green spherical seed in her hand.

"This is the seed reward I just received. Are you interested?"

Upon seeing this, Zhou Chen immediately focused his attention on the spherical seed in the girl's hand. Since this thing was produced by the system, when he focused on it, he could see the simple instructions listed by the system, but because of this time the girl Made public settings for it, so he can see more detailed text descriptions.

【Piranha Seed

Type: Bronze Beginner Seed.

This is a piranha seed, you can plant it in the soil, it will grow to maturity in a week after meeting certain light and moisture conditions.

Mature piranhas can leave the soil for a short time to move around and help you attack the enemy. 】

"This thing looks okay? You don't want it?"

After reading the description of Piranha seeds, the man in shorts questioned the girl.

"Um...I don't have a cold with flowers, flowers, and grass. Anyone of you who is interested can take out something to change it."

The single ponytail girl continued.

The man in shorts didn't reply again, and Zhou Chen didn't say anything, because he didn't really appreciate this thing either.

"If you don't like it, sell it to the bureau, and the bureau will definitely accept it."

The young man in green uniform looked at the girl and said,

"The peculiar items produced by this kind of system can be sold at a decent price in the administrative bureau. For this seed like yours, I estimate that it can be exchanged for at least one hundred thousand Dragon National Coins."

"Only one hundred thousand Dragon National Coins? Then I might as well sell it on the trading floor."

The girl was a little speechless, she didn't think that her seed could only sell for one hundred thousand on the trading floor.

"This tree monster doesn't seem to be killed in vain... I'll look for another one after a while."

The man in shorts suddenly spoke up again.

"Do you still want to cut down trees? Are you afraid of being beaten up by tree monsters again?"

The girl suddenly wondered.

"I want to make it clear. The tree monsters just rioted because we used fire. If I only cut with an axe, the risk would not be so high."

The man in shorts replied confidently at this time.