
After reading it, Zhou Chen used the passive predator ability to integrate this passive skill.

Then in the blink of an eye, he felt an extra layer of transparent and almost invisible protective layer on his body. This protective layer called a shield has almost no weight, but it can make people feel its existence.

"This thing doesn't seem to be breathable..."

Then Zhou Chen found that his breathing was obstructed by this thing.

Reluctantly, he immediately turned off the shield passive technique through the passive predator's ability.

After all, although he can stay in an oxygen-free environment for several hours because of the passive apnea technique, he can't have oxygen but deliberately doesn't breathe it, so he closes himself.

"From now on, this passive technique will be used as an active technique..."

After a little thought, he decided not to use this passive technique in the future, and temporarily turned it on when he encountered an attack.

No way, having the passive predator talent can be so capricious.

"I don't know if my shield is broken and then turned off and then turned on, will it be able to refresh it..."

He then thought about this question again, but he felt that it would not work with a high probability, otherwise this passive technique would have to be played out by him.

After dealing with this matter, Zhou Chen left the cave area and continued his own exploration.

It didn't take long for him to encounter a batch of monsters, but unfortunately these monsters were relatively weak and didn't have any passive skills, so he didn't get anything.

Then after walking for a while, he passed through the winding tunnels and came to a place that was obviously unusual.

In the dark field of vision, he saw the cave stone in front of him glowing golden yellow, and it looked like some kind of metal ore.

"These are... gold mines?"

He stepped forward and took a closer look. It seemed that some free gold could be found in these stones.

But after all, he is not a professional miner, so he can't draw a definite conclusion. He can only say that the stones here are most likely to be valuable.

"This large piece of stone is all golden...there is not a small reserve..."

Continuing along this passage, Zhou Chen found several human corpses ten minutes later. These corpses looked like some indigenous workers because there were some iron picks and mine carts around them.

The cause of their death was similar to that of the previous batch discovered by Zhou Chen, and the neck and heart were damaged. It seems that the technique was probably caused by the vampire before.

"These people are too unlucky. They were digging well, but they encountered a vampire who killed them..."

When he complained in his heart, Zhou Chen discovered something new. He felt some blood flowing not far from the mining location of these people.

Following the guidance of the blood-thirsty passive technique, Zhou Chen walked through the twisty cave tunnel and came to a piece of golden ore that looked ordinary, where the flowing blood he felt was inside.

He stretched out the fine-steel wooden gun and knocked on the ore, judging that it was not too thick to open it forcibly.

"The perceived blood is about three meters deep inside...it seems to me that it is three human beings..."

Zhou Chen was a little puzzled how there was a living person in this stone. He began to observe the situation around here, and then noticed a raised stone with the edge separated from the other stones at a position on the upper right side.

Feeling that this might be a mechanism, he reached out and pressed it.

After several attempts, when he used about twice the strength of an adult man to press, the stone was pressed in. Then a low heavy object moved sounded, and the stone in front of him moved to the side. .

After removing the stone door, which looked the same as the surrounding stones, it revealed a square stone room inside.

Suddenly, Zhou Chen felt a strong blood spread over his face.

I saw a set of gorgeous tables and chairs placed directly opposite this stone gate, and a golden goblet was placed on the table top.

On the right side of the table and chairs, is a sarcophagus with an open lid and carved with mysterious patterns. Beside the sarcophagus are scattered broken human bones with blood stains.

A few meters to the left of the table and chair, there is an iron cage. In the iron cage, there are three young women squeezing in one corner. They hugged each other tremblingly, looking at Zhou Chen's position in fear.

Because the walls of this room are inlaid with some unknown luminous stones, they can see Zhou Chen's appearance clearly.

Zhou Chen looked at the appearance of the young women in the iron cage, the scars on their wrists and their pale faces, and felt that he understood what was going on.

"This place should be the previous vampire's lair... These three women are the source of its blood sucking..."

Zhou Chen felt that he could already guess the ins and outs of the whole thing. In the beginning, what kind of mercenary group should have found out that there were gold mines in the cave with many monsters, so they monopolized this place and started to clear the monsters and prepare for mining. , But accidentally disturbed a vampire living nearby, and then he was chased out and slaughtered by the vampire.

Just as Zhou Chen thought about it, and picked up the goblet on the table to determine if it was made of pure gold, a woman in the cage to his left spoke.

"You... are you human! Please save us!"

The woman was holding the iron cage vertical pole in front of her at this time, and she shouted to Zhou Chen quite nervously.

"Don't worry, I will let you out."

Zhou Chen responded indifferently, and put the golden goblet on the table into his trouser pocket.

He then walked to the open sarcophagus to inspect it, and found some paved gems and gold coins inside.

"This vampire has a good hobby..."

Zhou Chen's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he found a box engraved with patterns in this room and filled all the gems and gold coins in it.

After collecting the belongings, he carefully searched the room again to make sure that no good things were missing.

"Doesn't this vampire collect any extraordinary items..."

Zhou Chen felt a little regretful. He didn't even find an item marked by the system here.

After the search was completed, Zhou Chen walked to the iron cage on the left, and then squeezed the two adjacent iron rods with both hands, and pulled hard to both sides, causing the two iron rods to undergo serious deformation, forming a place for one person. Passable space.

After completing this operation, as soon as Zhou Chen backed away, the young woman in the iron cage who had spoken before ran out impatiently.

"Thank you for saving us!"

As soon as the woman ran out, she knelt down and thanked Zhou Chen, feeling very agitated.

"No thanks, I just helped, you have to rely on yourself if you want to escape from this place."

It was true that Zhou Chen just rescued them, but they might not be safe when they came out, because this is the depths of the nameless cave, not only the passage is complicated and dark, but also some monsters are hidden.