Using the Happy Land City Pass Card he had just obtained, Zhou Chen took a flying car to the outside of the urban gathering area, that is, on the wilderness.

Lucy also followed, saying that she was going to practice with him.

The reason why Zhou Chen chose to practice in this wilderness where monsters wandered was because he would use the true power of the eight wilderness to cause damage to the surroundings from time to time during his practice, and the destructive power and range would increase with the increase of his skill, so he didn’t It is suitable to be carried out in urban agglomeration areas.

At this time, Zhou Chen had jumped out of the flying car with Lucy, an intelligent robot girl, and came to the wilderness.

Zhou Chen randomly found a no-man’s area and began to practice the basic moves of the Eight Desolate Panlong Mysterious Techniques. He ran his Eight Desolate True Powers as stated on the jade slip over and over again, and from time to time he would hit the nearby palms or punches. , Conduct a practical test.

Lucy did not disturb Zhou Chen's practice. She imitated Zhou Chen's movements from a distance, and attacked nearby in a decent manner like Zhou Chen, but the result was completely different. Her attack was just a flowery, and Zhou Chen's Every move and every style has great power, and occasionally a monster wandering here will be targeted by Zhou Chen, and then killed in a single blow.

After such a period of time, Lucy stopped imitating Zhou Chen. She started to play freely nearby, sometimes taking out a pistol to shoot nearby monsters.

Time soon arrived at night, and night fell, Zhou Chen was not ready to go back, he was planning to practice all night.

"Lucy, it's getting dark, go back first."

Zhou Chen felt that Lucy wanted to play with herself and let her breathe out. Now that she has been playing for so long, she can return.

"Okay, Captain, I happen to have a module that needs to be updated when I go back."

Lucy was obviously tired too, and agreed to Zhou Chen's arrangement.

Soon, Zhou Chen used his pass card to make an appointment with her for a flying car, and asked her to go back first, and he was going to go back tomorrow after a whole night of training.

After a while, the flying car arrived as promised, Lucy climbed up through the suspended ladder, and the pass card in Zhou Chen's pocket also made Teresa's voice:

"Li, please go back to the headquarters office as soon as possible. There has been an emergency and there are important things to discuss with you."

"What kind of emergency?"

Zhou Chen couldn't help but wonder.

"Come here and talk, please as soon as possible."

Teresa didn't answer him in detail, she hung up the communication as soon as she was notified.

"Is something urgent really happened?"

Zhou Chen felt something abnormal, he decisively jumped into the flying car that was still nearby, and began to return to Paradise City in advance.

Before long, he and Lucy returned to the starting point, at the entrance of the exploration team building.

Lucy quickly said goodbye to him and went to work on his own affairs. He turned to find the headquarters and entered the office where he had been once before.

In this office at this time, besides Teresa and the old man he knew, there were also several people. There were men and women. They were mostly middle-aged. They were watching something in front of a computer, and their faces were a little stern. .

"What happened?"

Zhou Chen walked over and asked Teresa who was standing outside the crowd.

Teresa heard his voice and immediately turned to him and said:

"Our unmanned reconnaissance aircraft discovered that a natural disaster-level monster had escaped from the heavily polluted area and was coming here."

She frowned, her beautiful face with a trace of worry.

This was the first time Zhou Chen saw this expression on her face, which made him realize that it was a little difficult to handle.

"Scourge-level monster? Is it strong? Can't be solved by thermal weapons?"

Zhou Chen then asked her that he didn't know much about this and could only speculate based on their reaction.

Zhou Chen knew that they had a lot of powerful weapons in their hands, and the things that made them feel thorny must be the existence of ordinary heat weapons.

"It's hard to solve."

Teresa nodded, with long smooth blonde hair.

"Scourge-level monsters have abilities similar to our mutants. They are not afraid of ordinary heat weapons and can resist heavy bombs. Some of them cannot even be damaged by nuclear bombs... They leave strong pollution wherever they go, ordinary people If we encounter it, we will die or be distorted directly, and we mutants can't touch too much..."

Teresa introduced Zhou Chen to the characteristics of the next natural disaster-level monster, letting him know the seriousness of the situation.

"So difficult? So what are you going to do?"

Being able to resist the existence of a nuclear bomb, Zhou Chen felt that he would definitely not be able to deal with it, so he asked.

Teresa did not answer his question directly, but continued to introduce the characteristics of the natural disaster-level monster:

"According to the information we have collected, natural disaster-level monsters seem to be interested in mutants. They will actively attack mutants that appear around them... So I want to go with you, try to attract its attention from a distance, and change it. Trajectory of action..."

Teresa told her plan.

"It sounds very dangerous."

Zhou Chen felt unreliable when he heard this plan. Using himself as a bait to attract an invincible monster was the way to die.

"Indeed it is……"

Teresa did not deny Zhou Chen's judgment.

"But apart from this method, there is no way to save the city... The monster is expected to arrive here tomorrow morning. Even if we evacuate, it will be too hasty. A large amount of materials cannot be transported away. The people will lose their existing production materials. You will get into trouble... and the place to evacuate is also a problem. Only this area is left in the less polluted area nearby. Forcible evacuation can easily lead to a large number of people being exposed to pollution..."

Teresa talked about the necessity of the induction plan, and then she frankly said to Zhou Chen:

"I know this plan is dangerous, so if you don't want to, I can understand it."

"If I don't go, you will go over and carry out this plan alone?"

Zhou Chen questioned at this time.

"Yes, if I was the only one, I would be less attractive to the monster, but it might also be successful."

Teresa answered without thinking.

"You really love this happy land city, you don't even care about your own life?"

Zhou Chen felt that this woman's mental state was extraordinary.

"Not so exaggerated,"

Teresa shook her head after listening.

"I just want to do my best to maintain this city. After all, this is where I grew up... If things are really irreparable, I won't die in vain."

She then looked at Zhou Chen,

"As long as you help, as a reward for this action, Happy Land City can meet any of your requirements...Then, let's talk about your decision."

"I can't really make a decision yet, because I haven't seen the monster with my own eyes."

Zhou Chen thought for a while and wanted to answer.

"But I tend to give up this plan because it sounds too dangerous..."

After seeing the real dragon in Baiyujing last time, Zhou Chen felt that he had changed a little bit, because he had seen the power that could not be resisted, and knew that there are some powers in this world that must be awed, at least before he has enough strength.