The young man in the black robe looked a little surprised at Zhou Chen's sudden attack, but the pale middle-aged man and the two armed skeletons in front of him did not show any hesitation, and directly attacked Zhou Chen.

I saw the two armored skeletons blocking the front, hitting Zhou Chen with the sword and hammer in his hand at the door, while the pale middle-aged man stepped back two steps, and began to sing in a low voice, as if to release something. Spells.

Zhou Chen did not flinch when facing the attack of the two armed skeletons inside the door. He swept the fine steel wooden spear inward, and took all the weapons they had hit to one side, and then raised the spear at two speeds. , The neck bones of the two skeletons in the door were directly pricked by him, and both of them dropped their heads.

Then Zhou Chen rushed in, knocked down the two skeletons, and pierced the pale middle-aged man who was singing inside with a spear.

The pale middle-aged man did not interrupt his singing in the face of Zhou Chen's attack, because a thick white bone wall suddenly appeared on the ground between him and Zhou Chen, which resisted the long spear in Zhou Chen's hand.

Even though Zhou Chendang used his full strength, he used a spear to jab the bone wall and quickly destroyed it, and then slammed it up, causing it to shatter like tiles.

After dismantling the bone wall, he sensed that the two skeletons that had been knocked down by him behind him stood up again, as if their heads dropped did not have much impact on them.

However, Zhou Chen ignored them and directly pierced the pale middle-aged man who was still singing with the spear.

Facing Zhou Chen's attack, the pale middle-aged man immediately stopped singing. He raised his hands and quickly clamped the spear that Zhou Chen stabbed.

Zhou Chen immediately felt a greater resistance from the barrel of the gun. He realized that the man seemed sick but his strength was not small, and he immediately increased his strength, allowing the spear to slide quickly through his palms, stabbing him. neck.

The man's neck was not immediately penetrated after being hit by a sharp spear head, instead, there was a lot of resistance, as if his neck was made of stone.

"This person is a bit difficult."

Zhou Chen couldn't help but flashed this thought, and then an axe appeared in his left hand. He threw the axe behind him, and he flew a long sword that was attacked by a headless skeleton from behind.

Then, Zhou Chen exerted all his strength and plunged the spear into the pale middle-aged man's neck, directly provoked it, and rushed towards the black robe youth inside.

At this time, the black-robed youth completed a spell. Several bone spears appeared out of thin air and shot at Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen used the middle-aged man on the spear as a shield to block these bone spears, and then suddenly stopped them. Throwing behind him, he knocked down the two headless skeletons coming from behind.

In this way, there was no barrier between Zhou Chen and the black-robed young man. He raided the past like lightning, and a shot penetrated the black-robed young man's neck, killing him on the spot.

After the black robe youth died, Zhou Chen immediately turned around and prepared to completely end the remaining few, but found that none of them and two skeletons were moving, as if suddenly died suddenly.

"Are these three all the summons of this black-robed youth?"

Zhou Chen immediately guessed.

After poking with a long spear and confirming that several enemies in the tomb were silent, Zhou Chen then began to check the things here, hoping to gain something.

He first checked the body of the black-robed young man and found that he had a short bone stick in his hand, a broken scroll by his feet, and a medicine bottle in his pocket.

Bone staff, scrolls, and medicine bottle systems are all marked, one is a necromancer that can enhance the effects of necromantic spells, one is a cursed scroll that has been scrapped, and the other is a mana potion that can replenish mana.

After throwing the bone stick and medicine bottle into the space of his backpack, Zhou Chen then checked the pale middle-aged man's body, and when he found nothing, he cast his gaze to other places in the tomb.

The space in this tomb is not small. In addition to a few empty sarcophagi, there is also a bed, a set of tables and chairs, and a cabinet.

First, after searching the innermost cabinet, Zhou Chen found dry bread, potatoes, unknown materials, clothing, and a book in several drawers.

This book has also been marked by the system and is called "Necromancer's Notes".

"This person is really a necromancer..."

Zhou Chen had already guessed about the identity of the owner here, but he was not surprised, and then flipped through the book.

Soon, he discovered that this book is about the basic knowledge of the Necromancer. According to the method described above, he can embark on the road of the Necromancer, master some basic necromantic spells, and learn to make some curse scrolls and necromancer puppets.

"Becoming a Necromancer will improve your mental attributes, lower your physical attributes, and make your body gradually develop towards the necromancer... No wonder I feel that the blood of the two people in there is a bit problematic..."

After reading this notebook briefly, Zhou Chen's previous doubts were solved. He had a guess about the identity of the pale middle-aged man, thinking that he should be a living corpse made by the black-robed youth, a kind of half-dead and half-living. Monster.

"Necromantic spells are really evil... It can turn a living person into half-dead, a complete puppet..."

After sighing, Zhou Chen threw the book into the backpack space.

Continuing to search the tomb residence, Zhou Chen did not find any more gains, but at this time the tall girl walked in from the door.

She looked a little uncomfortable, as if she hadn't fully recovered from the previous attack.

"He just launched the attack?"

After the girl came in, she looked at the body of the black-robed youth on the ground and asked Zhou Chen.

"Yes... this man is a necromancer, and he probably attacked us to let us serve as necromantic materials... We will stay overnight here tonight, so quickly clean up this place."

Zhou Chen answered her directly, and then began to drag the corpse on the ground out of the tomb, preparing to drag it far outside.

"If you don't go to where he was showing the way before?"

The tall girl seemed a bit reluctant to spend the night in this tomb.

"Who knows if it's true or false, it's almost dark, here can shelter from wind and rain, and there are some food, so let's make do with it."

The girl quickly stopped struggling after hearing what he said, and immediately began to help clean up the place.

Half an hour later, the tomb where the corpse and the necromancer were originally lying became much refreshed, and there was a fire.

Zhou Chen and the tall girl ate some food left by the original owner here, and they discussed the overnight stay while cooking.

"We each sleep in the middle of the night and watch midnight tonight, and we will rotate at midnight."

"Okay... I want to sleep in the middle of the night if I can, because my head still hurts a bit, so I want to rest quickly."

The tall girl agreed to Zhou Chen's arrangement, and also proposed that she wanted to sleep first and then watch the night.


Zhou Chen agreed to her immediately. He is in a good state now. Even if he keeps staying up late and on the road, there is no big problem, but in order to keep his state at the peak, he still plans to rest in this grave residence for one night.