After discussing with Teresa for a while, Zhou Chen decided to accompany her to implement the induction plan.

The main reason he went was to see what a natural disaster-level monster is, and to deepen his understanding of the world.

Soon, under the load of a flying car, the two of them headed to the direction where the monster attacked.

The reason for this urgency is that time is precious nowadays. If you can approach the monster earlier to execute the plan, you will know the result earlier. If it fails, people in the rear will have more time to evacuate.

In this operation, at the request of Teresa, the speed of the flying car was maximized, so they only took more than an hour to get close to the target.

"Just stop here and wait for us, you may be polluted any closer."

After saying a word with the driver of the flying car, Teresa and Zhou Chen each took a suspension motorcycle out of the carriage, preparing to drive the suspension motorcycle by themselves to finish the rest of the distance.

At this time, in front of them was an endless wilderness. There were weeds, rocks, all kinds of garbage, and a few broken buildings from the pre-disaster era, but there was no scary monster in the wilderness.

"According to the feedback from the headquarters, the monster is currently about thirty kilometers ahead. Let's rush over."

Teresa told Zhou Chen the approximate distance, and then drove her suspension motorcycle to its maximum power, and took the lead towards the monster.

Zhou Chen followed closely and quickly became familiar with the operation of the suspension motorcycle.

"I haven't seen anyone drive this floating motorcycle in Paradise City. It must be a rare item... The technical value of this thing should not be low. Li Guofu would definitely be interested when he saw it..."

This is the first time for Zhou Chen to see and drive a suspended motorcycle. I feel that this vehicle is quite good, with a windy shape, fast speed, and can adapt to any terrain. If it is sold at Bluestar, it must be very marketable.

After running with Teresa for about five minutes on a floating motorcycle, Zhou Chen gradually felt the changes in the nearby area:

In the field of vision illuminated by the floating motorcycle headlights, all the ground gradually became dry and cracked, and a faint black gas was faintly emerging from the cracks. He felt a more obvious discomfort when driving on such a ground.

"We are very close to the disaster-grade monster that day, and we can see it right away. The monster has already polluted it and has become a severe disaster area. We can't stay for more than 30 minutes. We must make a quick fight."

Teresa turned her head and said to Zhou Chen who was aside.


Zhou Chen nodded heavily. Although he hadn't seen the monster now, he already felt some bad feelings in his body, and the route of running had already begun to be planned.

After this brief exchange, only about half a minute later, Zhou Chen suddenly felt a strong pressure. He raised his head and looked forward. In the dark vision field of vision, he saw a slow motion on the distant horizon. The moving huge hideous figure.

It seems to be a towering giant tree. Its main trunk is strong and towering into the clouds. The main trunk stretches out a large number of hideous branches around. The branches are bare, dangling like the devil's minions, looking quite As terrifying.

"Is that a tree monster? This size is too exaggerated..."

At this moment, Zhou Chen forcibly stopped the levitating bike, unwilling to get close to the monster far in the distance.

"Lee! Let's go over there! Induce it to change direction!"

When Zhou Chen stopped, Teresa turned her floating motorcycle head and drove quickly to the side.

Zhou Chen didn't hesitate to follow up immediately after seeing this, because he could see that Teresa was still more cautious and didn't get too close to the monster.

And since he is here, he has to help make up the number.

In fact, Zhou Chen knew that he could only make up the number when he came, because there was a key point Teresa didn't know: he was not a mutant.

So if the terrifying tree monster slowly moving in an unknown way in the distance really likes hunting mutants, it should have no interest in him.

Following Teresa, the two ran to the side of the direction of travel of the terrifying tree monster on their own suspended motorcycles, keeping a distance of about a thousand meters from the extension of its branches, and then began to observe its reaction.

At this distance, Zhou Chen could see most of the branches of the terrifying tree monster. They were twisted and twisted with barbeds. Many of the barbs were still hung with fleshy or unknown debris, looking from a distance as if one could move. The hanging garbage dump exudes a stench.

In addition to the stench, the monster's whole body also exudes a wide range of almost suffocating pressure. People with high perceptions like Zhou Chen feel very keen on this pressure, and feel that their breathing seems to be a little different. Unblocked.

"This monster is not something I can deal with now."

After observing a few times over a thousand meters away, Zhou Chen was sure that this was a terrible monster that he couldn't afford to provoke, and it was worthy of a natural disaster-level existence.

"Li, it seems to ignore our existence, let's get closer."

Teresa was obviously a little uncomfortable at this time, her original white face became a little pale, her lips had faded a little, and she was obviously suffering from greater pressure and pain than Zhou Chen.

"Theresa, don't force yourself too much, it's too dangerous to do so."

Zhou Chen shook his head slightly at this moment. Although the huge moving monster has ignored their signs, no one can say what will happen if they get closer. At that distance, they feel more oppressed and run away. The difficulty is also greater.

"I must try again."

Seeing Zhou Chen's unwillingness to go, Teresa turned the head of the floating motorcycle and rushed to the huge moving tree monster alone one kilometer away.

But she didn't sprint all the time, she only drew more than a hundred meters away from the monster and then turned to move parallel to it again.

Zhou Chen gritted his teeth when he saw it, and drove a suspension motorcycle to follow, because he felt that a woman would dare to do this, and he had no reason to be timid.

After Zhou Chen passed by, once again kept pace with Teresa, while driving the suspension motorcycle while observing the monster's reaction.

"Still no response..."

After dozens of seconds, they confirmed that the giant tree monster that was moving forward was still not interested in them not far away, as if they hadn't found them.

"Let's evacuate... The inducement plan failed..."

On the levitation motorcycle, Teresa, who was pale and had difficulty breathing, did not pull her distance from the monster again as Zhou Chen wanted, but instead announced the failure of her plan.

"It seems that she is more sensible."

Zhou Chen felt a little relieved when he saw it, because he didn't want this partner's vitality to lose his life. Although they are still a kilometer away from the monster, with the opponent's size and strength, this distance is already very dangerous. Even if some caused an attack from the other side, it would be difficult for them to escape and implement an inducement plan.