Another day passed quietly. With enough money, Zhou Chen quickly completed the transfer of the villa and became the real owner of the villa.

At the same time, his luxury car license and driver's license were personally delivered by the car shop manager. Such high-quality service made Zhou Chen promise to buy a car in his hands in the future.

Owning his own villa, Zhou Chen no longer felt limited space during his practice. The non-housing area of ​​his villa is not small, and there are high walls around it, which is very suitable for him to practice secretly for a long time.

It was already afternoon. Zhou Chen was practicing the basic moves of the Bahuang Panlong Xuan Gong in his villa. He suddenly jumped up to three meters high, and slashed his palm towards the swimming pool not far below. The pool suddenly exploded like a bomb, bursting into the sky.

"My pure yang tyrant body talent is really not bragging. After only two days of cultivation, my Eight Desolation True Power can be successfully extended to a distance of more than ten meters..."

A palm in the air shook out the splash in the swimming pool, Zhou Chen steadily landed, sighing secretly in his heart.

Although he was still serious in his practice in the past two days, his practice was often interrupted because he had to deal with the transfer of the villa, the rental house before he retired, and so on. But even so, his progress was very fast, and he was certified as a pure sun tyrant. The bonus to martial arts practice is real.

"I should be able to break through to the master realm when I can freely release the Eight Desolation True Power to a distance of one hundred meters away..."

Zhou Chen is a bit unhappy with the entry level martial artist logo on his personal panel, and wants to raise it to a level as soon as possible. Thinking of this, he started practicing again, working hard to make his eight barren true powers deeper and more handy to use. .

The day passed quickly, and Zhou Chen woke up early from the villa bedroom.

He checked the phone time, got up, dressed and washed, and went to the kitchen to fry himself five large steaks that he bought when he went out yesterday, plus three cups of milk and four oranges to settle the breakfast.

After eating breakfast, he did not continue to practice martial arts, but went to the balcony, took out a piece of cardboard, and began to use a quill pen to describe a begonia flower in the garden below the balcony.

As a card maker, he also has to practice card making from time to time, so he can't give up his craftsmanship.

After a while, the hard paper on the bark in his hand turned into an existence very similar to the begonia flowers in the garden below, which made him nod secretly.

"The passive skills I have acquired are indeed very strong. Even if I use a quill pen, I can still display eight or nine points of skill."

After checking his painting skills, Zhou Chen turned the begonia flower in his hand back into a card and put it in the backpack space.

He then sat on the sofa in the living room and began to wait, because the new survival was about to come.

[The survival task is about to begin, please be prepared. 】

[Start transmission...]

【The Land of Apocalypse

Difficulty: Bronze high-level.

Main mission: Survive for one year.

Side task: build your own shelter. (Note: The more people sheltered in your shelter, the better the rewards you will receive at settlement.)


1. In this scene, killing monsters did not drop, but some items can be brought back to Blue Star.

Second, your initial identity in this scene is a researcher, and your initial location is in an abandoned research institute. There is slight pollution here. Please evacuate to a safe area as soon as possible.

Third, you have been given the basic language and writing knowledge of the indigenous people in this scene and can communicate with them. 】

When Zhou Chen scanned the instructions for survival, he found that he was already in a room with a strange smell.

This room can be seen in a modern style, but the computer desks and chairs inside are very old and in a scrapped state. In the room, besides him, there is another young man who is a little shorter than Zhou Chen, but looks like him. Standing upright, standing straight, and wearing a yellow-green camouflage uniform, he has a military background at first glance.

"Comrade, are you from Long Country?"

When the survivor, who was suspected of being a young soldier, looked at Zhou Chen, his eyes lit up and he took the initiative to ask questions in Long Guoyu.


Zhou Chen didn't conceal it. Wearing a black half-mask made with extraordinary cards, he looked at him and replied in Long Guoyu.

"Great, I didn't expect someone from Dragon Country to be promoted to a high level of Bronze. After introducing myself, my name is Li Guofu and I come from the Dragon Country Survivors Administration."

After confirming Zhou Chen's identity, this person introduced himself to Zhou Chen.

"Fortunate to meet, I am Li Xing, a civilian of the Long Country who abides by laws and regulations."

Zhou Chen felt a little speechless. This person reported himself to his family when he came up, and he had an official identity, so he had to cooperate.


This person nodded after hearing Zhou Chen's answer.

"Comrade Li, since there are only two of us who survive this time, we must cooperate sincerely and smoothly pass."


Zhou Chen scratched his head helplessly.

"Let's leave this place quickly..."

He remembered that the system had warned that there was any pollution in this place and he could not stay for long.

"Well, I have a detector, I'll go ahead and open the way."

The young man in the camouflage uniform of the bureau said that he had something like a compass in his hand. He glanced at the compass and walked steadily towards the door of the room.

"There is no danger within a hundred meters around here... but there seems to be something farther away..."

Because of Zhou Chen's passive blood-thirsty skills, even without a compass, he could still detect some biological information around him.

Soon, the two of them opened the door of the first room and stepped into a somewhat dimly lit corridor.

There is also an unspeakable smell in this corridor, there are still some bones scattered on the ground, there are animals, some people, and some are in between.

Crossing the bones on the ground unhurriedly, the two passed through this corridor and came behind a rusty iron gate.

"My compass responds, there should be enemies outside, ready to fight."

The young man in camouflage clothing walking in front turned his head and whispered to Zhou Chen at this time, and at the same time a silver pistol appeared in his hand.

"This man has hot weapons and equipment!"

Zhou Chen was a little surprised when he saw it. He had survived seven or eight times, and he had never obtained any firearms.

When Zhou Chen's thoughts flashed, the iron door in front was gently pulled open by the youth in camouflage uniforms. He moved very lightly and squatted slightly. While opening the door with his gloved left hand, he pointed the silver pistol in his right hand at the same time. Quasi-outside.

After the iron gate was slowly opened, the two saw that outside was a wilderness scene composed of weeds, rocks, bones, and various garbage. In addition to these dead objects, there were also some hideous and ugly creatures. Wandering in the wilderness.

They seem to be some kind of dog, but they are obviously bigger, hairless all over, covered with sarcoma, and some unknown liquid drips from time to time on the sharp teeth protruding outwards, and they look very sick.