"The inauguration of the card maker needs to cultivate spiritual power and produce the first extraordinary card..."

"The cultivation of spiritual power can be carried out through special meditation... The production of cards requires spiritual power, materials and corresponding techniques..."

Zhou Chen pondered while reading the inheritance books of the card maker.

"Meditate first."

Things had to be done step by step, and Zhou Chen quickly sat down on the sofa in the living room and began to meditate.

His meditation ideas come from previous inheritance books, which are specially suitable for card maker spiritual practice.

The learning of this kind of meditation also has a threshold, and the spiritual attributes must reach a certain standard. Zhou Chen judged that he had met the requirements through the detection methods introduced above, and he was completely ready to start practicing.

Three hours later.

"It seems to feel a little bit...but I haven't cultivated my spiritual power yet, and my stomach is panicked...I have to eat a big meal...Let me see which cafeteria is more fortunate today..."

After meditation for a few hours, Zhou Chen interrupted it. After all, the practice can be done slowly, and the stomach should not be hungry.

"It's still the two-hundred-odd cafeteria before. The things in it are pretty good."

Soon, Zhou Chen put on light casual clothes and left the new rental house, ready to take the bus to the cafeteria.

When he waited for the corresponding bus at the bus stop sign, he found that the driver of the bus was not sitting on the bus driver, but a somewhat funny machine.

Its main body is a big round ball, and the big ball is connected with a mechanical arm that can hold the steering wheel and step on the brake clutch.

When Zhou Chen got into the car, the eyes of the two cameras on the big ball turned towards Zhou Chen, and at the same time a gentle female voice came out:

"Welcome to take the smart bus!"

"Is everything so advanced now? Even the robot drivers have..."

Zhou Chen was a little shocked when he saw Weiwei. Some time ago, he only heard from the news that science and technology had developed rapidly recently, and now he has real feelings.

"But we can make a robot driver, why not just drive without a driver?"

Zhou Chen had some doubts in his mind again, feeling that this technological development step was a bit strange.

With these questions in mind, he quickly sat on the bus seat, and Zhou Chen began to observe the robot driver's next performance.

After a few minutes, he was basically sure that the robot driver's ability to communicate with people was not very strong, so he could only do some simple greetings and swipe card prompts.

But its driving skills are very good, comparable to old drivers, the bus starts smoothly along the way, driving smoothly, and when some trams and pedestrians rush into it, they will promptly honking or braking to slow down.

"The recent technological development is so fast! The intelligent robot that I just heard about a few days ago, I saw it today!"

A middle-aged woman in front of the bus suddenly uttered excitement at this moment.


An old man beside him nodded when he heard.

"Our Dragon Kingdom's technology is really getting more and more developed."

"Ha ha,"

Unexpectedly, a young man behind the bus smiled disdainfully.

"Others, Eagle Country, said that there are smart speed cars. This kind of robot that can only drive is a shit."


The old man who had spoken before heard his words and frowned.

"How do you like to speak for foreign countries when you are young?"

"It's not who I like to speak for,"

The young man immediately replied,

"If you are behind, you are behind... Don't you know, although our Dragon Kingdom is developing fast now, others are faster..."


Ignoring the little quarrel on the bus, Zhou Chen got off the bus and continued to the target restaurant.

On the road, a few middle school students passed by him, and some conversations immediately came out:

"What did you choose for the latest martial arts class?"

"I chose the tiger boxing and stick method."

"The stick method is so vulgar, why don't you choose a sword or a sword?"

"Haha, you know a ghost, as you have already mentioned in survival class, the stick is the easiest to get, and it's easy to use."

"Hey, I feel that the curriculum has changed a lot recently. I don't know why the school attaches so much importance to sports..."

"The reason is big, tell you, it has something to do with the recent disappearance of some people...not only sports will be valued, but it is said that there will be a virtual game course coming out soon, when we play games, we will even be in class!"

"There is such a good thing!"


"The official response is fast enough, the martial arts class has been arranged? The virtual game class is not for teaching monsters..."

After listening to these students, Zhou Chen thought in his heart.

Such a situation is not difficult to understand. Although the advent of the system is a life-threatening disaster for many survivors, it also brings a lot of benefits to the Blue Star civilization.

Like the recent developments in various technologies, the forum concluded that they are basically related to some technology-side survival worlds. Nowadays, the survival world has become a resource for all countries, and huge interests drive a large number of official survivalists to fight. Go hard and grab all kinds of good things.

"But these have nothing to do with me, as long as I develop myself well."

Zhou Chen is a person who doesn't care much about grand narratives, most of the time he only cares about his own two acres of land.

Soon, he walked into the target cafeteria and began to fetch food and drink.

He eats all kinds of beef, lamb, and pork. He also eats a lot of steamed bread and bread. Milk, fruits, and vegetables are also key targets for elimination.

After eating for a while, he suddenly heard a prompt from the system telling him that he had received a message from a friend.

[Dawn breeze rises: Big brother, do you have any medicine to sell? 】

Seeing that it was a local tyrant girl looking for him, Zhou Chen suddenly got a little bit of energy, and he immediately replied to her with the mind operating system:

[Star: Yes. 】

Zhou Chen did have medicines for illnesses. He bought them from the old witch shopkeeper before going to the holy mountain in Survival World. At that time, he bought not only medicines for curing illnesses, but also some other kinds of medicines.

[Dawn breeze: please sell me a bottle! My sister's cancer has spread throughout her body in the terminal stage. This is her last hope! 】

[Star: Can therapeutic agents treat cancer? If you are in a hurry, you should be able to buy it at the trading floor, right? 】

Zhou Chen didn't agree to her directly, but expressed his doubts. He actually didn't pay much attention to the medicine, and he just bought it with more gold coins.

[Dawn breeze: Unavailable, the production of therapeutic agents is very small, and once they appear, they will be taken away by some organizations. Many people need it to save lives or conduct medical research. 】

The local girl explained.

"Is this stuff so good? It feels like I have made a hundred million less..."

Zhou Chen suddenly regretted that he hadn't bought more medicines before. He remembered that the medicines were not very expensive at the old witch, and there were fewer people who bought them. They were not as popular as the medicines, after all, sparring. For the natives or survivors killed and killed, sickness is rare, and injuries are the norm.