"Cunning! She is cunning!"

The young man then rushed to the bus door, ready to press the emergency button beside the door to open the door and escape.

But before he could reach the door, he was forcibly held back.

It was Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang, who had a bandage on his head, rushed over and intercepted him.

"You calm down!"

Uncle Wang yelled at him, and then he pointed at the woman on the seat,

"What's wrong with her?! You must have been confused just now! This is a tricky conspiracy! If you open the door, everyone will be finished!"

Uncle Wang's voice was so loud that the panicked young man quickly regained his senses.

He immediately turned his head to look at the woman before, and saw that she was shrinking in his seat with a look of fear, where is the strange appearance from before?

"Heh... Uncle Wang, I was tricked. I'll pay attention next time."

When the young man saw this, he still didn't know what was going on before. The hallucinations like this are the best tricks of the monsters, but this kind of trick is too realistic, and even people like him who have seen monsters are prone to panic. .

Or it was precisely because he had seen the bewitching and knew that the bewitching was too strong to resist, so he was even more shy, and it was difficult to calm down in such a situation.

"Well, don't panic when you encounter hallucinations. The tricky use of hallucinations means that it can't hurt us, and we are very safe."

Uncle Wang, who had a bandage on his head, nodded to the young man, and then he went straight to the gate of the bus, preparing to prevent someone from being bewitched by a monster to open the door.

When he first started guarding the gate, the two turmoils in the bus were relatively calm, and all the passengers were sitting quietly, and it seemed that nothing special happened.

But two minutes later, the situation in the bus suddenly changed, and many people seemed to have hallucinations and began to become restless.

I saw a middle-aged man left his seat and rushed to the door.

"My wife and kids are outside! They're going to be surrounded by monsters outside! I'm going to get them in the car!"

He hurriedly said to the middle-aged man guarding the door, then reached out his hand to press the emergency door opening button.

But Uncle Wang, who is also a middle-aged man, opened his hand,

"It's an illusion! It's an illusion! Your wife and children can't come here! Wake me up!"

He then put his hands on the middle-aged man's shoulders and shook it vigorously, shouting to him.

But what he didn't know was that in the eyes of this middle-aged man who was stopped by him, his image had changed, his face had changed into a look of indifference, and his words had also changed:

"Your wife and children should be left out and sacrificed! You should think about everyone!"

So the middle-aged man who was stopped by Uncle Wang suddenly broke out. He immediately pushed Uncle Wang away with all his strength, and pressed the emergency door button with his palm.

But fortunately, Uncle Wang's response was also very quick. He was pushed away and before he could pull someone, he kicked the middle-aged man's knee and kicked him to the ground without touching the button with his palm.

"Why do you want my wife and children to sacrifice! You despicable villain!"

The middle-aged man became even more angry after being kicked down, and soon began to fight with Uncle Wang who had already come up.

Wang Shuben was injured, and he was at a disadvantage in this fight, so he had to call for help:

"Don't look at all of you! Come and help!"

He tried his best to stop the middle-aged man, carrying his beatings and shouting to everyone in the car.

But when he glanced into the car from the corner of his eyes, he saw that the people in the car were now standing on their seats, all of them looking at him with sarcasm, their eyes full of ridicule, how could there be any intention to help?

Even the unity of these people's expressions and the evil in their eyes made Uncle Wang's heart suddenly agitate: Are they all tricks? ! Is this car all weird? !

"No! It's impossible! It must be an illusion!"

After a moment of panic, Uncle Wang regained his composure and continued to block the man while shouting for help, ignoring the strange state of the people in the car that he saw.

In fact, Uncle Wang really guessed right. The strange scene he saw just now was indeed an illusion. In fact, there were not many people standing in the car now, and each one was in different states. Some looked out of the window in horror, some Some are constantly scanning the situation in the car, and some simply close their eyes and keep muttering something in their mouths, as if they are chanting scriptures.

But they have one thing in common, that is, they can't see the scuffle between Uncle Wang and the middle-aged man at the car door. In their eyes, Uncle Wang and the middle-aged man are chatting enthusiastically with their shoulders on their shoulders.

"Brother He, don't stand still, go and persuade him to fight!"

Zhou Chen was originally observing the situation outside the car window at this time, but he heard Uncle Wang's call, turned his head and saw that no one was paying attention, then frowned and asked He Jin, a young man with glasses sitting outside, to help Uncle Wang. .

However, He Jin felt very strange to hear what he said. He looked around the car and then looked at Zhou Chen,

"Brother Zhou, who do I persuade to fight? Although the car is a little messy now, no one is fighting."

As soon as he said this, Zhou Chen, who had already turned his head to look out of the car window, suddenly felt abnormal. He instantly judged that these people were all confused by hallucinations, and as a person with high spiritual attributes and perseverance, he was immune to passive skills. this effect.

"Yes, you are all confused by hallucinations, sit down and I will deal with it."

Turning his head and looking at the car door, Zhou Chen realized that Uncle Wang was no longer able to stop the middle-aged man, so he jumped out of his seat, reached the aisle, and rushed to the car door instantly, punching him casually. He knocked out the middle-aged man who rushed to the door and relieved Uncle Wang of the crisis.

"Finally! Someone finally came to help!"

Uncle Wang sat directly on the ground after receiving Zhou Chen's support. He was already injured, and he had consumed too much energy in the fight just now, and his body could no longer stand up.

"Go back to your seat, I'll guard here."

Zhou Chen saw him like this, and immediately let him go back and asked himself to replace him.

This is because after the observation just now, he found that the strange things outside the car should not be underestimated. It is likely to be a huge disaster to let them in. Even Zhou Chen himself can't stand it, so this door is very important, it must be kept Disabled.

This is actually a negligence of Zhou Chen. If this Uncle Wang hadn't stood here just now and didn't let anyone open the car door, Zhou Chen would have been in a hard fight now, and the other people here might have been wiped out in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, this kind of work is still left to you young people to do."

Uncle Wang, who was sitting on the ground, immediately agreed to Zhou Chen's request, stood up slowly, and accepted it.

He had been in contact with Zhou Chen, and knew that Zhou Chen was a newcomer, and this newcomer was very special. Yesterday, he saved him and a female resident, and blew up four tattooed strong men.

Although his methods are very cruel, Uncle Wang is happy to see such a situation. In this apartment, any unsettled factors should be dealt with by the most violent means, and mother-in-law and mother-in-law are prone to endless disasters.

As for why Zhou Chen is so powerful, he doesn't care at all. Everyone has secrets. In this strange world, is it difficult for some strange people to appear? As long as he doesn't make trouble, the stronger he is, the better.

Soon, Uncle Wang, whose head bandages were broken during the previous fight, returned to his seat, while Zhou Chen faced the car door and observed the outside through the small glass window in the middle of the car door.

As for the middle-aged man who was knocked unconscious by him not far from his feet, no one cares. It is better for this man to be in a coma, at least he is not worried about his bad things.

"Big brother! Open the door and let me in! Those monsters are coming! I don't want to be eaten by them!"

At this time, outside the small glass window in the middle of the car door, Zhou Chen saw a pitiful little girl running along the car door, begging to him, looking very pitiful.

Zhou Chen, who was observing her in the car door, felt very speechless.

"I won't say how outrageous it is that a little girl suddenly appears in the barren mountains and ridges outside. How can you make me believe that you are a person if you can run with this bus?"

But for Zhou Chen's ruthless complaints, the little girl outside the car door was still running and begging pitifully, as if she was really a little girl who was locked out and urgently needed Zhou Chen to open the door to save her.

This kind of situation made Zhou Chen look a little unhappy. He hated being played with the most, so he approached the window and said to the outside:

"Get away from me, you idiot! Don't pretend to be here! Then pretend I'm going to kill you!"

As soon as his words came out, the little girl outside the small window of the car door was stunned for a moment, as if she did not expect Zhou Chen to have such a reaction.

But soon, she seemed to have a flash in her head, and she approached the car door and provoked Zhou Chen in the car:

"Then come out! Come out and beat me! Weak human beings!"

The little girl's image has not changed, but her demeanor has undergone a huge change. It is no longer the pitiful look that she had just now. Instead, she has a wicked smile on her face, which looks like a special evil feeling.

"Hehe, want to provoke me to open the door and go out?"

Looking at the creepy girl outside the small window of the car door, the corner of Zhou Chen's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

In the past, if he wanted to fight this monster, he really had to open the car door to go out, or break the car door open, but now he has two options without opening the door.

One is to use the mirror jump to go outside, and the other is to send Xiaohong.

After thinking for a while in his heart, Zhou Chen instructed Xiaohong through spiritual contact: You hide in the car door, whoever wants to go out will stun him.

Then Zhou Chen was ready to go outside to deal with the monster.

However, at this time, he noticed that someone seemed to want to open the window through the perception of blood thirst, so he turned around and looked around. The window let beauty monsters come in.

However, this person has not completely fallen, and it can be clearly seen that he still has some concerns and struggles, and the action of opening the window has not really been completed.

As for the other passengers beside him, they didn't notice him in this state at all. They seemed to be blinded by the strange power and didn't notice the danger around him.

"Xiaohong, go and stun the person who wants to open the window first! The same goes for other people who have a tendency to open windows or open doors!"

As Zhou Chen gave the red-clothed female ghost an order in his spiritual connection, a scarlet light suddenly shot out from the ring on his left hand, and instantly reached the young man who was bewildered by the beauty and strangeness, and then stunned him with a claw. .

The strange beauty outside the car window saw Xiaohong coming, a look of surprise appeared on her face, and then quickly turned to resentment, as if she wanted to kill Xiaohong who stole his prey with her eyes.

But how could Xiaohong pay attention to it? It only had Zhou Chen's instructions in her heart. It turned into a red light and returned to the car door to hide. At the same time, she secretly observed the situation in the car.

During the whole process, none of the passengers in the car noticed its existence, because its speed was too fast, and even those who happened to observe it could only see a red light flashing away, and they would only think that they were dazzled.

At this time, at the door of the car, except for Xiaohong who was hiding, there was no one else. After Zhou Chen had told Xiaohong just now, he jumped through the mirror to reach the door, and fought against the strange girl.

He didn't do this on a whim, but he had long been thinking about going outside to touch these monsters, but only now did he make up his mind.

As soon as he got outside the car door, Zhou Chen smashed his fist into the weird girl who had sold the miserable and then ridiculed it, and punched it in the head.

In the face of his sudden appearance, after a moment of surprise, Miss Wei quickly showed a look of sarcasm on her face. It didn't dodge, and directly used her head to hit Zhou Chen's fist.

Zhou Chen immediately found that his fist touched the head of this strange girl, and then fell in like a phantom.

"Is this an evil spirit?"

Seeing this, Zhou Chen felt a little surprised.

He just thought that this creepy girl was a real creep, because it couldn't get into the car, and if it was an evil spirit, it should go in casually.

Now, it seems that Zhou Chen underestimated the passenger car that was called a strange car by the Scarlet Apartment. This strange car should have strong resistance, which can isolate the entry of external evil spirits, and allow it to have similar abilities of evil spirits. Zhou Chen went out.

It is understandable that the strange car has this characteristic. The passengers it carries are basically ordinary people. If it cannot stop the external evil spirits, then everyone in this mission will be destroyed on the road, and there is no hope of life at all.

Zhou Chen's punch fell into the girl's head like a phantom, but it didn't mean that it didn't cause any damage. Zhou Chen had the passive skill of evil touch, and this kind of contact immediately made the girl suffer a high amount of energy. Injury, it let out a groan, and flashed to the side.

"Hehe, did you know how to hide now?"

And Zhou Chen had already anticipated this monster's reaction, and his body flashed to catch up, and he punched the monster's head again, triggering the mental damage of Touch of Evil for the second time.

But this time, the weird girl didn't care anymore, her small hand instantly transformed into a crimson claw, grabbing at Zhou Chen's heart.

Zhou Chen immediately slanted his body, causing the position of the ghost claw to deviate, but because the opponent's speed was too fast, he was still hit, leaving three **** scars on his ribs.

"This monster's attack power is comparable to that of the previous red-clothed monster... I might have to work hard to kill it."

When injured, Zhou Chen is not panicked, his body recovery ability is very strong, and even the injury will give him a layer of rage, instantly doubling his recovery ability.

What he was worried about was that this monster was very powerful, and it would not be easy for him to kill the opponent, and there were more than one monsters nearby. They were flocking to him now, which made him feel a lot of pressure.