After a while, Zhou Chen ate and went back to the rental house on his own, sold a bottle of medicine to the local tyrant girl, and received 9 million in Long Guo currency in cash.

This allowed him to have more than ten million cash in his hand, making him a veritable little rich man.

"How can it be so easy to make money in my life... I have never seen so much money in my life..."

Zhou Chen, who had become rich, couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary young man from the lower class until his death in an accident. The cash on his body had never exceeded 100,000 yuan, and he had never seen so much money like now.

"Ten can buy a house in the non-core area of ​​Yangcheng, and you can even add a car..."

With money, Zhou Chen wanted to buy a house or a car. This seemed to be a certain obsession brought about by his previous life experience.

"Don't be anxious... At present, we still focus on survival..."

After calming down, Zhou Chen thought again that as a survivalist, he did not spend as much time in the survival world as the Blue Star, and he signed a rental agreement for his current rental house, and he would lose if he didn't live longer.

"See if there are any good things on the trading floor..."

With the focus on survival, the priority of buying equipment on the trading floor is higher than buying a house or a car.

Opening the trading area of ​​the system, Zhou Chen set up the filter option of "Bronze level and above", and began to look at the more advanced goods on the trading floor.

[Sale item: Skull Hammer (Intermediate Bronze), Price: One Bronze Intermediate Physique Scroll or two Bronze Elementary Physique Scrolls. 】

[Sale item: Lightning Sword (Intermediate Bronze), Price: Two Hundred and Twelve Million Dragon National Coins. 】


【Sales: Healing Pill (Intermediate Bronze), Price: 2.3 million Dragon National Coins. 】


【Sales: Ghost Expelling Talisman (Intermediate Bronze Level), Price: 1.4 million Dragon National Coins. 】


"It feels like there are more good things than before...but it still doesn't attract me particularly..."

Zhou Chen now has a lot of things in his hands, there is no shortage of weapons, and he also has potions and so on. After looking at the trading floor for a while, he shut it down.

Afterwards, Zhou Chen proceeded to practice as a card maker, to be precise, he continued to meditate and cultivate spiritual power.

He quickly spent the whole day in an ethereal and relaxed meditation state. It wasn't until noon on the second day that he felt a trace of magical energy in his body.

"It's going well... the spiritual power has been cultivated, and there is only the last step left to the inauguration of the card maker..."

Having cultivated the spiritual power possessed by the card maker, Zhou Chen couldn't wait to take the next step of his employment: successfully making an extraordinary card.

He quickly took out a piece of specially-made hard bark paper bought at the Survival World Scroll Shop from the backpack space, and took out a quill pen, ready to start practicing.

First, he cut the special hard bark paper with a knife into the size of a playing card. This size is more suitable for making extraordinary cards. Then he held a quill pen, poured his spiritual power into the quill pen, and started cutting Carved on a good special bark hard paper.

"What should I draw... In addition to the depiction of the extraordinary card requires sufficient spiritual power, the shape and the **** of the image drawn must not be too bad, otherwise it will easily fail..."

In the card maker inheritance books he obtained, there are reminders of these contents, so Zhou Chen didn't doodle as soon as he got started.

"My painting skills are close to zero, so let's spend the simplest..."

Holding the grey-brown playing card-sized special bark cardboard in his left hand, Zhou Chen pressed the quill pen tip on his right hand.

As the spiritual energy in his body was poured into the quill pen, without using ink or paint, he drew a white line on the gray-brown bark hard paper in his hand.

The goal he chose to paint was a thin line, a plain thin line, because this thing is easy to paint, it saves energy, and is easier to succeed.

After drawing a thin line, Zhou Chen felt that the spiritual power in his body was basically exhausted, making him glad that he chose the correct goal. If he painted something else, he would inevitably fail due to lack of spiritual power.

"The time has come to witness the miracle."

After drawing the line on the hard bark paper, Zhou Chen had to do the last step: try to use this card to see if it really achieved the desired effect.

"It should work..."

While cheering himself up in his heart, Zhou Chen activated it through his mysterious connection with this extraordinary card.

This is the basic ability of the card maker. As long as it is an extraordinary card made by the card maker himself, he can activate the card at any time through the spiritual power on the card to make it effective.

As Zhou Chen's thoughts moved, the yellowish-brown card with a thin white line on his hand changed in the blink of an eye, directly turning into a thin white line.

This thin wire is less than one centimeter long and looks a bit like a plastic material. Zhou Chen pinched and pulled the two ends of it with his hand, and found that its strength was not high, and it should break if a little force was applied.

【You have successfully taken a job as an extraordinary profession and become: Card Maker (Beginner). 】

At this moment, the system sent an announcement to Zhou Chen, telling him that he had successfully taken office.

"The system will actually notify this... There should be an update on the panel..."

When the joy of success welled up in his heart, Zhou Chen opened the personal panel and took a look, and found that there was indeed one more item on it.

"Extraordinary Profession: Card Maker (Beginner.

"It's really smooth... It seems that it is not difficult to become a card maker."

Zhou Chen learned from previous inheritance books that it is not difficult to become a card maker, as long as some spiritual requirements are met, but the follow-up will be more challenging, depending on the talent and financial resources of the practitioner.

As he was thinking about it, the thin white line that was transformed into an extraordinary card in his hand was completely gone, and turned into a gray-brown card with a white line drawn again, marking that this extraordinary card had exhausted its spirit. Power, you must re-instill spiritual power before you can continue to use it.

"It takes a few seconds to change from a card to a real object... and back again... This kind of thing is really unscientific... but it's magic!"

Zhou Chen is now familiar with all kinds of extraordinary phenomena, so the peculiarities of extraordinary cards did not particularly surprise him.

"Although this extraordinary card has no practical effect, it is of commemorative significance. Put it back."

After playing with the first extraordinary card he made for a few seconds, Zhou Chen put it back into the backpack space.

This extraordinary card is difficult to change after he has finished making it. Before it is completely damaged, it can only be a useless card that can only be changed into a short thin line for a short time. It cannot be modified, so it has basically no practical value.

The high cost of the card maker comes from this. After each card is produced, it will be qualitative. No matter whether the production succeeds or fails, the production is good or bad, the card is difficult to change.

Therefore, the consumption of jammed paper in the practice process will be very large.

Don’t underestimate the cost of paper jams. Bark paper is only a low-level material for making cards. If cardmakers want to make more advanced cards, they have to use a lot of high-quality papers such as Mithril paper and moonlight paper before the legend. Things are not cheap.