"Thank you for your help! I have a way to get out. I remember the way back. That exit is not far from here."

The woman didn't panic after Zhou Chen said that she would not care about them, but instead told Zhou Chen that she knew the convenient way to get out of the cave.


Zhou Chen became interested as soon as he heard it, because he had to get dizzy even when he wanted to go out, and he wanted to know that there were shortcuts.

"Yes! The vampire walked there yesterday when he caught me in."

The woman nodded.

"Okay, you show me the way."

Zhou Chen answered lightly.

"Okay, please wait for them to be together."

The woman then turned around and pulled the other two young women out of the iron cage, holding the palest and weakest one of them.

"We are all from the same village, so I can't leave them alone."

The woman explained to Zhou Chen.


After hearing this, Zhou Chen nodded slightly, feeling that the woman was quite loyal.

Half a minute later, Zhou Chen deducted two luminous stones from the wall of the room and handed them to the woman to watch the way and find the way.

He had already asked her, and she said that although she had no lighting when she was caught, she knew the approximate location of the shortcut exit based on the memory of the direction and distance.

Soon, under the leadership of the woman, the four of them left the vampire house and walked towards the depths of the passage.

"It's in this direction...not too far..."

She said while leading the way.


Zhou Chen suddenly urged her to stop, and then rushed to the front with a gun, piercing a monster that looked like a big cockroach.

"Continue to lead the way."

After dealing with the threat, he asked the guide to move forward.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Chen's four stopped in front of a stone wall.

"I remember the exit is near here... it won't be too far apart..."

The woman murmured, looking at the thick stone walls that went back and forth, her face was a little dazed.

"It should be still ahead."

Zhou Chen looked at the woman coming all the way, not like talking nonsense, judging.

Because he felt that this woman underestimated the vampire's moving speed, thinking that the distance was too close.

Next, Zhou Chen led the three of them on, killing many monsters along the way, and finally found a fork in the road more than a thousand meters away.

One of the passages at the fork crossing was very narrow, but it went straight to the top and the angle was almost vertical, which looked very steep.

"It should be here... but why is it so steep..."

The woman who led the way saw that the passage was so steep, she was a little desperate, because it was almost impossible for them to climb up.

"Don't worry, I'll go up and see the situation first."

Zhou Chen didn't care much about it. This kind of stone passage similar to a deep well could rush up even if he didn't activate the Fengxing skill.

I saw that he didn't even put down the box containing the gold coins and gems in his hand. He directly leaned on his feet and stepped on the stone wall leading to the upper channel, and rushed up.

He was so fast that he disappeared into the eyes of the three women holding the luminous stone below in the blink of an eye.

In the process of moving upward, Zhou Chen found that there were some bat-shaped monsters gathering in this deep well-like passage, and briefly activated the shield passive skills to defend, and at the same time took out an axe to smash them into pieces.

It took about five minutes before Zhou Chen reached the top of this passage and jumped out of it.

As soon as he came out, he found that there were bare rocks outside. This exit may be in the same mountainous area as the entrance of the first nameless cave. At this time, a huge and bright moon was hung in the sky, and it was obviously late at night. .

"Unexpectedly, this tiankeng-like cave is connected to the nameless cave...If you knew about this place, entering the nameless cave would not be so troublesome..."

The confirmation of this passage has a great effect on Zhou Chen, so that he does not have to spend a lot of time distinguishing and marking the original way back, and he does not have to face the chase and interception that he might encounter at the original exit.

Through the blood thirsty passive technique, he confirmed that there were no creatures around, and Zhou Chen hid the box with gold coins and gems in his hand under a big rock.

"Although I didn't find the Purple Cui Shi in the Unknown Cave this time, the passive skills I harvested were not bad... I also picked up a lot of gold coins... Now I have consumed more than half of my energy. Rest……"

As soon as he left the nameless cave, Zhou Chen wanted to stop this expedition, because he had spent most of the day in that dark and depressed place. He had been hunting for monsters and killing monsters. The energy consumption was quite large, and he brought that little supply. Only enough to stuff teeth.

"Moreover, a few of the mercenary group have escaped. They will definitely bring people in to counterattack. I will go in and toss once I'm discovered, I'll probably be besieged... The development of a gold mine, there are only these mercenaries behind it. The regiment is supporting, I don’t believe it at all..."

Zhou Chen judged that the risk of his activities in the unnamed cave would be greater and greater with the passage of time. For the sake of safety, he still had to accept it as soon as he saw it.

After making the decision, Zhou Chen jumped directly back to the Tiankeng beside him, which was the passage from which he had just exited to the depths of the Nameless Cave.

He went down this time to bring up the three women below, which was not much trouble for him than a simple effort, but it could save the lives of three poor people.

More than three minutes later, Zhou Chen, carrying a young woman on his shoulders and holding a girl in his left and right hands, drilled out of the sinkhole again. After turning on the popular skill this time as an aid, he brought people up closer than before. Brute force is even faster to come up alone.

"Your help will never be forgotten!"

"Thank you for saving us!"

"May the Holy Spirit protect you forever!"

After being taken out of the tiankeng by Zhou Chen, the three young women kowtow to him one by one, and their words trembled with excitement.

No one knows how desperate they were when Zhou Chen went up alone before, feeling that they were about to sink into darkness forever as soon as they escaped from the devil's cave.

So when Zhou Chen appeared again and fished them out, they would be so excited.

"Do you know where Red Valley City is?"

Zhou Chen looked around at this time, feeling a little bit uncertain about his current location, and a little bit confused about the exact direction of Honggu City.

"It should be over there! In the direction of that big mountain!"

The girl who led the way at the beginning answered him immediately.

"Okay... Bye bye, you will be careful on the way back."

Zhou Chen knew from the girl's previous performance that she had a good sense of direction, and he trusted her words. After taking out the box containing gold coins and gems from the stone beside him, he quickly left.

He planned to return directly to Red Valley City and return to the Warm Forest Inn to take a good rest, and then dispose of the gold coins and gems in his hand.