"Those monsters shouldn't find us, we walked around quietly."

Seeing that the ugly creatures in the wilderness outside the iron gate didn't seem to notice here, the young man in camouflage clothes turned his head and whispered to Zhou Chen.

"You go out first, I want to meet them."

Zhou Chen didn't follow his advice, and went straight to the monster in the wilderness.

"Why? There are additional risks for you to do this!"

Seeing Zhou Chen doing this, the camouflage youth frowned, his tone also a little dissatisfied.

"I'm used to try with monsters first... You should leave quickly, or it will hurt you."

Zhou Chen remained unmoved. The reason why he wanted to kill the monster was to obtain possible passive skills. As long as the monster he encountered was not too strong or he had killed it many times, he would not let it go.

Soon, in the puzzled eyes of the youth in camouflage uniforms, Zhou Chen ran toward the monsters in the wilderness faster and faster, approaching them in three or four seconds, and then punched out in the air.

boom! ~

The head of an ugly big dog monster who was turning his head to look at Zhou Chen's side directly exploded, and his body was also exploded in half.

[Passive Predator Trigger: You have predated the passive skills "Bacteria Infection Ⅲ, Bacterial Resistance Ⅲ, Apocalypse Resistance Ⅲ" of mutant dogs. Do you want to merge? 】

【Bacteria infection Ⅲ

Type: Bronze high-level passive skills.

Creatures scratched or bitten by you can be infected with various Bronze bacteria. 】

【Bacteria Resistance Ⅲ

Type: Bronze high-level passive skills.

You are immune to Bronze-level bacterial infections and have a certain degree of resistance to higher-level bacterial infections. 】

【Apocalypse Resistance Ⅲ

Type: Bronze high-level passive skills.

After undergoing the physical transformation of apocalypse pollution, you are immune to light and moderate apocalyptic pollution, and you can resist for a certain period of time when being affected by severe apocalyptic pollution. 】

When the system gave a message, Zhou Chen was not idle either. He fisted left and kicked right, slaying the canine monsters around him rushing towards him, and used all of them with his true power within ten meters. Spike, and at the same time activated the shield passive technique, so that some disgusting residue in the air would not fly to him.

"Fusion bacteria resistance III, apocalypse resistance III."

After quickly getting rid of these disgusting monsters, Zhou Chen chose to combine two of the passive skills he exploded and gave up one.

Because he no longer looks up to this kind of attack method, as a warrior, he doesn't want to be a source of germs.

After feeling his body merged into the new mysterious power, Zhou Chen turned and looked back, only to see that the camouflage young man had not moved away yet, and was standing behind a broken wall looking at this side.

"It's easy for you to attract more monsters."

When Zhou Chen approached him quickly, he said to Zhou Chen.

"It's okay, we just need to evacuate here as soon as possible."

Zhou Chen answered faintly, and then walked in the same direction with the young man in camouflage uniforms.

"Are you sure to go in this direction?"

As soon as he started to pull, Zhou Chen asked him with doubts, because he felt that walking over there might not be able to reach the safe zone.

"My compass shows that the density of monsters in this direction is the smallest, and the safe zone is most likely to be here."

The camouflage youth immediately explained.

"Okay... let's speed up a little bit."

Zhou Chen nodded, he wanted to leave this contaminated land soon.

For the next hour, they kept walking fast in the wilderness. They encountered fewer monsters along the way. Most of them were shot and killed by Zhou Chen, and a few were shot and killed by youths in camouflage uniforms.

After a while, they saw someone driving an off-road vehicle passing by in the wilderness, and the two called them in the local language, but the other side didn't want to pay attention, they accelerated and drove straight away.

"Follow their direction."

Upon discovering the natives, the two of them suddenly felt a sense of relief, and headed towards the direction they had left.

They talked while walking.

"What was the attack method you used to kill monsters? Props? Skills? Techniques?"

The young man in camouflage clothes was very interested in Zhou Chen's wild air strike, so he asked.

"It's a special skill, I finally got it."

Zhou Chen answered immediately.

"By the way, you said your name is Li Guofu, do you know that Li Guoqiang?"

Zhou Chen remembered that the director of the Dragon Kingdom Survivors Administration Bureau was named Li Guoqiang, which was very similar to the name the person said, so he asked.

"Li Guoqiang is my brother."

In response, the young man answered straightforwardly.

"Are you interested in joining the bureau? Your strength is good, and the bureau lacks talent like you right now."

He then recruited Zhou Chen.

"I'll talk about it later..."

Zhou Chen was a little speechless, he didn't really want to join any organization.

"Hehe, you people just don't believe in organizations. In fact, organizations will not harm you. I believe you will figure this out one day."

The camouflage youth smiled at Zhou Chen's tactful refusal.

"What do you think of the task of survival this time?"

He then asked Zhou Chen this key question again.

"Find a place to live first! If you have spare capacity, build a shelter to increase your reward... This time the survival time is too long, so you have to choose a place."

Zhou Chen noticed that the survival time this time was as long as one year, and there was a side mission to establish a shelter.


The young man in camouflage nodded when he heard.

"I have the same idea as you...but I will try my best to explore this world, and I may need your help then...this world should be on the side of science and technology, and the bureau currently attaches great importance to the research and development of this kind of world... If you find or obtain some technological items that you don’t want, you can tell me and I will hand them in on your behalf. Then you can also get rewards from many countries..."

He told Zhou Chen a lot about the delivery of scientific and technological items, and emphasized that the Dragon Kingdom has a great demand for such items at present, and the rewards after delivery are also great.

"Okay, I see."

Zhou Chen understands this. As an official, this person has a heavy burden of responsibility. It is normal to want to develop him into an external member, and his attitude is not radical. He only asks Zhou Chen to let him look down on it. It didn’t say everything turned in all such things.

"The technological world... I feel that it has limited meaning to me..."

Zhou Chen has a demand for technological items. For example, a few firearms are always excellent, but he knows that his basic skills are the acquisition of passive skills, martial arts, and the practice of card maker. If these things develop well, they will not lose out. Science and technology are still their own power.

"There seems to be an aboriginal living area ahead..."

At this time, the young man in camouflage clothes took out a telescope to observe from a distance,

"Their living quarters are surrounded by iron fences, and there are two fully armed guards at the big iron gate. We'd better not rush over..."

He observed for a few seconds, then judged.