Following the suggestion of the tall girl, Zhou Chen and she dragged several edible wolf corpses into a woods one kilometer away, and used an axe to chop down a tree and create a fire to reprocess and roast the wolf meat. Roast to ensure that the wolf meat is completely cooked and reduce the risk of infection with parasites.

The quantity of these wolf meats is not small. After a full meal, the tall girl used a dagger to cut off the rest of the more essential parts, roasted them, and then pierced them into a string with branches for the next few days. edible.

Then they set off again. As survivors, they have more energy than ordinary people. They can't find a suitable place to rest nearby, so they just don't rest and continue to drive on the wilderness under the moonlight.

The two of them walked under this unfamiliar night sky with a mention of roasted wolf meat.

About four hours later, a cliff appeared in front of them. The cliff was more than 20 meters deep and more than 6 meters wide. There was a sound of turbulent water in the cliff, reflecting the moonlight that leaked into it.

"There is running water down here, you can pick up a little bit."

Zhou Chen looked at the water flow in the cliff, felt it for a moment, and determined that there was no hidden danger there, and the water quality was relatively good. He immediately took out the Coke bottle that was already an old friend from the backpack space and prepared to go down to fetch water.

"Do you have a bottle? Would you like me to help you with it by the way?"

Then Zhou Chen asked the tall girl to give him a mineral water bottle, and then threw the roasted wolf meat in his hand onto the snow on the opposite side of the cliff, holding the two bottles one in his hand and inserting the other in his pocket. , Jumped directly into the cliff.

In the midair of the cliff, he turned on the popular skill and leaned against one side of the cliff. When he was about to touch the water, he inserted the spear in his hand into the cliff, fixed himself, and then bent over to fill the bottle. Water, and once again turned on the popular skill, pulled out the spear and rushed back to the cliff.

"Your skills... why are there so many?"

After returning to the cliff, took a sip of the mineral water bottle handed over by Zhou Chen, the tall girl couldn't help asking.

"Good luck... I am actually a European emperor."

Zhou Chen answered faintly, drank a few sips of water from the Coke bottle, and then jumped directly over the cliff with a force, and picked up the wolf skewers on the snow.

The tall girl was noncommittal about his answer, and immediately followed, and continued to head south.

They walked until dawn, and they didn't find a place suitable for rest along the way, so they continued on their way. When they were hungry, they ate wolf meat, and when they were thirsty, they ate the frozen water in the bottle.

After walking in this way for most of the day, they found that the snow on the wilderness seemed to be thinning, and the trees and vegetation gradually increased.

When they finished eating the wolf meat they were going to take in the evening, they found a man-made building ahead. Unfortunately, the type of building was a bit unsatisfactory, because it looked like a tomb in the shape of a bulge.

"The tomb in front doesn't seem to have been affected by the earthquake. We should have walked out of the core area of ​​the earthquake."

Looking at the grave in the distance ahead, Zhou Chen said to the tall girl.

"Something is moving in that grave."

The girl didn't respond to his words, but frowned and said vigilantly.

"There is something moving in there?"

Zhou Chen is now more than a hundred meters away from the bulging tomb, so he can't perceive the details there. The girl's words surprised him a bit.

However, the tall girl was the first to discover it when the fire-breathing dragon came the day before yesterday. Now she is aware of it and it is worth trusting that she has a high probability of having some talents or skills in perception and exploration.

"The stuff in there may be zombies or rats."

Zhou Chen replied.

The two continued to move towards the bulging tomb, and soon approached there, entering within a hundred meters.

Zhou Chen immediately sensed a little bit of the situation through the passive technique of thirst for blood, and found that there was flowing blood in it. It looked like two living people in the form, but the blood volume and flow rate of these two living people were a bit slow, which made him feel It's kind of weird.

Walking closer to the bulging tomb, Zhou Chen found that there was a wooden door on the other side of the tomb. The wooden door was closed tightly, making the tomb look a bit like a residence.

"Could it be that this is actually a house?"

Zhou Chen thought immediately.

The tall girl seemed to have a similar idea. She walked forward slowly and knocked on the wooden door with her scabbard.


Not long after, a slightly hoarse man's voice came from the bulging grave, and then footsteps approached the door, and the wooden door opened.

At this time, the sun had not yet set, and after the light of the setting sun, Zhou Chen and the tall girl saw that a pale man's face appeared behind the wooden door. The look of panic.

"who are you?"

After the man opened the door, he looked at Zhou Chen and the tall girl outside and asked, his pale face seemed a little unhappy.

"This sir, we are travelers from far away. We are looking for you to ask where there are villages or towns around here."

Zhou Chen immediately replied to him in the local language. The reason they knocked on the door of this strange building was just to ask for the way.

"Ha ha,"

This pale, slightly rickety middle-aged man laughed hoarsely when he heard Zhou Chen's words.

"It turned out to be asking for directions... Unexpectedly, someone would ask me for directions... Then I'll tell you... Cross the mountain over there, and then cross the back one, you will soon see a village. "

The middle-aged man raised his pale fingers, showed the two Zhou Chen the way, and then directly closed the door.


Zhou Chen immediately thanked him outside the door, then turned and walked in the direction he was pointing, and the taller girl followed.

"I think that person is a little weird."

The girl walked to Zhou Chen and said in Long Guoyu.

"Still feeling it? He looks strange everywhere."

Zhou Chen curled his lips.

The two continued to move forward for more than a dozen steps. Suddenly, Zhou Chen felt an inexplicable murmur in his head, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. At the same time, the ice necklace on his neck also began to react, showing a burst of action. A special chill to alleviate this discomfort.

The tall girl next to him obviously encountered a similar situation, but her ability to bear it was obviously not as good as Zhou Chen, and she fell directly on the snow on the ground, holding her head with her hands, her face a little distorted, and she looked very painful.

"The dead and sick ghost attacked us unexpectedly."

Zhou Chen immediately realized that it was the people in the tomb that had launched some kind of attack on them. He immediately showed a fine steel wooden spear in his hand and turned back and rushed over.

Rushing to the wooden door of the tomb, Zhou Chen kicked it away, and saw a pale-faced young man in black robe standing in front of him, holding a scroll in his hand with a hint of surprise on his face. The middle-aged man and two armed skeletons looked at him from behind.